Can't make you any uglier if it does glocknade. Do it faggot.
Sebastian Sullivan
Are you at Green mountain guns in Englewood
James Perez
How the hell are we supposed to know from your shitty photo. Since you are in the gun store. Why don’t you ask the seller, why the gun is considered a wall hanger? Chips in the stock do not make a firearm dangerous to shoot. Did you look for bulges in the barrel? Is it missing parts?
Hunter Edwards
thats about the going rate for a shitty old sxs. not great not terrible.
Jace Cooper
It says in the OP why its a wallhanger you retard.
And yes, cracked wood stocks can become dangerous over time. That shit could explode you absolute moron
Thomas Wood
I think you and I have talked about this shop before in previous threads.
Alexander Ross
>wall hanger Ask them for more details. And ask about that mauser too
Nathan Carter
"Because this gun is in bad condition and we dont reccomend shooting it. It has cracks in the stock."
Notice the huge chip missing up top, springs are slightly visable
You won't find them for sale. Your two options are DIY and custom work. 9/10 times a project gun is not the best option financially, so if it's about the money buy something else. How skilled are you at wood working? Are you fine with this gun ending up as a total write off? It could be a fun project, and you could make a perfectly functional stock, but if you're looking for a HD gun or something don't take on a project
Anthony Russell
Also, make sure you know what it shoots before you buy. Could be black powder. That engraving tells me it's a mid 20's Sears roebuck, but never guess on that shit
Luis Walker
Montgomery Ward western field.
The engraving reads as follows, sorry my phone does this gay reorientation shit.
I would be absolutely fine pulling a DIY for this, im just not sure if i could make something thats a custom perfect fit. The trigger guard also loops back around and attaches into the stock itself, its not a round guard
Its an 80$ double barrel and im a penny pinching faggot, however this one locks up more solid than even the modern double barrels sitting on the rack. Its just kinda cool
Back when i was like 14, I bought a bolt-less ariska for like 70$ as a wallhanger and found a bolt for it. There you go. Here's some info on your shotgun. Personally, I love store brand guns. I think they're fucking neat. If you're down for a DIY I'd offer them $50 OTD. you won't save any money but you will have fun
Angel Gray
Thanks man, I might try and butter em up on my errand run later this evening but I feel like theyre gonna shoot me down.
The dollar sign goes BEFORE the number in huwhite countries.
Juan Gray
Midway's got a video about fixing up a Remington 1900 double. It talks about some of the shit you might have to do. Depends on what's wrong with it- it could be easy to fix and it might be hard. If nothing's broken, you should be able to refinish it with hand tools. You can refit a new stock by hand, it just takes time.
Camden Lopez
based. godspeed fellow denverite.
Jeremiah Nguyen
So your answer is going from a double barrel to a pump? If op wanted a pump don't you think he would have asked about it.