What is the rarest weapon you have?

Nogunz are allowed to post, but it better be cool.

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I have a ruger model 44 which seem to be pretty uncommon

I have an AMT Hardballer 1911. Not a longslide though

Glock 19 and a Mosin Nagant.

1851 Colt Navy that was used by an ancestor during the Civil War that has been passed down through my family ever since, ending up with me.

MAG-7. Works fine with centurion minibuck. Ian is a tard for complaining that aguila microshells don't work.

Uh none really. I guess the ‘rarest’ would be my Walther Q5

SSG 82 is my rarest.
Awesome ergonomic stock, but something poorly designed with the bolt as it takes a lot of force to bring it to close. Once I removed the retarded factory 4x scope and added a rail it became a usable rifle.


I have a Lower Saxony Landespolizei marked P7, which all things considered isn't very rare. I also have a USP Expert, which also is somewhat uncommon.

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Jericho 941 chambered in .40s&w. Not super rare per say but definitely uncommon. At Wanamacher gun show I only saw 3 total, 2 in 9mm and one in .40 which I bought

Got a k98 with the original strap, bought it for a 1000 nok

An olive drab 92fs, I guess.
Otherwise I got a pre-86 Glenfield Marlin Model 60.

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1924 M96 Swedish Mauser

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1893 Enfield, cavalry carbine... sporterised

I have a Luger that’s about fucking it

My Yugo m48 I guess. Some other ones that are somewhat rare(not really just less common) Para Ordanance 14-45, SIG 556 XI and an ARX


AG42 Ljungman

I got a pre-86 Model 60 too, albeit in pretty rouged up shape. Other than that I have a Remington 870 from the early 70s. On an unrelated note, has your Model 60 have any extraction issues?

this little guy

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Carcano M91TS or the Arisaka M38 Carbine. Both are pretty rare variants of each gun.

Yugo m48 rare and unusual? Fuck dude

Right now, I guess my Tikka Arctic. The gun I regret selling almost every day? SAN Swiss Arms SG553R. Had 1/100 imported into the country and I sold it like an idiot.

UK made AR by a now defunct company because the owner got thrown in jail for running NK arms to rebels in Azerbaijan

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Rifle on the right is hands down my rarest. Spanish M43 made specifically for the Spanish civil guard. All known examples are in the W serial block, suggesting only 10,000 were made. Other M43s can be found with the CG stock cartouche, which were presumably made after pic related to bolster the numbers of CG rifles. The dates are presumably late in the M43 production times, but aren't marked on the rifle. the Spanish civil guard historical services had minimal information on this rifle, and suggested they were used ceremonially. I've seen images of about 10 different examples, and saw one sell about two months ago for $360 with a mismatched bolt. Most are in very good condition and matching, and mine is not import marked. Beyond the crest, they're identical to all other M43s and don't seem to be desirable.

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i guess my grandpa's vietnam bringback SKS

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probably my npap DF
i don't own a lot of guns.

>talked myself out of a 6" stainless Colt Python for $1600 two winters ago

Uberi 1873 Winchester in .44 magnum.

Most CAS shooters don't trust the toggle action for magnums, but I'll see.

I was surprised when I found out they offered it in .44 mag. A lot of people on the forums were apprehensive about it.

I bought a revolver when I was 19, from my friend's anti-gun dad. I literally grew up with it from age 13 to the day I bought it. Why? My friend's dad let us play with it like a toy.

Finally I offered to buy it. He wanted $50. The next weekend I took it to a gunshow and had a guy who I knew, who was an expert in old revolvers, look it it. Turns out, the grips were real pear. It was dated to have been made in 1906-1908. The stamping on the left side made it "rare" because they only stamped a few on the left side.

It's worth $500 without the grips. With the grips, the guy told me people have paid upwards of $2000 for revolvers like it at auctions.

Nice. I'd like to see it

HK flare pistol thing

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Two winchester 94's in .32 WS and a Remington Sportsman 58. The 94's are nice but I curse my grandfather for getting them is such an odd and expensive round.

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>he doesn't buy shit in obscure rounds just to fuck with his future grandchildren
Lmao @ur swag, bud. Can't wait for my .218 bee AR to come in

I just wanna make big booms with my lever actions without visualizing literal dollars flying out the other end

I guess grandpa didn't think you'd grow up into a cheapskate.

Berreta 71s is the rarest thing I have

LR300 on a pre AWB Eagle Arms lower. Found it for 750.
4000 dollars I kno what I got.

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>has rare Pakistan's rifle
>puts a rail on it because he's not good enough to use it in its original state

Despicable and heretical, if understandable.

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Fucking neat


Whoops, sorry. Meant to type:

>marksman's rifle

We had a musket in our family that some ancestor carried in the Revolutionary war. Piece of shit uncle sold it off. But it's totally ok, he went out and bought a replica later that looks just like it

I wouldn't say that it's rare, but I just snagged an m1 carbine. Everything else I own is common as hell

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Oddly enough a Mosin, but it's a 1942 produced in the secondary Tula factory that was opened during operation Barbarossa.

A springfield krag 1896 I guess.

Svt or dp-28

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You really think you'd get 4000$ for that?

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Rarest I'd have to say is my AR-180, probably followed up by my Martini-Henry and 1884 Trapdoor Springfield rifle.

Goddamn phone

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1928 before they moved the plant in 40s

Yeah vice interviewed the owner a few years back pretty cool desu

A French tickler Handguard sks I guess, had and sgl-31 but traded for a bren

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Basic P7


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Post cold-war (non West German basically) German P226. Not rare at all, just hard to come by in good condition these days. The frame has no takedown marks and the barrel has no smileys.

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My Colt Trooper.

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>Hive mind
Mine isn't super cool, it's an OBI rework that was refinished and converted to take a box mag. It's fun albeit kinda dangerous with the way the safety works. Can't complain though, got it for $200 from a liberal cunt.

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I hope you don’t commit suicide. I sure as fuck would

Thats fucking cool

What company makes that AK mag adapter and folding stock set for the SKS? I've noticed that cartels and militant groups in Mexico use that set up

>go check armslist
>see this SKS
Hello, CT user

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Probably my nagar revolver, not that rare but I still get people talking to me about it at the range

Nagant* my bad

Depends what you wanna call rare. But by production numbers, my 1896 Portuguese Mannlicher. Only 4000 ever made.

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same bro, love em when they bite me.
I have a 1941 Johnson first run starting with model number 1xxx so uhh thats rare

t. retard
original scope was dogshit early-80's tech.
I dont collect guns to let them collect dust in the back of the safe, I shoot them.

>Not a longslide though

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Swiss Model 1872/78 revolver. 600 were made. This one is not in a fireable condition, unfortunately.

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You the guy who got the oyster bay c96 about a year or so ago?

Ok, that's awesome, user.

Probably my SPAS. Love it to death.

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ever have problems with it? Also checked

Certainly not my most valuable but my Megastar is probably one of my rarest. Only imported for a couple of years in the early '90s with imports stopping around the time of the AWB. Probably only a couple hundred 10MM models out there of which most are blued.

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centerfire Pardini

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Nope. Knew to replace to recoil buffer when I got it and I only use buckshot or slugs in it.

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Gevarm E1 take down and a good old Cooey repeater 60

yog sothoth knows the gate because yog sothoth is the gate

ive got an uplula. i never see anyone at the ranges them with them

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How is the E1? I hear they are a bit finicky.

I have two FS2000’s, one Tactical and one Standard
And a gold Chiapas Rhino
The FS2000’s are fat as fuck but I love them

I've never seen anyone on Jow Forums post a Huldra AR-15. They were exclusively sold by Fleet Farm for a couple years. Doubt they're anything special as it's literally just a different rollmark.

that rollmark will probably end up in some "gun pricings" guide eventually, hold onto it.

Winchester model 70 classic with factory detachable box mag in 30-06. I believe they only made them with DBM in the 1994/95 model years.

Nice. I've wanted a fish gun for some time now, but I'm having a hard time finding one with a fixed optic.

>over 6 million made
Jesus user idk how much more common it could get.
Krag gang. I just won a bidding war on a non-sporter model to go with my sporterized one and a local shop had a new set of Hornady dies half off because they thought they ordered .30-30 dies. Now all I need is a bayonet.

Idk its not like you see a lot of them these days, CMP has been sold out forever


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Nothing too wild. Berthier carbine is probably most uncommon.

Jesus, here's another bit of it:
>The firm legally sold rifles to the shooter involved in the Hungerford massacre.
Talk about an iron in every fire.

I inherited a 1950 Marlin 336 in .35 Rem from my grandfather. Has a decent 4x scope on a side-flip mount.

I guess my 1931 hex receiver mosin. Its been arsenal refinished so its not really untouched

Only other thing i have thats old surp that really isnt rare is my chink sks thats at least all matching but i want to refinish the stock

If we are talking by pure numbers, then my Model 1896 Rolling Block in 7mm. Only 1100 or so made.

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