Rebel sniper getting shot at by ukrynien upgraded BMP

Rebel sniper getting shot at by ukrynien upgraded BMP

Attached: 20190412_212716.gif (640x359, 3.86M)

What type of upgrades on the Kievite BMP?

>Rebel sniper getting shot at by ukrynien upgraded BMP

Looks like arma 3 to me. Looks like one of the stock buildings even.

hahaha, ARMA again?

this thread again?

It says Ukraine 2019 in the middle of the screen, you bigots.

>Rebel sniper getting shot at by ukrynien upgraded BMP... in ARMA

Oh well if it says Ukraine on it then I guess that's that

Its real you dumb fatniks

Definitely arma 3

So what was the plan behind this OP?

i love your threads man

I sense an improvement in russkie shitposting all across the board.
Are G*rmans feeding them again?

you can literally see the smoke clipping through the roof at the top of the screen

The smoke is going throu a hole on the roof you dumb shartnik

How did the Ukrainians even get access to these sexy thermal sights?

No such thing.

me too, i wish they were posted more often.

Attached: 1535524539925.jpg (1200x1200, 175K)

mi8's sure can take a beating

Did you got the latest RHS?

Looks like the smoke is moving through the roof

What game?

I asked this question hours ago, all you've done is argue and troll, do you maybe want to talk about WEAPONS

>retard making these awful threads again
why haven't you killed yourself underage nogunz arma poster

Attached: TATeoea.jpg (720x602, 31K)

Kill yourself you dumb nigger.

I also play arma 3

bc ur mom a whore

No u cockmuncher

Bruh those are PS2 level dust effects