What's the best NON Variable optic for a 12.5" barrel?
EOTech XPS line or a fixed x3 prism sight.
Acog + rmr
Why are you running a SB brace and a vertical foregrip?
To be compliant with federal law and skirt local law
ATF already outlaws vertical foregrips on pistols. If your rifle is SBR'd you should just throw on a real stock.
This might be somewhat skirting the requirement, but a reputable red dot and a 3x magnifier.
If the overall length is over 26 inches it is considered a non-pistol "firearm" and can have the vert grip
>If the overall length is over 26 inches it is considered a non-pistol "firearm" and can have the vert grip
26" with a 12.5" barrel?
Hit the nail on the head
You’re an idiot.
>Have people been charged for illegally constructing an SBR? Yes.
>Has anyone solely been charged with putting a vfg on a pistol? No.
And you're a retard if you risk federal charges over something so meaningless. Just do a slightly angled one and cover your ass.
It is doable. ATF procedure for measuring OAL is to measure with the stock fully extended.
Not anymore for pistols, as braces no longer count for OAL.
So braces dont count for OAL? That nukes all of this
Intended for
the buffer tube does
Yes. But you can’t fully extend a brace and count it toward OAL like with a stock.
As long as from buffer tube to barrel minus flash hider is >26" we're giggity
12.5" barrel like OP's wouldn't cut it
Not true, pic related is a 11.5 so 12.5 would easily be 27” OAL
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the reciever set and a standard carbine length buffer tube, which is what the SBA3 braces were designed to be on, is about 14inches. Considering the part of the barrel that goes into the upper receiver is the extention, which isn't really counted in the barrel length cause the bolt face is past it, a 12.5inch barrel would probably just make it.
That line is slack
It might. My personal opinion is its too fucking close to try. All it takes is one asshole agent to fuck up your day
>That line is slack
Yeah he should have used his third hand to hold the other end of the tape, huh?
I think I found the asshole agent
It’s just at 26” when there is no slack I assure you. You get the point thought. 11.5 is basically 26 OAL so 12.5 is Gtg
Also, what he said
Better faggot?
Can you just use a stanley construction unit instead of your wife's waist band?
Ching Chong
Not worth my time. Not gonna walk down the basement to further prove to you it’s 26”
You dont own a proper tape measure. Kek
You don't walk down to the basement. You wall up out of it. Kek
Fellow Connecticuck resident i see
Oh man, perfect burn. Would have been just perfect. Except...
No one else understands
You can hit 26" oal with a 10.5.
Get an A5 buffer system on there and you're double good.
Also where did you get that other, it looks pretty nice, ive been looking around for a better one lately
How, pin and weld?
There are some long buffer tube options.
A5 buffer adds an inch I think. Another option is a law folder