Broken Physics Equipment

Fa/tg/uy here dealing with a game of monster hunters in the modern era that have to deal with paranormal monsters and blah blah blah. The issue is that these hunters often find themselves in situations where physics doesn't always work as intended and need weapons that will work in these unusual environments.

For example, sometimes gunpowder doesn't ignite. Sometimes expanding gases or recoil operation won't properly cycle self-loading firearms.

Additionally, the hunters will still have to deal with threats harmed by silver/garlic/etc and will need weapons appropriate to deliver these payloads.

So far I see them armed mainly with big bore manual action firearms to help overcome any potential physics screw ups and allow for bores large enough to allow for specialty loads.

Attached: 1564917959602.jpg (1920x1314, 385K)

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Pump action 10ga

But if gasses don't expand right you're fucked.
10ga spring loaded shells?

Well since you are already fantasy style. Maybe something like a Nock Volley Gun. Seems to me like you would have to worry about squibs as well so multi barrel may be more common. Cartridge pepper boxes. Grenade launchers would be more prevalent. Seems like everything would be much shorter range with physics fucking with longer range stuff.


To update I mean modernized of course. All have the hilarity of break open cartridge feeding with red dot, magpul furtiure, a billion add ons ect..

Air rifles

>gunpowder doesn't ignite
that's why we have bayonets
dip your bullets and bayonets, or just make them out of cheap silver alloys
>big bores
shotguns are always a good thing when dealing with spooks, though a good .308 rifle with a silver bayonet and silver bullets dipped in garlic will probably take care of pretty much everything

In such situations I expect the hunters may have to settle with melee combat. A silvered bayonet on a rifle may be good for this.

That's sort of the atypical "tactical" vibe I wanted to go for.

Since reliability is the issue, maybe break open double barrels being the common norm for the every-man. Multi-barrel Lever indexing small caliber = aka like a submachine gun/assault rifle, Grenade launcher- single barel multi index-or multi barrel. and a knock is like a battle Rifle HMG.
Speed Loaders are your mags. Can have interesting multi barrel pistols and or tower pistols/odd multi barrel derringer designs.

Winchester 1897 trench gun
>In 10 gauge
>With a silver edged bayonet

why stop with double barrels? why not jury-rigged quad barrels?

What's with this multi-barrel shotgun garbage when you can just use a pump?

Probably should have weapons that do not need gunpowder to operate for situations where normal guns don't work, ie: airguns, crossbows, etc

Melee combat and crossbows and air guns

If physics are so funky and non reliable ignitions of powder squibs would be significantly more common. I dunno man that is the thought that came to me.

Attached: here comes the knot2.jpg (1200x900, 156K)

Bro, she is the dog. This is character art from a concept where they make super solider werewolves.

Attached: 1552569782164.png (599x605, 16K)

All of these problems have already been solved with the 12 ga shotgun. If it fits, it ships. Pump action facilitates quickly changing ammo types without completely reloading gun.

I'd fuck that werewolf.

Attached: 1567014959940.png (326x245, 99K)

Fix Bayonets Men!

>why not jury-rigged quad barrels
Based and phantasmpilled

I'd let that werewolf fuck me

Wash thinking the same thing, those were some fuckhuge bayonets.

I have a reproduction, I absolutely love the fucking thing, it's so over the top.

Bruh just ask /tg/, there's a fuckload of crossposters.