This is honestly a shit gun...

This is honestly a shit gun. The lack of an external hammer means you’re shooting double action every single time and the 10 lb trigger pull combined with the long trigger travel means it’s much more difficult to be accurate with.

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Learn how to shoot it you stupid fuck. In a defensive situation you're not gonna be shooting SA.

I was waiting for this absolute cope of an argument.

>OP has shit trigger control

>coping this hard
git gud faggot

You should be able to stage the trigger for accurate shots if Ruger made it like every other dao revolver

Ok mista

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>This is honestly a shit gun. The lack of an external hammer means you’re shooting double action every single time and the 10 lb trigger pull combined with the long trigger travel means it’s much more difficult to be accurate with.
Maybe try not being a fag?

Its meant to be stuck in a pocket holster for easy every day carry and put holes in things at very short range. It doesn't have to be accurate.

Those things rattle like a motherfucker. LCRx as well

My 6 year old also struggled with the da trigger on my revolver, it’s ok op

I despise how the word cope now gets used by people who have zero arguments. It's like when niggers discover another white word, hear it used once, and immediately obsess over it and try to convince themselves they are using it right

So you are prepared with a rebuttal then? Let's hear it!

Stop projecting.

Stop projecting.

This, OP is a noob.

Pocket guns should either have safeties or stiff triggers. Stiff triggers are still capable of accurate shots, pull back to the wall somewhat quickly, realign, then smoothly break. Snubby revolvers aren't for accurate shooting anyway, they're for card table distance shots. If you want something more geared towards accuracy there are literally over 900 other choices.

Also 9mm in a revolver is fucking tits. The snappiness makes it fun to shoot and reloads are a breeze.

>The lack of an external hammer means you’re shooting double action every single time

That's the fucking point

>scrawny zoomer doesn't have the forearm strength to pull DAO
Git gud.

>The lack of an external hammer means you’re shooting double action every single time
No shit it's supposed to be a CCW wheel gun. What did you expect retard?

“Crucial” was a good example of this a few years back.

This is the correct answer

Learn to shoot for real then post

Ya but it’s so smooth without that nasty hammer sticking out. So smooth mmmmm

Basically this.

There’s also an exposed hammer model too if DAO is just too much for your grip strength and ability to to shoot.

OP is probably fat.

I understand it’s beyond your capabilities and you have to blame the gun, just stick with the 10/22

You can easily be minute of man with a DA trigger at self-defense ranges. That's what matters.

Improve your grip strength and polish the trigger. Sometimes you need more strength in your hands than what's required to fingerfuck your boyfriend

One of the best exercises you can do to improve grip strength is pull-ups. If you can’t do those, seated rows and bent over dumbbell rows are also good.

>He thinks he knows bad D/A triggers

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get the LCRx if you want a hammer... it shoots very well in SA

or, get a S&W 630-whatever that has a shrouded-hammer

literally just shot a perfect score for carry with an LCRx, git good

Attached: Ruger LCRx.jpg (660x496, 192K)


Why has my elbow started hurting after pullups? I'm sure you're no doctor but it couldn't hurt to ask


Which elbow? Strong side or weak side? If weak side it could simply be a little tendinitis. This happens a lot when someone really gets into working out and they do all the right things to put on muscle. Muscle responds much faster than connective tissue to stimuli for growth or repair (basically the same thing).

It’s why professional athletes are often very prone to injury. Most are on gear and their musculature is often beyond their connective tissue to actuate. So a torn ACL or rotator cuff is common because the muscles can perform the action or resist the motion better than the connective tissue to the connective tissue fails.

I say take it easy for a few weeks. Drop the weight to where your elbow is comfortable but get those reps in, keep it high volume, get that pump. The moment it gets sore, is the moment to lay off. Don’t suffer through it. After 3 weeks or so try going back to near your previous weight for those movements and see how it goes (I expect it will feel a lot better). I’m 32 and have been doing this for 16 years. Don’t ignore your body’s flashing lights and alarm sirens. Listen to them. I wish I did more often, that’s for sure.

Learn to stage your double action trigger pulls.
[spoiler]inb4 "lol, nigga has bitch hands" that's just the first image result that illustrated the point.[/spoiler]

Attached: Triggerstage.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

shit, I guess ctrl+s is a bit fucky.

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With the hammer covered you can fire it more reliably from your pocket, so you can keep your hand on your gun without drawing it from your coat pocket.


Why is plastic so expensive? I can literally get a new S&W airweight 642 for the same price or less. I thought plastic was supposed to make things more affordable, but apparently the manufacturer just keep the savings for themselves.

Post a pic of your hand.

Supply and demand. LCR is a very popular revolver.

op my arthritic mom can shoot this gun with no trouble

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this too

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Hot. Post one with your range socks on.

I inherited a DAO gun from my grandpa when he died. At first I hated it because it was so hard to aim. But I have actually enjoyed the challenge of mastering DAO trigger now. I think it made me a better shooter overall.

Jow Forums doesn't have spoiler tags.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up before my filthy crossposting ways embarrassed me further.

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You've obviously never fingerfucked a prostate before.

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>you’re shooting double action every single time
and? the only time you cock a double action revolver is for slow fire target shooting.


You can hit man-sized steel targets at 100 yards with a snub in .38 if you actually practice and dryfire with one.

The main drawback becomes the sights.

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>100 yards with a snub in .38
it'll be going so slow he could swat it out of the air tho

Maybe if he could see it coming....

I shot a B27 with a j frame @100yds once. I got 31 hits out of 50.

I own one, I agree. It sucks.