I just noticed that 5,45 and 5,56 are about the same size. Are there any 5,45 AR's?
I just noticed that 5,45 and 5,56 are about the same size. Are there any 5,45 AR's?
Smith and Wesson made some for awhile. They still might.
Yes. They basically fell off the face of the earth once cheap 7n6 dried up. I mean theyre still available but with steel 223 being the same cost, theres no reason
Why is Russian import shit so expensive now? I'd much rather have an AK than an AR, but ammo availability basically dictates I gobble that 5.56 cock... Fucking protectionist faggots.
Literally blame Obama
Why do Euros use commas instead of periods when talking about a fraction of a number?
Well, blaming Russia for being silly with Ukraine isn't a bad idea
But Obongo had to go and ruin it for the rest of us
it's all those buttmad ((neocon)) MUH RUSSIANS pieces of shit that write laws and print shit in papers.
Cause they're idiots
>Obama bans russian imports
Fucking retard nigger faggot kike
Why do they call the second floor the first floor?
Because most of them are too poor to afford property with a 2nd floor
Because we are smarter than you.
Okay and what does that have to do with Obongo's restrictions, schizoposter?
whats the weather like in Tel Aviv today?
>he thinks corporate dems and republicans aren't both neocons whose foreign policy is fuck everyone but us and israel
Not our problem what they do in their sphere of influence. The Monroe Doctrine only extends to the Americas.
Come again, faggot?
Way to assume, retard. But just because they're incestuous doesn't mean the neocons are responsible for something obongo did.
People are unable to identify a civil war.
i mean obama WAS a neocon when it comes to foreign policy, is this not obvious
>whose foreign policy is fuck everyone but us and israel
What? We are certainly getting fucked by their policies.
Could get a 5.56 AK. Just make sure it takes circle 10 mags. Every other 5.56 AK mag is a huge fucking pain in the ass to find.
I wonder how much real coverage that should have gotten
You can make 5.56/.223 brass into 5.45 brass.
Who cares about Ukraine. Americans want cheap Russian ammo from our very good great Russian friends
>unironically defending neocons
Keep gobbling and just use an AR faggot.
Reagan banned imports too. Banning imported guns is something neither neocons nor shitlibs take issue with. They both hate you and want you disarmed
I had an Adams Arms 5.45 AR. It would have been the shit if I could get mags that worked. I wish someone would have made a lower like the CMMG mutant that took 74 mags. I never got it to work right because the primers are much harder than american primers, and required an extra power hammer spring, which would cause the gun to malfunction because it was undergassed at that point. Also trying to stick that tapered round into an AR magazine was a shitshow.