Did he just declared Race War?

Did he just declared Race War?
Rude desu.

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go to bed, eric

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his best jokes was about "the alphabet people".... kek.

Redpilled opinion:

Dave is an accelerationist and is trying to kick the boogaloo into high gear

Well, Cali Republicans enacted gun control when the Black Panthers showed up armed to the teeth. So it just might work.

Just get rid of black people.

This is Dave's family.
Thoughts on these monstrosities?

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If I ever hear some fat incel say "boogaloo" near me I'm going to immediately sock him in the throat for being a cringey faggot.

The point of the joke was that if black people have guns, then the government will ban them

oh god yes. can't fucking wait. once T loses in 2020, it'll begin.

No you won’t. You’re being just as cringy saying you’ll “sock someone in the throat” for saying a word near you

This. Retards didn't even watch the special. Chappelle knows what's up. His opening joke was real af.

I believe the joke was that the govt won't get serious about gun control unless blacks start to open carry and shit. Which is historically accurate.

You're pathetic. And isn't this "los goblinos" stuff a joke about burgers being "mudbloods"? His family looks pretty "pureblooded" black.

And that bullshit aside, they look happy. Probably happier than you.

>Jow Forumstards hating on based Chapelle when he was just dropping redpills

Low IQ people should be taken away their internets.

lmao seething half gook.

The same sick fucks that are after Dave are also shitting up Jow Forums.

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Black people can't fucking disarm themselves in their own communities, how are they going to disarm 100,000,000 white people with 300,000,000 guns and 1,000,000,000 bullets?

Don't tell him what he will or won't do. It's super cringy.

>His family looks pretty "pureblooded" black.

Why are blacks so based on the homo question?

more like pureblooded Filipino

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Because Whites are inherently gay and weak.

why are black people so racist and provocative?


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Thanks, Mr. Samefag!

You'd think Dave of all people would recognize that the majority of gun violence is committed by and against black Americans.

The joke was that if black people start arming themselves racist whites will beg the government to take away our gun rights in order to disarm the bad blacks. Chill out, incels.

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He does. He spends half of the special making fun of poor white people, then openly admits he bought a house surrounded by poor whites addicted to heroin. He'd literally rather live next to white heroin addicts than niggers

havent watched but I hope youre right

Blows to throat can have pretty serious consequences. Assuming you're not kidding, violent (soon to be) felons like yourself are the last people who should be around guns.

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>didn’t even listen to the joke

Is this some kind of new meme or are you new?

Oh yeah, bro. Tons of Jow Forums posters running around punching people when their not online min-maxing over exactly what color light best shows off their BCG coating.

>nigger bait thread for people that dont know dave is actually based
>people bite
i shiggy diggy

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>Jow Forums posters running

Summer is almost over

This is probably taken out of context, Dave is usually a pretty cool dude

>If I ever hear some fat incel say "boogaloo" near me I'm going to immediately sock him in the throat for being a cringey faggot.
>i'm willingly going to open myself up to an asswhooping because of a word
Please do this.

yes. I suppose he's right.

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>Listen to a nigger
Wow I really hope you don't actually do stuff like that, user.

The second I saw a Vice article telling people to not watch it I knew it had to be good

No, he's just pointing recent gun laws were aimed at disarming legal black folks from owning firearms. Take a look at California, their entire modern anti-gun stance came about from blacks arming themselves and legally open carrying in that state, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act.

>oh no someone said something correct but I won't listen because he's a nigger
Sounds like something a dumb nigger would do.

ITT: people taking a sensationalized headline out of context

Please do it, I want to read about you getting speed holes by someone conceal carrying

They weren't "armed to the teeth", it was basically just shotguns and opening carrying near by police officers harassing blacks (justifying or not, with regards to leo's action) and also open carrying near government building.

Only like, 3 of them
Looks like you got hooked by the first post like OP the article

>comedian says something outrageous
>Jow Forums takes it way too seriously
Never change Jow Forums

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There has been a strange, unorganic push to call out anyone posting boogaloo or associated memes lately.

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It's never over because everyone has a smartphone and internet/data plans, they can shitpost whenever wherever.

>once T loses in 2020, it'll begin.
Right, and then they will really build the wall, make Mexico pay for it and lock up Hillary Clinton.

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While I think Chappelle is a great comic I fail to see the humor when everyone already knows black gangs are heavily armed.

maybe he means glow in the dark niggers or black people as in

black ops people
what the fuck does chappelle know is he warning americans ?

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There it is, right there.

kat williams said dave can walk away but they will make him look bad and crazy and that's what going

people here laugh but the big hollywood types and the government have paid trolls that make posts online and do other work it's like the 50 centers

Noticed that as well. Testing for a (you)


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No, he said the only way white people would get behind gun control was if black people started owning guns. Also that show was fucking hilarious.

>open carrying near government building.
>Don't need firearms, can't take on government

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its fucking hilarious.

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We don't know the context of that sentence.

Maybe what he was saying was :

>In order to "disarm" the whites, us blacks must start to get our shit together and act like civilized human beings. Once done the criminality will drastically lowers and whites will no longer feel the need to be strapped.

Just my naive thought.

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That's what occurred that broke the camel's back, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act. Blame the white folks, CA was majority white at this point in time, for trying to disarm legal citizens.

Unbased and blue pilled. America Balkanizing would only lead to ruin, divide and conquer, then we really would be noguns since we'd be cut up like apple pie for Russia, the EU, and China.

>is he warning americans ?
Based and red pilled. Fuck glowniggers.

>Dave is an accelerationist and is trying to kick the boogaloo into high gear
Like all those other accelerationist who were certain they'd start a civil war? Yeah it's just one massacre away from the next HAPPENING of the century and certainly won't just end with us being just as cucked as Australia.

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