/arg/ - AR General - "Be Nice to Each Other" edition

All are welcome; tripfags can come complain about poorfags guns, poorfags can complain about tripfags' discord channels.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you

>has a 10.3 scar
Actually it is a 10.5" but yes I do
Unfortunately user is not looking for a scar barrel

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First for fuck niggers.

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Your gun is bad and overrated because I can’t budget for shit.

Both guns in this photo are just full of "but why?"

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This is correct
Reliability is overrated

Attached: 416mud.webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)

but why?

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how easy is it to go from basic bitch foregrip to a free float rail? it is a rather simple swap out or do you need to disassemble a good deal of the gun to get it on

>if its not PSA its overpriced

You have to remove the barrel nut which will probably entail removal of the muzzle device and gas block.

You will need to pull your handguards off and add a new one. This usually involves changing a barrel nut unless you decide to go with a centurion or similar rail that uses GI nut
Because its like you knew what you wanted but spent like 30% less than what you wanted.

Attached: MP5NV.webm (480x864, 1.62M)

You need to disassemble a fair portion of the gun to do it. You'll probably have to remove whatever muzzle device you've got added in order to get the gas block off. Taper pinned FSBs are a pain in the ass to remove. Once you've done that, you may have to torque the barrel nut off, depending on the type of nut your chosen rail system uses.

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>Because its like you knew what you wanted but spent like 30% less than what you wanted.
Im a poorfag what can I say? What would you suggest?

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SR-15 Upper
SR-15 Lower

Better rails
Better lights
Acog on longboi

So I'm getting my BCM 11.5 in the mail today, should I immediately hock the MCMR rail and replace it with the chad Urx 3.1?

>failures to eject
>failures to eject
>failures to eject
>stuck case won't clear


>Better rails
>Better lights
These are constructive.

>Acog on longboi
eh. I like having the Eotech, its a -2 and once I get around to getting a magnifier ill have that on there.
Prefer that over a full time acog.

>What would you suggest?
Selling your two or three rifles and building one good one

Attached: 11.5BCM_Brush.jpg (3449x1834, 3.61M)

Is that a yes? I think that's a yes. Nothing can come close to matching the aesthetic of the 3.1.

Did you order the BRN180 user?

Thats chad as fuck is what it is.

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lol. I set myself up for that one I suppose. Nah, I like these rifles too much, lots of history and fun learning the ropes of shooting on these.
Maybe some day when im not a poorfag.

>I don't want to make intelligent financial decisions
>'when I'm not a poorfag'
Thats never going to happen user.

Im in between the VX-Freedom 1.5-4x20 and the VX-Freedom 2-7x33 for this pos any is there any better options and what focal length is best

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>I don't want to make intelligent financial decisions
how did you divine this from that statement?

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Having three shitty cars that barely run cost more to maintain than they are worth is not as financially sound as investing in one car that isn't a pile of shit.
Might I suggest a Toyota.

>Acog on longboi
The patrician choice

are surefire cans as good as their other shit or am I a few years too late.

wonderful effort, but these are ARs. Not cars. I suspect youve not worked on either.

Just waiting to build the rest of it now

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You can always spot a retard when they try to make a car gun analogy. Protip: they never work.

Current project of mine. Need the stock yet and a better gasblock.

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>detachable carry handle

Attached: 137593505136.jpg (240x320, 17K)

They are as good as their other stuff but not necessarily as good as contemporary cans

Hes probably never owned a car or an AR

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Fuck off were full

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He write like a naive choir boy on the facespace, its pretty fuckin hilarious

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He's like a colorblind chameleon when he tries to fit in

.300 Blackout or .458 SOCOM

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My current HD set up.

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>Im a poorfag what can I say?
Join the club!

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What kind of tube should I slap on this boy?

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>optic mounted to a removable carry handle

What light

Enlighten me.

This is the only correct answer


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>A2 stock with 16" barrel

Carry handle optics exist because they wanted optics but were stuck with fixed ones, so they stuck them on top

There's no reason to have one when you can take off the carry handle, and stick an optic on. And don't try to say it's about aesthetics because it's already clear that isn't a priority with that rifle

Streamlight protac rail mount 2 with a cloud defensive pressure pad mount
Cuz dat dissipator life.

Also the binary seems to like the a2 tube, spring, and buffer better

>There's no reason to have one when you can take off the carry handle, and stick an optic on.
I don't feel like seeing the front sight through the scope, and didn't want/need anything bigger than a 3x magnification. I still ended up with a 4x fixed scope, and am more than happy with the results. I have been practicing quite a bit over the last few months, and am getting sub 2moa groups @ 100 yards.

You do you

Just need a g33 magnifier and im set

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>You do you
It is what it is.

>Still no SAW grip
>Still no side charging upper
You had one job.

This is amazing wgws bait.

>He write
And you write in ebonics
Bix nood m'fucka

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>Bix nood m'fucka
You're alright

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Hmm.. smells like watermelon in here.

greetings from the Syrupean Union

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>>Still no SAW grip
>>Still no side charging upper
>You had one job.
I do what I want broski. Besides, your dumb SAW grip is literally out of stock everywhere because it's been discontinued.

Saw grips only look good on Sig 550s anyway dont lsiten to that fag

Thats the 15" MCMR right?

Wuggy, you did a racism.

Fuck off back to your thread faggot leaf.

minorities are allowed to I thought

Yeah but literally nobody likes niggers. Just ask BLACK and GREY.

So what is the difference between a brace like the SBA4 and a standard stock? Not legally, but like, mechanically what makes it different than a stock?
I see lack of a buttpad and an armstrap. That’s about it.
>inb4 atf.
No. I’m just curious because I asked yesterday and then the board shit itself.

Minorities are tolerated, but not welcome.

nah dont think so

Attached: SLRCanada.jpg (3101x1745, 1.16M)

That is literally the difference, of all the dumb decisions the ATF has made it's one of the dumbest, it just happened to benefit shooters.

Yeah you will, you faggots get bored and always fuck back off to your shit heap.

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As far as i understand it. The. Race cannot extend as far as the stocks

you mean the way you too will get bored and leave the thread and do something else? lmao mental case

Everybody called me stupid yesterday for asking, but honestly they don't look very different. And I'm not sure why fagpul couldnt just remove the buttpad and add a strap to the CTR and call it a brace.
Furthermore, I'm not sure why they cant just rename the ctr a brace and be done. Force a supreme court case with this nonsense.

>force a supreme court case
That sounds like a plan to stay in business

Does anyone have experience with the Barrett REC7 ARs? shot one of my friends and wonder how they stack up to LMT KAC ect

>being placed between Bolsonaro and fuggen Jinping of all guys
What a uncomfortably sad webm to watch.

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My gas tube and gas block didn't come with any set screw to hold the tube in place, but the two holes in the gas block don't even appear to be threaded. Do I actually need to set the tube in place or is securing the block or the barrel good enough?

Just get a Colt Canada
oh wait..

If any of these ‘brace’ accessory companies can fight a case to the Supreme Court and come out on the other side, it’s Magpul. You really think that SB can handle that one on their own?

The existence of faggot leafs is punishment.

Which case did sb bring to scotus?

You mean Dimeco?

>being this mad at internet strangers for no reason

Diemaco was a subsidiary of Theroux-Devtek and was bought out by Colt Canada, but yeah Diemaco is a cooler name

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"fight" what case? This is an easy loophole past the NFA what are you trying to change?

where can I get some cheap 25rd mags? Brownell's sells them but they're way overpriced

Do you live in a box truck?

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yhm tubo or turbo k, sounds better to my ears in person.
t. range RSO

Guess I meant roll pin instead of set screw. Is this something I can get at a hardware store or am I going to have to order it online and wait another week?

You aren't welcome here

here ya go bud

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The anti's aren't just going to let this thing stay open forever, they'll go after everything they can get their hands on. The best way to 'win' is by forcing the supreme court to take up cases related to the 2nd amendment. We can't just say abolish the NFA and have it happen, the best way to achieve that within our lifetimes would be having it ruled unconstitutional.