Chuck Schumer wants body armor shoah'd, which makes me want it. However, full battle rattle isn't really compatible with my boog strategy (gray man, no heroics or suicidal zergrushes, just survive). Is soft armor for under a shirt G2G, or am I still gonna need level 3?
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Get a concealable soft armor vest with pockets for hard plates
Brand suggestions?
Soft armor is pretty much useless.
the problem with soft armor is that it provides no protection against any rifle threat, from the humble 223 remington all the way up to big bastards.
You may not be interested in fighting, but there may come a time when you have to deal with such armed individuals.
i agree with this
i think noobs/normies who want basic protection should get IBA style vests, one can be had for around 85$ if you shop around local surplus stores and such, and level 3/4 plates can be had for ~200$ a set, less if you get NIJ tested instead of NIJ certified
never ever ever ever ever ever buy steel plates for body armor though, buy the ceramics and rest easy in the fact that you won't have to pick shrapnel from your thighs and face every time you get shot
>Our “leadership” is actively trying to prevent the people from obtaining passive protective clothing.
>Not one has been deposed from office.
This is how I know gun confiscation will go unresisted.
But that's their amendment right
Are side plates necessary?
Wear a slick carrier under a hoodie/jacket.
Considering everyone and their mother has an ar15 now, you want a plate that at least stops m193 and m855.
necessary? no
useful? yes
more weight? for sure
it's shooter preference
Only if you get shot in the side.
You need 3a soft and level 4
Get plates for home defense
>Larper cope
What is the most common type of firearm in the U.S?
See, I want the compromise between effective protection from rifle rounds without sticking out in full gear.
concealed vest with a slick PC and a jacket
pretty much just wear regular clothes, don your kit, throw a blanket or jacket on over it and head innawoods
>full battle rattle isn't really compatible with my boog strategy (gray man, no heroics or suicidal zergrushes, just survive)
There's no such thing as a gray man in the boog.
>However, full battle rattle isn't really compatible with my boog strategy (gray man, no heroics or suicidal zergrushes, just survive)
you are so fucking stupid
Get something like a Crye jumpable or slickster and wear it under a jacket or poncho.
This shit any good? Looking online and lead times or orders elsewhere are months long.
Ebay is your source.
Second Chance. Even level 2 will stop all threats that level 3a will.
It's just that with level 3A you suffer a whole lot less.
Back face deformation is a kind way of saying you have just been hit by an angry God.
No, who told you that.
Most guns are 9mm and most bullets are hollow point.
So almost anything will stop them even an Iphone.
You can tell it's good and made for heavy duty use by the fact that it goes up to 2XL.
>the boog
Only rednecks and /k larpers use .223 or 5.56 really no one uses them unless they are hunting.
Its not a round you will randomly face.
If you face it, you are either being hunted or in the way of someones pray.
No cop walks around randomly with an AR they all have 9mm or 40SW.
If you need to protect against a rife you made a poor life choice.So rethink your plans.
Its not the weight it the heat, and sweating like a river.
For what HD. Maybe, that is true.
But for out and about, civilization is not that for gone, in my area at least.
Level 4 is to expensive bulky and hot to ever be a daily driver.
Even level 3a is like 6 wool sweaters.
This seems like as good of a thread as any. Here's a collection of research papers I've been going through. From what I'm reading, it may actually be possible to home build at least level III plates without too much evidence to lead the glows to you. Of course, you're taking your life in your own hands. So how good do you think your quality control is?
Wait whats going on they're trying to ban body armor?
They want the FBI to sign off on all armor sales (except if you're military or LEO)
You are fucking retarded.
>this dude will die
There is no point in level 2 though, no thinner and no weight savings over a lvl 3A
I'm not going to poo poo AR500 too much, ceramic is generally the way to go, but AR500 has an advantage in durability, and the shrapnel issue is mitigated if you are wearing soft armor underneath
>There is no point in level 2 though
There's one:
You can get it for free when people need to make space for newer shit. That's how I got soft armor. Two free panels, layer, forget, and hope the plate does its fucking job if I ever get shot so I don't have to test the level 2s in my carrier.
Schumer only wants to restrict body armor. Mike Honda wants to completely Hiroshima it
Can anyone think of a shooter who actually used good armor? All the ones I can think of either had flak jackets and died to handguns, or like, maybe one with a cheapass steel plate.
The people who are shooting up walmarts are not the people buying gucci gear.
>Can anyone think of a shooter who actually used good armor?
It’s not about shooters. It’s about resisting the feds.
Can anyone recommend a good place to buy level IV plates? A lot of sources seem to be out of stock most of the time.
>It’s not about shooters. It’s about resisting the feds.
I know that, and you know that, but any random fuck I might argue with doesn't know that. I just like to be completely accurate in my claims when arguing about this shit.
Shit hits the fan, armor is pretty useless. Unless you are intentionally assaulting, its pretty useless. If your opponent isnt a crayon eater, its pretty useless unless you have head to toe anyway, and then you are so fucking weighed down, its pretty useless.
The point of body armor is to stop instant or quick kill shots to center mass and when you get shot elsewhere get you medivaced out asap by your team not make you invincible.
Is that Jim Halpert?
If shit gets nasty, little bits of shit start flying a hell of a lot. Armor on your core increases your chance of surviving a unlucky hit by a fucking lot.
Yeah the office got pretty Jow Forums once the Michael Scott joins AQ arc started
Read the OP again. This is the average Joe if the shit hits the fan. The chances are better that you are going to get skull fucked with some pipe, take one to the dome from behind or the side in some fucked up close range situation, not see any action at all. Being cought dead in the middle of a full on two large unit conflict where God damn shrapnel and bullets are flying all over the place is pretty slime. More likely a couple drunken fuckheads touch a couple off in anger and you take one to the dome in the pisser.
Regular Joe doesn't need the 38lbs+ of gear a day anticipating for full combat.
>shrapnel issue is mitigated if you are wearing soft armor underneath
Shrapnel isnt coming from the plate, its coming from the bullet and traveling the face of the plate up unto your neck
soft armor behind the plate doesn't do shit to stop that
i am gonna make Regular Joe shave my ass hair
North Hollywood Shootout guys had homemade armor that worked pretty well
Just pull a SEAL and wear a IIIA vest underneath your plates for side cover.
Obviously test it thoroughly first you fool
They're trying to ban everything. Where have you been?
>stopping a round from hitting your vitals is useless if SHTF!
That's how modern armor systems work.
The hard plates aren't supposed to stop a bullet dead on their own, but instead disperse a lot of the energy by shattering the bullet into fragments. Fragments of bullet and ceramic strike the soft armor and are easily stopped because it's a lot of irregularly shaped items with a little energy rather then a single pointed bullet with a lot of energy.
>The hard plates aren't supposed to stop a bullet dead on their own
>what are standalone plates for 500 alex?
steelniggers know nothing about armor and their opinions should be disregarded entirely
Never gonna happen, if you really want to survive you should focus on having as many white children as possible.
>Second Chance
the one company that went out of business for selling vests that don't work, covering it up, and stealing the money from the japanese company meant to fix the problem.
you probably shouldn't post in any armor threads.
Just get an uhmwpe plate then, level 3 for the odd rifle round aside from m855. The 3800c the DHS is now issuing is that and a front/back plate setup is less than five pounds and multicurve. Wear a thin or thick hoodie depending on the weather over a slick carrier and it will blend.
>no cop walks around randomly with an AR
(((chuck schumer))) can go be a faggot jew somewhere else.
fuck off back to Jow Forums
Fuck off back to sucking chuck's aids riddled cock
Holy shit, I just watched it and Roy's in there too.
Something seems odd
Regular Joe will outlive captain obvious pretending to be high speed. Full battle rattle makes you a target.
Its unnecessary. No armor needed. I'm all for having whatever you want. That does not negate the fact for the average Joe in a SHTF situation body armor isnt needed. That doesn't sell product so it's not a popular opinion, but it's the truth. You are living by actively avoiding conflict.
Other than removing easy access to equipment, what the fuck is stopping you from wearing a heavy shirt or a light jacket over your armor? And if you plan to avoid combat, you get the benefit of decent protection, and will look far less like a larper and indead, a fat nigger.
That's a stupid comment
you can buy steel plates with anti spalling on though.
Doesn’t matter.
This is a Second Chance vest btw. Came with a trauma plate as well. Conceals nicely.
You can fit a slick carrier under a sweatshirt (or large button down work shirt) if you want to. Granted you're giving up the extra ammo / medical / twinkie storage provided by a proper rig but if you're really set on being "low-profile" you can still do it.
Your right. Body armor does not matter in the ops situation. It is weight, an expense, a thing that will serve no purpose. It would be like wearing a helmet but less useful. At least a helmet can hold water and if its metal cook food in it.
thats because the demographics are against us. most people who reside in america right now support bans on guns and armor. we should have never let the demographics shift this badly and never ceded control of academia to the communists but here we are
>Heavy duty
McCarthy and J. Edgar did nothing wrong.
I have a 3a+ Wraparound vest from Safelife Defense. It's pretty comfy for the day.
I also have a set of level 4 plates from RMA in a separate plate carrier. I like both of them enough to purchase them again.
I bought some armor plates years ago because I saw them at a shop and thought, "neat". It was a total impulse. To date, I've never bought a carrier and think they're the most useless things I could imagine. Besides, they would protect such a tiny portion of your body that I could just see them offering slightly increased survivability in a "gun battle" which like, nobody is ever going to be in. It was a stupid purchase.
>fake expert spotted