Jow Forumsommunications general

Jow Forumsommunications general

Old Thread: All band, All Mode, QRP Edition

Radio thread? Radio thread.

>post 'em
>discuss 'em

>§ 95.591 Sales of FRS combination radios prohibited.

>Effective September 30, 2019, no person shall sell or offer for sale hand-held portable radio equipment capable of operating under this subpart (FRS) and under any other licensed or licensed-by-rule radio services in this chapter (devices may be authorized under this subpart with part 15 unlicensed equipment authorizations).

Jow Forumsommunications intro:

Getting started:

Ham Radio Crash Course Technician series on YT:

>What are digital modes
A way to connect your radio to a computer and send text, forms, various data, e-mail, images, etc.
>What is a good radio
Depends on what you NEED in a radio. If you don’t know, a CCR (Cheap Chinese Radio) like a Baofeng is a good place to start.
>What is Digital Voice/D-Star/DMR/System Fusion
These are on-board digital protocols that are a part of a particular radio’s operating system. Analog voice is converted via codec to a digital stream, which is then routed through a repeater and out somewhere else on the planet. For example, Wyoming, USA to Yokosuka, Japan.
>What is a repeater
A repeater takes your radio’s transmission, amplifies it from a more topographically-sound location, effectively increasing the range of your handheld up to 100mi.

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Other urls found in this thread: 3-40.3B Radio Operators Handbook.pdf

Icom Masterrace:

Per-thread plugs:

Discord: PP5tkra

SHTF Frequencies Pastebin: x3Uyzitd

These cannot be programmed with CHIRP, however a random guy wrote some fairly decent programming software that he charges like $15 for.

Or you can install it into a sandbox using Sandboxie and just wipe/reinstall it whenever the 30 day trial runs out if you're broke/greedy/like free shit/etc.

>You’re going to need a new scanner capable of deciding P25. That or an RTL-SDR and DSD Software plugin.
Maybe, maybe not. Depending on where you live, some agencies still just use analog trunk tracking, and hell, some agencies still use analog conventional (simple repeater setup).

You can search to learn about what's being used in your local area.

GRE PSR-500 and PSR-600 aka RadioShack PRO-106 and PRO-197 will all do digital trunk-tracking IF you actually end up needing it for your area.
You can also use an RTL-SDR, and get DSDPlus FastLane. There is a free version of DSDPlus available but it sucks/doesn't work. They basically stopped developing it for free in 2015 and made that last free version available for download as v1.01 Then they started charging people to be on the email list to receive the ongoing updates of continuing development and called it the "FastLane" program. It's verrrrry hacky software to use, but once you learn it/get it set up, it works really well. I use it running on a dedicated machine to provide one of those Broadcastify feeds. I think they charge like 10 bucks for a year of whatever they develop. I would have repacked it and uploaded it as a torrent a long time ago, but I used my personal PayPal to pay them, and when they give you your copy, they literally write your name and email address from your paypal account into the startup message of your copy of the program, so they'd easily figure out who spread their shit around for free.
(If someone here has experience with the DSD plugin for SDRSharp, I've never used it, so let us know if it works well or not.)

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DSD+ is legit

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I'm about to upgrade to my general next month and that new icom looks really tempting.. definitely going to be keeping an eye out for it.

Ic 737 reporting in bros

Forgot picorooni

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Dude. I can’t tell you how excited I am for the 705. It’s literally the Ring of Power in radio form.

Who do you lonely fucks ever talk to? Do you just annoy boomers with memes they won't get?

Take pictures of our obscure gear to flex on the poors, duh.

There's much more to ham radio than ragchewing with boomers

But eventually you have to actually transmit with your autism rig.

its the closest we will get to a 706mk2g sdr. just with it had more power or they come out with a 100w version.

This is K8FAG , you're shits breaking up and you sound small and distant. R-2 on the ree scale.

If they were clever, they’d make an amplifier/docking station as an accessory...

I just made a shitty dipole, let's see how this turns out

Can anyone help me identify this? I've looked through but nothing here quite matches up. I've tried listening to them and the Yaesu System Fusion sounds the closest but apparently only the paid version of DSDPlus can decode it. I've tried DSDPlus 1.101 and used the -fa option to auto-detect and it tries the P25p1 method but I only get garbledygook that only somewhat resembles the same audio tones as speech but it's complete unintelligible garble.

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Someone is running encryption on 151.2125

>GRE PSR-500 and PSR-600 aka RadioShack PRO-106 and PRO-197 will all do digital trunk-tracking
I've got a PSR-800. Bought the $60 DMR upgrade from Whistler and they took it in and upgraded the internals so it's now pretty much a Whistler WS1080.
Use it to monitor police, local ham emergency nets during storms (tornado spotters), and my local ham DMR repeaters.
I update it once a month over the net for all new freqs nationwide and when traveling just punch in the area code for the location I'm in to have it start monitoring local LEO freqs.
Enerloop batts last *forever* in that thing and can run off 5v mini-USB outlet in a pinch.

I have got to get off my lazy ass and explore DSD+ usage more.

Thanks to the relative complexity of DMR programming, on the DMR repeaters and TGs around me there aren't many moronic boomers.

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>Red2, Red1 needs need you to escort that truck of mining explosives from here all the way to the quarry.
>Say again, you're coming in broken and stupid, over.
>Knock it the fuck off, Red2, and oscar-mike. Out.
Goddamn I hated my LT so fucking much...

Nice, I almost bought one of those to upgrade from my VERY well-worn PSR-310, but I was unwilling to give up a full keypad (I like the ability to just jam a frequency in on the fly, alter programming, etc) Ended up holding out for an SDS-100 instead. Shit was expensive and better last me for a long-ass time.

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New Icom 705:

>HF + 50MHz + 144MHz + 430MHz
>SSB | CW | RTTY | AM | FM | DV
>10W output power
>Large color screen
>SDR architecture
>Internal battery
>GPS & Bluetooth
>Can be charged via USB.

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>peak radio

I don’t think there’s anything else they can do to this. Shut up and take muh Shekels.

>Jow Forumsomrades

Looking for a recommendation on an HT that will do VHF/UHF and be able to monitor air bands.Preferably something that wont break the bank?

Need help understanding radio bands. So the 10m band is 28mhz-29.7mhz. What should that look like for frequencies? In other words, what should the number on my radio read when I am in the 10m band?

>New Icom 705
Add P25 P1/p2/NXDN/DMR Tier2/3 to begin with.

It's not Abreeeee long, but it's long and floppy.

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>>New Icom 705
>Add P25 P1/p2/NXDN/DMR Tier2/3 to begin wit

I already have a 3 deck setup from Kenwood currently for my public safety. It would make it easy to have it all in one and just use an RF Power Amplifier to get the necessary.


>Bugman: The Desk

What are some good mobile radios? Preferably in the $200-400 range, but up to $600. New or used is fine.

>but it's long and floppy
Long and Not Floppy

I started with A Nagoya/Baofeng and quickly realized they are shit radio's.

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Uhhhhh, Ive got an old ‘79 CB radio. C-can I play too?

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user for the love of god put the duct tape down!

Working on getting an upgrade. Probably a Yaesu VX-6R, but gotta start somewhere.

Also nice expert power :^)

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I’m not drilling into my dash, but I’ve got an idea to sand a 1x6 light wood board to the contours of my dash and then put a big ass Velcro onto the dash and the board and just slapping the sumbitch down. But even then I’ll probably put a little duck tape over it. This actually reminds me, I need to draw the tape taunt because the damn thing is dancing around even on curves with almost no G’s.

This is actually kinda aesthetic

Hell Yeah Brother, I’ve also got an idea to slap a little speaker to my roof with a magnet so I can flip the switch from CB to PA and tell faggots going 10 under to pull off and let me pass or at least go the limit. Not to mention the other shenanigans I can get into with a PA system

Lol. Bruh. Drive around and say, “HWNDU” on the PA over and over and over again. Lmfao

Jesus christ...

Yes you can play, but you either need to replace that duct tape with proper mounting hardware, or replace that vehicle with a clapped out chevy luv or beat 80s tacoma for legit post-apocalyptia vibes.

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Since frequency is measured in Mhz typically, you answered your own question...

I actually do want a small pickup after I finish finally running my CRV into the ground, and I’ve got an idea for a more effective and still non permanent way to mount it right over here

Speaking of aesthetic. GodDAMN!

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Holy god it’s real

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100% of people I've ever known (/o/fags) with a baofeng just used them in frs channels.
Boomers ruin everything.

Why don't they just use it in MURS. What's the point of getting a MURS capable radio then not using it. . .

Because not everyone talks and casuals could get a 15 buck thing from literally anywhere in America and listen to the lead car or corner boys talking.

In a new Honda Civic?

He actually responded in millihertz. The mM has to be capitalized

It’s a ‘07 Honda CRV

I have plans to re-engineer my old CB for 20 meters. 80% of it can stay the same, just need to make a new VFO (analog, not DDS) and change the reactive components for 14 MHz.

Looks a lot like my ‘18 Civic inside. 3-40.3B Radio Operators Handbook.pdf


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That Astro Saber tho

Yaesu VX-6R


I'm really enjoying this new baofeng. and this foldable abbree antenna hits better throughput than my nagoya. If anyone wants an EXCELLENT poorfag setup this is what I recommend. It's chinkshit but it's mad decent.


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I need to get around to actually programming it but I’ve been lazy.

Can you program those with chirp?

Okay now these are the pictures we need

nope, but soon though! Anyways, you can google for baofeng "wp970" software, and it works perfectly. It's exactly the same as a chirp if you bother to know the different names for things.

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noice. I went to the radian weapons rally in Salem, did you?

Nah I had to work but I know people who helped organize it. Also this pic was in CA, I was just reppin'

There’s a fun thread on Jow Forums right now about the banfengs, interesting shit there.
I’m curious, how much of pic related is bullshit?

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All of it.

> All band SDR rig w/ dstar
> Integrated GPS / Bluetooth
> integrated ATU and battery
> 10W
> USB hookup to PC / charging
Can't wait for boomers to hate on this for being 'too tiny' and having menus but this looks perfect for an all in one rig. If they get pricing in under $1000 USD they will have totally nailed the radio market for the next few years.
> in b4 old hams kvetching that their $7000 radio from 1995 is worse than a cheap QRP rig and their radio "investment" is now worth jack all

Confirmed Full of shit.

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There's a lot of FUD and garbage info on that thread. Tiny thoughts from tiny minds.

>If they get pricing in under $1000 USD

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The IC-7300 goes for just over 1k, so if they want to nail the mobile / FT-718 market, they'd have to at least hit that. The JP radio makers aren't know for cheap tho :\

Great, now some fuckwit’s transmitting SSTV trollfaces on my local repeater.


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so uh. question here for Jow Forums. what are the tactical uses for this? Would i use it with friends in a firefight / storming a building in SHTF or is there a better comm system for that? Is encrypted chat available to the public?

We ran raids on houses and buildings in Bosnia in '95 & '96 with nothing more than M16s and M9s.
Only "armor" we had were old flak jackets.
Thanks, Clinton.
Radios aren't needed if you know what you're doing, which we absolutely did not.

I saw a number floating around that said 100,000 Yen. If that’s true...Elecraft is capital F, uuuuucked.

I managed to pick up a Baofeng uv-5r+ with the standard rubber ducky antennae. Does a whip antennae actually make a difference with the cheap chinese stuff or should I just invest in a better handheld?


Thanks, but looking for a mobile rig rather than HT. Already planning on getting a VX-6R for my HT.

The longer the better generally. I'm sure someone here can science why, but heres a prac ap video of antenna comparisons.

Thanks user, I really appreciate it


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QRZ website is down


I am legit going to pre-order if that's the case.
NA-701/771 or one of the Abbree tactical antennas are well liked . The stock antenna works, but is mediocre.

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im licensed kc9***, its easy but best if all you actually have to learn how this shit works. if you dont know the basics ham radio isnt going to help you one bit

Cool thanks.

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Elecraft BTFO

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Well I figured as much, I'm trying to figure out what kind of encryption or digital mode this is.

It appears to be 6.25 kHz wide, so quite possibly DMR.

Fun fact. One of the security flaws in DMR is that you can create your own talkgroup/color code/timeslot on a repeater’s Frequency, run encryption, and it’ll work. The only person who will know is the greater owner if they get alerts for any wonky activity. If you don’t do it a lot, it will most likely go unnoticed, especially if the repeater op isn’t especially savvy.

>6.25 kHz wide, so quite possibly DMR

What is NXDN for $200 Alex.

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