Will the Jow Forums traps attend the hooker defense course put on by a friend of Karl and InRange?

Will the Jow Forums traps attend the hooker defense course put on by a friend of Karl and InRange?

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If hookers weren't around you'd still be a virgin.

Why is Karl such a fucking fag?


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I can only hope

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Derringer, of course.

holy shit Karl is so pozz'd lmao

Jesus, Karl....
This is a little much even for you.

Lmao why are these guys such fags now.

>Karl fucks hookers
Kind of a given with teeth like his.

fuck these SJW commies.

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>This thread
You all sound like the zoomer equivalent of "I support 2A, but..."

>getting people into guns who need/want guns and don't know where to start
>trash talk them for being not-conservative
>those stupid liberals hate guns reeeeeee

>Sex work
You mean prostitution, laying there and getting dicked isn't work.

>Not put on by Karl
>implying teaching vulnerable people how to defend themselves is bad.
Fuck me is OP a faggot.

It actually means anything from cam whoring, to stripping, to porn stars, and working on your back.

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Can someone redpill me on why the InRange/FW dudes are cucks?

Honestly I think this movement is a good thing, but I knew the moment I heard about it that Karl would be all over it, hoverhanding prostitutes and talking over people in a desperate attempt to find a community that can stand him.

A bunch of Jow Forums crossboarders got their panties in a bunch when Ian and Karl went to a guns rights rally and said it wasn’t a good look when a bunch of white nationalists showed up. Ever since they’ve been grasping at straws to prove Ian is really an Antifa plant and Karl is a gay commie satanist.

Ian is a commie for some reason
Karl is a satanist, aka an edgy larper.
I can understand not liking Karl for that, it's kind of a childish thing but whatever. But really for Ian because he made comments regarding the farm killings in South Africa and turned off comments on one of his videos because it looked like a Jow Forums thread. It's an absolute false narrative that is a commie.

because this is the worst timeline, if a public figure doesn't go full Jow Forums IRL they are clearly kike plants

What a faggot, jesus christ

i would go. i feel bad for hookers and want to know how they can defend themselves.

Your mom wasn't a hooker

They're not. Both are married successful guys with lots of friends and a big fan following. Jow Forums hates Ian because he contradicted their opinion of violence in South Africa. Karl really is kind of a cringeworthy edgelord who belongs to a Hot-Topic-esque rights activism group that pretends to be a Satanic church.

karl belong to what?

literally when did they ever say anything close to the bullshit k accuses them of i've seen almost all of inrange's videos.

lurk moar on here, watch less SJW bullshit on Jewtube.

>there are people on Jow Forums that don't want more gun owners

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Karl is an absolute nigger, but Ian literally dindu nuffin'

ew, whores.

>if you don't like my eceleb you're xyz
Eat shit

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nigger, all k ever does is fucking jew nigger faggot cunt shit like that and accuse. mother fucker i said goddamn proof when and fucking where did they ACTUALLY say that?

if your respond without an image actually fucking kill yourself, faggot. the ONLY thing i'm aware that is true is ian saying that shit about south africa which was.... weird..

They didn't, and it's not Jow Forums it's Jow Forums. Basically trying to make Ian out to be anti gun because he doesn't support taking guns away from minorities (Jow Forumslogic).

i thinks it's cause he uses big words and does sorta have a little stick up his ass but niggas are 100% just making shit up.

>pol pol pol
Rent fucking free

>arming mentally ill trannies with a 40% and rising suicide rate
They’ll turn the guns on themselves and or others in due time even though you can’t kys with airshit which all these attention whoring faggots own

Teaching people how to properly and safely carry/use firearms, I do not see the issue.

They're not people, they're whores.

i think karl watched sin city too many times and wants to make this real

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I'm sorry your board is a fucking cancer on this site


>The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

That’s a terrible thing to say about your mother.

Whats the pornhub link with the traps shooting?

>If hookers weren't around you'd still be a virgin.

I am a virgin and I would prefer to stay a virgin over having sex with a hooker. Just thinking about how disgusting and mentally ill a woman has to be to whore herself in 21st century when there are dozens of not hundreds of laws which protect women from that makes me want to puke.

Imagine being a woman in a 1st world country, that can't hop on welfare or find an average guy to stay with.

>implying teaching vulnerable people how to defend themselves is bad

Prostitutes put themselves in dangerous situations when they don't have to. No gun will save them when they get choked out by a large man during sex.

Because binary-brained dumbasses sperg out if someone deviates from their own personal preferences even by 0,1%.
"I sud haz rigts, but u not."

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Jow Forums is thataway, incel

you will never pass

What do you mean "protect" a woman from it? Prostitution is a choice, crack whores are a minority. In my country most of the prostitutes are students paying their way through college, since they make more in one night than I was in a week working at subway. Some of them just do it for fun, because fucking is a womans biological imperative so why not get paid for it. Sure, you'd have to be pretty fucked up to knowingly settle down with a hooker, but I cant figure why you'd freak out at women being prostitutes at all.

>welcome to hooker defense course
>step one: buy a gun
>step two: learn to shoot
>step three: quit being hooker you stupid whore
>step four: get a normal job
>step five: ???
>step six: profit

>step six: profit
probably make more as a hoe than as a wagecuck

>I am a virgin
Lost right there

Probably. Also probably already have the red menace .
So just stay in the profession and die of an overdose eventually? I guess?

Divide and conquer fags are as obvious as glowniggers.

In my area the standard hourly rate for escorts is (the approximate equivalent of) ~170 to 200 USD per hour.

I was talking to one once, she said they make several thousand a shift (post tax, room rent etc. paid to the brothel, etc.) and was using the money to pay for study. And this was at a nice brothel so they filter out all the real gross / old / sketchy dudes before hand.

DESU If I were a women I'd probably do it as well, seems like very good and easy money.

>can read the image but not which of them made the post from the thumbnail
>it's Karl
Imagine my shock, is Ian getting money from the state to tardwrangle this fucking loser or is he actually Jesus and doing this out of love for his fellow man?

So many fudds in here

I dont think that means what you think it means.

I'm sure normalizing and promoting prostitution as a viable job option for women will be great for society

Imagine a world where sex work is legalized and incels stop shooting up WalMarts every five seconds so the left stops trying to take our guns.

They're going to do it whether you like it or not, they might as well be safe and clean. They have thriving prostitute communities in Afghanistan where they stone you for it, so its not like repression and fear of punishment gets rid of the phenomenon.

Lane Harts is the pretty boy who gets pegged and ballbusted in all those HD femdom videos

Would probably keep a few incels from shooting up their school, so I say go for it.

>Imagine a world where sex work is legalized
Like in Finland? :DDD Lol you amerimutts are in a shitty "free" country. Try some freedom sometimes :DDD

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>teaching people the merits of self defense and making them value the tools used for it
>a bad thing

Prostitution being legalized wouldn't stop mass shootings because the two have little to do with each other. There would likely still be mass shootings, and if there weren't, that would actually be concerning. The left would still be coming for our guns. What we are seeing now are the death throes of an empire, and there is more to it than just mass shootings.
I know this is bait but I wanted to respond anyways.

I'll never understand mutts aversion to sexuality. You can watch a guy get graphically disemboweled on daytime television over there but show a titty and they start clutching their pearls and fainting

And what's with the circumcisions? There is no need for that if you are an a healthy man. Mutts are wierd.

It's a good way for jews to mark their cattle

>The Jow Forumsdditor is immunized against all dangers:
one may call him a retard, shitposter, faggot, shill, and it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him Jow Forums and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out."

That’s literally not true. I love seeing eurofags prance around touting their great knowledge of US politics, but time and again they completely miss the mark.

Maybe stop getting your news from Facebook and Twitter , normie

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Not that guy, but how do you feel about mean wearing short shorts? For the rest of the planet they're standard sport and gym wear, but for some reason prudish Americans recoil effetely and exclaim "oh no, that would be gay!" when confronted by them.

Not the guns, not the guns...

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I don’t give a fuck as long as I don’t see your balls. What exactly are you trying to prove?



52 git

aim straight for the thotties head

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Gonna bust at rope wit mah foahtee glocc niggah

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>continues to be the boogeyman even though I’ve never been on that shithole
Funny thing is most of these poltards (which is shareblue for right wingers I presume) is they own guns
Unlike you


pew pew


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Perfect shot, round two.

Oh man he's hurtin', three shots left!

What a string! Let's see if we can finish this guy off.

My waifu is safe, these men are no longer a threat, and with one shot to spare.

Yer a wizard Harry

Ian and Karl the antifa communists at it again.

I'll save ya miss.

it's not pol dude, this is the work of one of these shill companies

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>everything I don’t like is Jow Forums

I literally live in the US and could go fuck a prostitue legally no problem. Some states have legalized prostitution. Some don't. I happen to live in one.

I don't see the problem with this.
fuck christcucks

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pearl necklace get