Gun owners in uk have their licences taken away for being assaulted
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Well, I already don't have a positive view of European government so this changes nothing about my thoughts
Didn’t have a loicense to be assaulted. It’s their fault really, mate. Cheerio ol chap
Thank god we have east europe on the mainland.
There will always be a way to get an AK.
Well, compare the UK gov to the rest of Europeans govs will be like compare New Jersey laws to the laws of the rest of US states.
They always has been particular, especially about guns laws. It's the only country of EU (well, was) who would see their guns laws improve if they was following the European Firearms Directive, a thing they never did, because their laws are already more thougt that the EFD, even since it's introduction in the EU.
For example, pic show what you can own with a sportive shooter licence in France, which is the border country from the UK if you ignore the sea. A UK civilian could never own that legally. In Italy, it's become even better recently, especially about carry and self-defense laws. In Switzerland, despite the directive, it's still the heaven of guns. Belgium and Luxembourg are close to the France on the laws too.
But on the UK, Northen Ireland and Isle of Man excluded, it's always been abusive, even more than Australia, and from fare longer.
How can the country that perfected the art of shotgunning and produces some of the most renowned marksmen be so cucked?
How hard is it to get a license where you can have an AR and/or pistol in France? I'm American and live in one of the best states for guns, but because of family reasons, I may end up in France one day and can't imagine not having guns.
Nice collection user.
Get loicence, ask your préfecture for a b2/b4, then buy from an armorer with your paper.
Warms my heart to see this in EU occupied zones
Hurr but we get to own bolt action .22 AR's user!
Awww little jimmy is going on vacation to France for a week and he thinks he's going to convince daddy to buy him a gun for the week they stay there.
Not true.
Prior to the dunblane incident, there was far more gun ownership.
Tons of regular folk still have guns today also. Mostly hunters, gamekeepers and marksmen and sports shooters though. And not in big towns or cities.
I'm in a semi ruralish area and there are even gun clubs here.
Oh and btw- dunblane was 100% a 'false flag' specifically intended to push a gun ban. The guy who allegedly shot those kids was literally directly involved with pedophile rings and trafficking, and supplying kids to elites, politicians and even people high up in the police.
Very interesting stuff and I highly recommend anyone to look into it. Sadly the british public are more gullible and blindly trusting of government and media than the american public.
They bought it hook, line and sinker, and couldn't give their guns up fast enough.
>produces some of the most renowned marksmen
Just no. We don't. Military trained snipers don't count for a "country producing renowned marksmen"
Thank the IRA Because of the IRA people were willing to give up their rights. And the Amazing thing a typical IRA member a decade ago could get a firearm incredibly easy.
>Prior to the dunblane incident, there was far more gun ownership
What was the aftermath like? What changd? I wouldnt have thought the effect it had would be too massive considering that it banned handguns and nothing else and in pretty much every country handgun ownership is a lot less than longarm ownership.
Reminder that the MP15 Sport costs 1000€ or around $1200. If you think that's a good value, just to show off on a taiwanese hentai scrapbooking internet forum, you're stupid.
Americans love ARs because 5.56 is cheap and it's the most popular rifle around, as a Yuro you really should buy surplus AKMs instead.
that islamnic shithole.
UK is lost.
>Thank the IRA
Always blaming others for people bitching out, lmao.
blame successive labour governments on that one mate.
That's us in ten years.
Keep buying everything, and don't keep it all in one fucking place.
that's a bit pessimistic of a prediction
Doesn't surprise me, in France there have been people who've had their guns taken away because they appeared on some police file, even if it is a victim.
Basically, if you want to keep your guns, never call the police, never sue anyone and make sure no one ever sues you. Basically, you have to solve all your problems yourself without any intervention of the state.
Buying surplus firearms that used to be select fire is now prohibited under the current EU law. So it has become impossible to buy a surplus AKM anywhere in the EU, those who already own them can keep owning them, but they can't transfer them to anyone.
The only AKs I could find lately are chinese shit that lack the third pin for an auto sear.
i've heard that only france enforced it
More like, how can th country which invented the idea of individual rights be so cucked?
>uk had a right to bear arms at one point
Phil is a faggot but if you think anything else but that is coming I have a bridge in Antarctica to sell you
>implying i am in america
i wish
There's more rights than the right to bear arms you fruitbat
they're all protected by the right to bear arms vegetablebird
you misunderstood. what i said was true. the uk DID have the right to bear arms at one point. search the British bill of rights.
>In Italy, it's become even better recently, especially about carry and self-defense laws
no it didn't, especially not the carry and self-defense part
also we're pretty much guaranteed to get what little we managed to gain gutted within the next 6 months by the new government
t. Italian
>IRA fights an insurgency for independance while Northern Ireland just accepts British rule
>Irish republic has super strict gun laws while Northern Ireland has some of the loosest laws in the commonwealth
How the fuck does that happen?
they voted it in, they can deal with the consequences.
They're a Brexit and a few terrorist events away from V for Vendetta now.
>Oh and btw- dunblane was 100% a 'false flag' specifically intended to push a gun ban. The guy who allegedly shot those kids was literally directly involved with pedophile rings and trafficking, and supplying kids to elites, politicians and even people high up in the police.
Oh, fuck. I didn’t realise that Alex Jones and his retarded conspiracy theories had moved to the UK since being deplatformed.
And in case you don’t get sarcasm, I’m pointing out that the writer of the post I linked to is a twat.
But that was about a century ago
And yet they continue to live in that shithole, it's because they don't value their rights as much as they try to fake and portray.
that like english shooting fag, he got all his stuff taken away and he still chooses to live in the UK, they deserve everything they get.
Very low iq post
Muslims are less than 5% of the UK population - don’t believe everything Fox tells you
1/10, try harder
you don't know how demographics works.
And you don’t understand what drives population growth. If you theories were true, the UK would be a Catholic country. But it’s not.
All you had to do was listen
Islam is not Catholicism. Study Kosovo. That's UK's future.
Don’t be a fucking idiot - the UK wasn’t part of the Ottoman Empire for 5 centuries
Limey fuck, like I said, study Kosovo. Albanians came in after 1945 and a small number settled. Since they had 10+ kids, they replaced Christians. Same will happen to UK. UK is a dead country.
The country had Islam introduced during the Ottoman reign, you numpty.
You're a moron and you don't have a clue. Go back to sucking paki dick.
This from someone who thinks Albanians only arrived in Kosovo after 1945. I’ll take it as a compliment. I’m done with you now as you’re either stupid or a troll
Pedo defending British Subject detected
Provide evidence that Thomas Hamilton was a pedophile and supplied children to anyone
>thinking that citizens vote for laws
how much do you know about government?
the host and his friend quite literally moved out for better gun laws to switzerland and italy
pessimists are rarely disappointed
Surprised they weren't arrested.