You get this in the mail
Lawyer, buried in a national park, boating accident
Give it to them to get on the "Good Boy" List. When they come for everything else, they find the t*n*rite booby traps and not in a good way.
Light it on fire and pretend I never got it.
This happens a more often than Jow Forums realizes. ATF changes their mind, or a manufacturer changes something, and the letters go out.
>things become illegal because ATF wakes up on wrong side of the bed
Why is this allowed?
Have someone I really, really trust break into my house when I'm not there and "steal" it.
When shit like this happens how does one receive reimbursement?
Robbins v Auer
You don’t. They just take it and you lose however much you spent on it.
>how does one receive reimbursement?
You don't lel. I suppose you could try suing the manufacturer and dealer for furnishing and illegal product to your ignorant ass.
Tell those fat fucks to get a warrant and to fuck off
They will. They'll then proceed to destroy your home and everything in it. Assuming they don't then find something illegal or just plant it to justify their time spent, you won't be getting your damages reimbursed.
99.999 percent of people who would get this letter would just turn their guns in without a fight. Yes this includes the people who claim that they will only have their guns taken from their "cold dead hands."
0.001 percent of people would try to hide their guns but after they get a warrant and get threatened with jail time they'll crack like an egg and reveal everything.
0 people would actually fight back like this board claims.
Lawyer, if all other legal options run out, I'll put the weapon in a large bag and shit on it for a few days so they can come and pick it up and I will say they cant take the bag with them.
Just ignore these glowniggers.
I'm a leaf so I'm used to everything I'd like being prohibited
Yeah, it’s not like when every Australian on the fucking continent got threats far worse than this only 0.6 out of 2-4 million firearms got turned in or anything
Grow some fucking balls you yank cucks
Lawyer up.
"Destroy" the reciever.
your brothers across the Atlantic would like to one up you on fun being illegal
Ask Ms. Crim out on a date.
Dear Marcus,
Sure would be a shame if ms crim got emailed a bunch of freakish japanese porn
Time to test the AA-12's effectiveness
Go on a boating trip with it and take pictures, Bury it, get a lawyer.
Laughs in slav
So you're saying nobody fought, and you all buried them in the outback; rendering them as good as if they had been destroyed.
Email them and tell them I sold it in a private sell X amount of time ago, then cover it in cosmoline and newspaper, put it in a plastic container, and bury it under a plant.
the letter quite clearly states that the S/N of the gun do not match the one provided by the parent company
pretty sure its not an atf fuck up
Kek, user, aren't you the land of the free, 2A and constitution and all?
>inb4 next time definitely
Because the ATF are part of the executive branch of our government. They're concerned with both the interpretation and enforcement of laws. It's literally their fucking job to interpret a bunch of words given to them by legislators and find the way they apply to the real world. The judicial branch checks these interpretations both by case law and from direct lawsuits brought against the agency by concerned entities. Hope you've enjoyed your crash course on American government.
Surely there is an anthropomorphic AA-12 lolli out there
I saw it in half and return it so these turboniggers can't put it in a open boxcar right in the middle of Chicago so Jamal can find it.
Says the American as he bans drugs
Wasn't the offending part one of the side plates? Send them that since that is the "machine gun". Keep the legally purchased shotgun.
Demand a suitable replacement or reimbursement from the manufacturer since it was their screw up.
You bought a firearm first hand?
>new address, who dis?
Well, since they’ Going to ruin your life and everything you own at that point, time to scatter and glue lego blocks all over your property
I didn't even read the thread
Sounds like we need a Bundy type stand off against the ATF to let them know peaceful gun owners should not be harassed and rights infringed.
Bump it
>ATF decides something is suddenly illegal
>that makes the owners ignorant
Commit suicide.
Dis-assemble, keep everything but offending receiver part. Get company you purchased from to reimburse you.
Other than that, good luck with the BATF on your 6.
This is why all purchases are PTP in my book.
Fuck the atf. Fuck the feds. Cancer is already slowly taking what life i have left, I'd be damned if I'm going to let anything else be taken away from me.
Ignore it because I’m not the kind of retard who’d buy that piece of garbage.
I can think of 3000 better ways to spend $3000 than buying one of these.
This is the only answer.
>the ATF calls your bluff
Now you've got Legos glued everywhere... Good job...
send them back a copy of the bill of rights and circle the second amendment.
I bet Marcus S. Watson sucks dicks
Shoot subhuman ATF niggers, duh.
Internet tough guy.
You would surrender it like everyone else because you know the alternative is you flexcuffed on the floor with ringing ears and your dog bleeding to death next to you.
It's not the executive branch of the government. The government is by definition the executive (branch of the State). The ATF is part of the public administration which is subordinated to the government and therefore part of the executive. So ATF is not the executive in herself.
Laws are created by legislators and the executive must apply them. But the executive can also legislate on minore things especially when the parliament provides legislative delegations. For exemple the parliament votes a gun law and some details about the said law are decided by the executive.
Incredible. Yall actually neutralized both cowboys and severed the rope with no harm to the titty lass. Well done.
Dear Marcus,
Thank you for relaying this information to me! I have, in a state of panic, destroyed this illegal machine gun shotgun! Here are some pictures of that gun! (Insert picture of metal scrap here) No need to violate my 2nd and 4th Amendment rights! Happy Anniversary of Ruby Ridge by the way!
Sincerely yours, a law abiding citizen.
>first shot obliterates the noose, spares the waifu
Nice shot, Tex.
I was amazed. I thought I was gonna hit her chest cuz thats where my focus was concentrated.
I prefer to shoot it inside.
Look at all the gets on this post, not to mention first three posts cut the rope and headshotted both banditos
sometimes when you're looking to see whether something exists you should open your eyes and turn your brain on