I have been ground squirrel hunting lately and invited my friend

I have been ground squirrel hunting lately and invited my friend.
We were both using .22 caliber rifles and then he went out and got a .17 HMR

The confirmed kill and body recovery rate on squirrels for him went way up after getting the 17

The squirrels are generally very close to their holes, so if you don't kill them instantly with the .22 they have time to run back into their holes.

I am going to try to dial in my 10/22 as much as possible and only take headshots to see if I can up my body recovery rate, but if not should I get a .17 HMR or a different caliber like .223 that I could also use for Coyotes?

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If you're hitting a squirrel and it's crawling away then you're using the wrong ammo. Hollow points, bro.

I'll get some of those CCI Varmint rounds and see if it helps. It just seem's like the .17 makes them blow up.

It's by an apple orchard and if we both shoot an apple one will make a hole, the other explodes.

>not picking them off in mid air while they're jumping from tree to tree with 12 gague bird shot

Dont the 22 bounce in the squirrel body?

There is a better way.

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hollow points make a fucking HUGE difference.

>It's by an apple orchard and if we both shoot an apple one will make a hole, the other explodes.
No shit. the .17 has a much higher velocity. You, however, can make up for that by using expanding ammo.

You don't need a new gun, you just need to stop being retarded regarding your ammo selection.

They're ground squirrels that are mostly up on a ridge, but they're all over this orchard area so we never see them in trees. I did get one with my 12 gauge bird shot that was by a little pond thing the other day.

Here's one I got with the .22

Attached: squirrel.jpg (532x737, 127K)

Ah! The bouncing .22 myth

Outta curiosity, what're yall hunting them for? Food, varmint repelling, or just fun?

You know, i saw where you said ground squirrel and still posted this like a retard. You see, up here in Appalachia, squirrels don't touch the ground.

You look like a fucking loser bud

Rate by ground squirrel gear.

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Fun with the side benefit of varmint repelling.

I would eat one if I had to, but apparently they have parasites.

I work for a fruit company and asked one of the orchard owners if he'd let me shoot the pests in his orchard and he drew me a map of where they hang out.

Also it's out on the Indian Reservation here and I called the tribal council wildlife line, they told me the ground squirrels out here are an invasive species from California and to kill as many as I can.

Welcome to Jow Forums faggot lol I’m sure you look super cool

>You don't need a new gun
You shut your whore mouth! He does so need a new gun. At least 2 or 3.

Needs a couple packs of Winstons or Pall Malls.

Right? Every time i buy a new gun it's already time to buy a new gun

Why do kikes constantly try to derail threads

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Based, continue user

Theres really no reason to get .17 hmr when .17 wsm exists. Ammo is just as cheap. Also good for yotes

faggots. squirrels did nothing to you.


>17 wsm exists.
I was just reading about .17 wsm.. It seems pretty cool. Couldn't find many guns chambered in it.

Even .22 LR HP isn't enough to drop a squirrel everytime.

Not nearly as much ammo selection as the hmr. If you're going up to the wsm you might as well get a .204

>Even .22 LR HP isn't enough to drop a squirrel everytime.
Stop shooting them in the tail

Sure there is. Ammo availability.
.17 HMR is much easier to find than .17 WSM is.

I've never used .17 HMR but the fudd at cal ranch showed me pictures of the groundhogs he got with his and the varmint rounds he got for it and it made a mess of these critters. The exit wounds were devastating.

Maybe try a different kind of round or make the switch yourself.

I live in the open west and it's almost impossible to get close to them.

Most shots here are closer to 200 yards. That's why we use .223 or .204 or .22-250 and high magnification optics.

since you said california

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Fair enough, if you have to shoot at that kind of range I agree .22 LR is inadequate.

The GOPHERS, you idiot- not the GOLFERS!!!

40gr vmax is a perfect squirrel cartridge with great ballistics

go commit die and stop shitting up my beloved Jow Forums

I heard the myth irl a couple weeks ago.
I work with a bunch of fudds. Some are great hunters and some are dirt shooting dorks.
Overheard a coworker say "I'd rather get shot with .300 win mag than a .22, the win mag will go right through you but the .22 will enter and change directions and bounce around inside your torso

that looks expensive. never heard of it.

We take it seriously out here. It's really challenging to hit a 2-3" wide moving target at long distance and it's made me really good at range estimating and holdovers. The best rounds are super fast and light so you get explosive expansion and easier holdovers. I normally go out with a .17hmr for the rare shot inside ~150y, a .204 for 150-300, and a 6mm for anything beyond that.

My neighbor even built a trailer with built in shooting benches.

Yeah, I've heard of the sport before and am somewhat familiar with it. I can see how that would be a ton of fun.

Things that never happened for 500 Alex

dont post pictures of anyone you care about on Jow Forums

it is and inaccurate too

dude looks like he would try to pick up an 11 year old from cheerleading practice


can find loadings for .22 easily, but prob works better with .22 hornet or .223

dude looks like the easy guy that will buy you drinks for hitting on him at the gay bar

This. People that like murder machines are a minority. No way that sicko works with other sickos. Blue wave 2020 we will be able to anonymously red flag these sick fucks mentioning firearms at work without fear of retribution of being senselessly massacred for doing what's common sense.

I've personally found these to be extremely lackluster performers. The best for rapid explosive expansion is far and away Hornady VMAX. Next is Federal V-Shock and Nosler Varmageddon.


Not to say the Barnes didn't group well. They did. But the VMAX shoots just as accurate in my rifles but also expands. Violently expands as you can see.

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what caliber is this?

We, don't touch them; you're gonna get fleas


6mm Creedmoor from around 285 yards.

58gr VMAX going just under 4000 fps lmao

I've been picking off ground squirrels and Chipmunks for years. I've been using match ammo lately because I get a little better accuracy with it. Despite popular belief, .22 rat shot Al's works well, in close ranges, and prevents damage to gardens and structures.

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based and Carl Spackler-pilled.

>body recovery
>.17 HMR
doubt, .17 explodes squirrels

california ground squirrels are invasive and are prolific across the west

poast physique nigger

Arent wsm cases used in certain nail guns making it just as cheap and available? Thats what i was told by my uncle.

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.17 also has explosive tipped varmint rounds, maybe he's using that shit

.410 singleshot with winchester super x

zip it retard. they are the niggers of the ecosystem

There's no semiautos in .17 wsm

People ITT dont seem to realize just how STRONG the average squirrel is. I have shot them center mass with a 10mm auto out of a 14 inch barrel and they still kept moving for a full minute afterwards. You have no idea how long a minute is until you see a bloody shredded carcass screaming like a baby whistle hooked up to a compressor and jerking semi randomly toward you. In relative sizes that would be like a rino getting hit with a 155mm shell and still moving.

Squirrels are pound for pound the toughest game animals by FAR.

Very low quality bait

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>You see, up here in Appalachia, squirrels don't touch the ground.
You must be in a different Appalachia than me. Most of the tree squirrels I shoot are on the ground.

Theres only one in .17 hmr. OP is holding a bolt action

>ground squirrels out here are an invasive species from California and to kill as many as I can.
Getting paid to murder invaders from Commiefornia.

What could be more Jow Forums?

Ruger used to make one too. So there's really 2

cut down enough trees, they are all ground squirrels

i cant stop laughin

Can you collect their furs & sell em?

.17 HMR works great for ground squirrels, especially at longer ranges where the .22LR starts dropping off.

If you're into reloading/wildcatting their are plenty of cases based off the .22 Hornet like the Squirrels/Minks that work excellently for squirrels up to chucks.

Attached: 20 Squirrel, 22 Squirrel, 17 Mink, 20 Mink, 22 Mink, 22 Hornet.jpg (581x423, 38K)

WSM was indeed designed off the geometry of a nailgun blank.

That doesn't mean shit about their cost or availability though.

What are you gay or something?

>reloading rimfire

Obviously joking but I've seen some crazy squirrel action. Attempts to crawl back to a hole with 2 feet of guts trailing behind for example. Also they're brutal little cannibals. I've seen a pair fight each other over who got to eat a freshly exploded squirrel half.



Dude looks like the kind of guy who sits on the TV and watches the couch

I just have been getting really into varmint shooting and want the most effective cartridge to kill them with (without it being over kill) and I have seen .22 be a little lackluster.

>You look like a fucking loser bud

Newfag nogunz detected. Nobody thinks you're cool. Stop trying so hard.
While you're at it, how about you post a selfie, Fabio?

Attached: fabio.jpg (351x204, 30K)

If you're not eating them, this is the best call. Just disintegrate the poor little fuckers and be done with it

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>Squirrels are pound for pound the toughest game animals by FAR.


As a kid I once shot a squirrel with a 20ga mossberg that I had forgotten to take the buckshot out of the chamber. Despite the #4 buckshot vaporizing the entire lower half of his body and causing him to fall a good 20 feet out of a tree, the fucker crawled out into the brush and I had to track him down and shoot him again about a minute later, still crawling away as fast as he could with just his front paws. They really are tough little fuckers.

Based and gorepilled

>zip it retard. they are the niggers of the ecosystem
pretty sure those are the rednecks like you.

They're fluffy tree rats.

made me kek

post guns and post body

>tfw squirrel season starts on Sunday and you can barely wait
Thanks for the thread, user.

@0:56 "virtually vaporizes"
F little praire dogg

Don’t give up, user. You’ll eventually get the right one. It’s out there.

>I am going to try to dial in my 10/22 as much as possible and only take headshots to see if I can up my body recovery rate, but if not should I get a .17 HMR or a different caliber like .223 that I could also use for Coyotes?
are you 100% sure the caliber is the cause and not:
>physical prowess
>gear with better mobility
or any other variable that we can't see but you could since you were physically present?
because an advantage in anything i mentioned or slight advantage in a multitude of them is occam's razor for his better performance over caliber

see i'd rather not set off my neighborhoods car alarms at 6 in the morning when i see them fucking with my bird feeder. Also i'm already at war with the squirrels i don't want them to see me escalating things and suddenly i have IED's in my yard.

I mean, look at a .17 HMR and a .22LR. I won't say it's 100% caliber, but there's a lot of cartridge there.

why is k so goddamn cancerous tonight?
22 hp are 100% inferior to lead point unless it happens to hit bone. user, try real ammo if your not, or try shotguns.
the first squirrel i ever shot i was tripping on acid, still fucks with me, will never shoot the squirrels i see every day in my backyard again.

The varmint-kong will never know what hit them with a get up like that.