The year is 1958 and you are tasked to lead an expedition to Skull Island (2005 Peter Jackson version) funded by Howard Hughes. He wants to succeed where the 1932 expedition (for scenario purposes they never made it back to the US) did not and will provide any equipment and resources necessary to complete the mission and prove the island's existence. In this case he needs creatures as well as video and photographic evidence of anything you can't bring back, you will need to assemble a team equipped with whatever you deem necessary to survive the island and bring back the required cargo.
Skull Island Expedition
A shitload of bananas.
A shitload of tranquilizers.
Something chambered in .700 Ape Raper, just in case.
Things to bring:
4 LSTs, 2 with upper decks set up for helicopter operations, 1 set up to transport any live samples we capture
As many H-21s can be carried and operated from the 2 LSTs, for scouting and CASEVAC
4 M67 Flame Tanks
4 Centaur Bulldozers
6 Patton tanks
2 M74 tank recovery vehicles
20-30 M35 and M39 trucks, primarily for troop transport, including a few Tractor versions and trailers for live samples, and tankers for fuel replenishment.
Equipment to establish a research base ashore, with basic medical and veterinary capabilities, plus mess and lodging for expedition.
Crews for above
100-150 men with military experience, for security and general labor
Several experienced big game hunters
Veterinary Team, preferably with wild and large animal experience
Medical Team
Film Crews, preferably with combat experience.
Stores, supplies and ammunition for at least 6 weeks on station, plus trip to and from.
I would bring some halftracks for more mobility offroad plus quad 50s would fuck up just about anything on the island, I also considered the NS Savannah bc nuclear power but its not built until 1959
A biologist, an engineer, and a black man to sacrifice himself in case anything goes wrong
Just nuke the fucking thing
Sounds about good, maybe a couple hueys in case the h-21's are too big
What about small arms for the crew?
Any MG42?
>and a black man to sacrifice himself in case anything goes wrong
They always die the first time trouble shows up, though.
Hueys would have been fairly new at the time. I figured H-21s would have proven performance, more available spare parts, and easier to find trained maintainers.
I was thinking Garands and Browning 30 cals, but maybe Howard would want to save and buy kraut surplus. Also some .458 Lott Mauser rifles for the hunting parties.
user, its 1958, we can get M14s, same thing, bigger mag, quicker reloads.
What kind of SMGs, Grenades, and Rocket based systems?
How to deal with bugs?
Flame Tanks, and M3s Grease guns I guess. Garand loses out on capacity, but better power. This is a hunting trip, not expecting to need to utilize suppressing fire.
I need 1 (one) Davy Crockett nuclear weapon
4 warheads
1 Single Action Army in 44-40 as a treat for myself for being a good boy
Some Thompsons or Garands or whatever for my men, it doesn't matter, fuck em
>Garand loses out on capacity, but better power. This is a hunting trip, not expecting to need to utilize suppressing fire.
Not really, you lose almost no power but gain benefits for what little is.
More over you are hunting dangerous game...
Did you miss the 6 MBTs with coax and flexible MGs? It's 1958, the first year of production for the M14. If they can be aquired for a privately funded South Pacific Safari funded by a nutty rich dude, great, but Garands will do for individual weapons for general use.
No thank you on the m14 shit rifle, bastardized heavy piece of shit. You niggers still barely are able to mount a scope on that faggot ass looking stock you need to drop it in to "modernize" it.
Why not BARs or MP44s?
Or FALs and FN Mags for common ammo if using 308.
Only one choice.
Assuming 40 men
>10 Winchester Model 70s chambered in the then newly released .458 Winchester Magnum
>5 Double rifles chambered in .500 Nitro Express
>10 STG44s or AK47s depending on what we can get hold of
>15 M1 Garands with M7 grenade launchers and a fuck load of rifle grenades
This is solid.
Yes, buying time for the big tiddy blonde gorilla bait to get all lathered up in the camp shower. Black dude dies, blonde screams fetchingly and goes tear-assing off into the jungle, with nothing but an increasingly tattered towel for protection. Jeeze, user, you should know how this works by now.
considering the other expedition never came back, probably pretty basic stuff. maybe a few recon planes that make me nope the fuck out