What military is this?? These guys look fuckin badass. Where can i get this camo?
What military is this?? These guys look fuckin badass. Where can i get this camo?
That's just A2 larping
Its kryptec camo, US civilian and boomer stuff
But what country uses it. And where can i get it.
Is that special forces?
Literally no country uses Kryptek professionally.
It's available commercially on amazon.
Don't get camo because it looks badass, get camo because you don't want to get looked at.
>Is that special forces?
Special ed maybe
>Slavic chicken scratch watermark
>lanklets in US made camo
Yeah pics cocks in ass mega gay
That’s the key word. Can’t say I haven’t seen coolguys incorporate Kryptec shit with their getup
>A2's gimp suit
you can literally find it on Aliexpress and other chinkshit sites. They sells tons of it. You can find all kinds of gear made from this cammo. Chinks have copied it.
Anin discovers the LGBT are also into camo.
>These guys look fuckin badass.
i thought they were women at first glance
they are probably chinks, not far off
Please stay in school
Just buy it on Amazon you dumb dumb
Looks like airsoft
>these guys look fuckin badass
I do want to be mean but how old are you
>Literally no country uses Kryptek professionally.
Korean special forces have been photographed wearing Kryptek Highlander during exercises.
SO Its korean cammo? Do they make it in american sizes. What would an american xl be in korean sizes And i am 56. Why does my age matter
Kryptek is only used by fat threeper militias
What is a fat threeper militia is it different than a normal one?
What do you mean is it come kind of homo camp do they wear this at their parades because i have not seen that yet.
So its korean camo how do i find an american xl in this size because chinks are smaller than americans also i am 56 years old why does it matter
I orignally thought you were fucking around OP... now im not sure.
Kryptek is a favorite of mine, lots of nre gear with it, including for a period here in Ausfalia with Platatac.com a local supplier/manufacturer of mil gear for our ADF.
Its been trialed with a number of militaries, and unfortunately despite doing well visually, it underperforms on Infra-red.
Its since been coppied by the uncreative chink output factories, but does come in a nice format for painting your kit in, or having for the range/camping.
Here in Aus, DCPU is better still. But id you're wearing Kryptek, at least you wont be called a larper as much
Which is strange because it’s legitimately decent camo.
Who is she?
UPC was adopted. what camo "professionals" adopt is almost meaningless these days.
hunters, on the other hand, are attempting to fool creatures with senses that are multitudes stronger than any of our senses.
The left is kryptek typoon personally I love it and have a fair bit of stuff in that pattern but no professional military uses them to my knowledge
Jesus, there's larping but this is too much and I almost considered the idea of getting into Airsoft.
That image was actually created to mock airshitters, or so the story goes. Poe's Law applies.
Jeez louise, you fags are gullible.
Are you into thai whores?
>paintball shirt
the shirt that goes under armor has camo on the arms but not the torso where the iotv or plate carrier covers
sense of smell and hearing sure, but humans actually have pretty excellent and well-rounded sense of sight compared to other animals
Please, this cant be real.
>Jeez louise
Americans are so cute and adorable when they do this.
uwu eurokun do you want borger?
Yes please!
Cringe and greypilled