Hong Kong Foreign Legion

>China invades HK to quash protests
>Armed resistance supported by western intel agencies breaks out
>Provisional republic declared
>They raid the vast mainland assets stored in HK banks
>offers foreign fighters $100,000/year and citizenship if they join up

Would you?

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Nah. I wish HK the best, but we have too many domestic enemies to be purged first.

>turning down the opportunity to battle ruthless communists today because you might hypothetically fight milquetoast socialists later

No, direct conflict with mainland government is unwinnable with the tools and land that HK has.

The intent (for the west) is to make HK megacity afghanistan, not to actually win.


fuck no, not even a PMC would accept a defense contract there, hell, even fucking mercenaries wouldn't
the best you'll get would be mall security guards but with guns and i'm being generous

No. They get nuked the moment they resist

>HK megacity afghanistan
Now this is a cyberpunk story I’d like to read

Fuck yeah

> I’d love to kill some commies

How could you win this? Totally removing Chinese influence without having china nuke or zerg rush the whole city?

Tfw kowloon city isnt a thing anymore imagine fighting in that bullshit

It's not about winning. Its about how many zeros you have in between 1 and how many little bugs you you take with you.

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You’d need a k/d ratio in the hundreds of thousands for it to matter. You’d be better off airdropping switchblades over Shenzhen.

The Hong Kong police try to raid one small area in 1975. 35 men with Hi Powers, .38 revolvers, and a few L1A1 rifles went in. In the resulting melee over
1000 rounds were expended and a stand-off set in that resulted in the HK governor General asking for a RN frigate to shell the structure with blank rounds as a show of force. Ultimately a second team including sheep-dipped SAS troopers broke through and extracted the 23 survivors and five bodies. The rest, to this day, have never been found.

No. Hell no. I want the chinks out of my own country, America. And to a lesser extent, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This includes HK chinks.

Also, China can and will just hulk smash it, and has massive support from the mainland.

this too

Holy shit this is AnCapistan: the city.

>After Japan's surrender in 1945, China announced its intent to reclaim the walled city. Refugees fleeing the Chinese Civil War post-1945 poured into Hong Kong, and 2,000 squatters occupied the walled city by 1947. After a failed attempt to drive them out in 1948, the British adopted a 'hands-off' policy in most matters concerning the walled city.

>With no government enforcement from the Chinese or the British aside from a few raids by the Royal Hong Kong Police, the walled city became a haven for crime and drugs. It was only during a 1959 trial for a murder that occurred within the Walled City that the Hong Kong government was ruled to have jurisdiction there. By that time, however, the walled city was virtually ruled by the organised crime syndicates known as triads.[3]

>Beginning in the 1950s, triad groups such as the 14K and Sun Yee On gained a stranglehold on the walled city's numerous brothels, gaming parlours, and opium dens. The Walled City had become such a haven for criminals that police would venture into it only in large groups.[10] It was not until 1973 and 1974, when a series of more than 3,500 police raids resulted in over 2,500 arrests and over 1,800 kilograms (4,000 lb) of seized drugs, that the triads' power began to wane. With public support, particularly from younger residents, the continued raids gradually eroded drug use and violent crime. In 1983, the police commander of Kowloon City District declared the Walled City's crime rate to be under control.[3]


>Although the rampant crime of earlier decades diminished in later years, the walled city was still known for its high number of unlicenced doctors and dentists who could operate there without threat of prosecution.

Fuckkkk that, now imagine trying to clear that entire structure



>The intent (for the west) is to make HK megacity afghanistan
No it isn't. The best thing the west can do is let China remind the world they're an authoritarian shithole by Tienanmen Squaring the whole thing.

>They raid the vast mainland assets stored in HK banks
You mean the massive vaults of nothingness because the world runs on credit?

This is unironically the best outcome for both sides at this stage.

Hong Kong is undefendable: that's why the British left in the first place.

I have my doubts over Taiwan being defendable against Chinese attack too.


China is literally a redux of 1920s US-style crony capitalism right now. Most European countries are more communist than China at this point.

I’d do it fucking tomorrow.
>tfw no combat training
I’m rather physically fit but I’m no warrior. I know they wouldn’t let me in:(
What do Jow Forums?

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Aside from manufacturing capability, the levers of control in China look in no way what America had in the 1920s.

Hong Kong is part of China. I do not give a shit what happens to it. I hope all these faggoty rioters demanding democracy get shot. "Freedom and democracy" means trannies and faggots every single time. "Hurr durr kill commies" is retarded. China has every right to protect its lands from American globohomo bullshit.

This. If an American protest in a major city ever got to the point where it is now in Hong Kong, they'd send in the National Guard.

There is precedent with LA.

China is China. It doesn't have a historical analogue other than Singapore's weird mix of fascism and national capitalism, which is what Deping modelled the system after when Mao and Maoism died

I guess we should give Texas back to Mexico

>"Hurr durr kill commies" is retarded

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The funny thing is we have this happening in numerous cities now with antifa riots and a few years back with BLM riots. Faggots, trannies, and niggers. Same shit in Hong Kong. Same Department of State backers even.

I guess you should stop making retarded comparisons.

Are you a boomer? Do you understand what China is? Are you aware of actual Marxists in western governments pushing faggotry on you? Are you aware that China currently has less censorship and more freedom of speech than you do simply because the only thing they censor is anti-party speech? We're on the verge of red flag laws, and you think the Chinese are the commies. America is a giant glass house and there's rocks and niggers everywhere

no, but i'd enjoy watching it on tv

Took long enough for the chink shills to show up

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>ywn be kill by a qt german gf

A government controls the territory that it controls because it has the force to defend it against anyone that would seek to claim it for themselves.

America could have annexed the entirety of Mexico back in the 1840s/1850s after the Mexican-American War. You captured Mexico's capital.

Why wasn't Mexico annexed? Ironically because Americans thought that annexing Mexico would introduce too much foreign blood into the USA, and whatever they could have gained from Mexico wasn't worth that cost.

America is much more divided as a nation than China. Culturally. Demographically. Economically.

There is more prosperity in China than there is in America now. Not on a per capita basis, but there are more millionaires and billionaires in China than America.

Even Hong Kong's capitalist elites have no intention of supporting the protests. They know.

>Are you a boomer? Do you understand what China is? Are you aware of actual Marxists in western governments pushing faggotry on you?

They aren't Marxists, they are useful idiots at best. But China or Russia doesn't control the ANTIFA types, that's exclusively within the realms of the US/European political system.

We know the elites within the US are neo-liberal types, so it stands to reason that they are the ones utilizing ANTIFA to do achieve things that they want.

That's not how a bank works dumbass

The Chinese have an obsession with physical luxury goods. There are safety deposit boxes in Hong Kong filled to the brim with uncut diamonds, for example.

the alphabet soup boys are commies, they support the mainlanders

the ChiComs would just shell the fuck out of it..

i'm sure china is the promised land there CHANG.

fucking chinkos get off my boards REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe

Fuck off, CIAnigger faggot.

Plenty in the West but I don't see you doing shit.

We have pro-chicom protesters arguing with pro-hongkong protesters even in my middle of nowhere prairie city. They can go if they feel that strong enough about it to try and drag the rest of us in their bullshit.

I'd rather it be another example of why you don't let the government be the only people with guns.

The best move is to wait till China pulls a Tiannanmen Square on HK, because then everyone will have a justification to step in.
HK inciting China into doing it is a nice bonus, though whether the sacrifices are worth it is another question.

Shut the fuck up, CIAnigger.

Not sure if fednigger disinfo or retarded..

But that's cheating! To bad the US wouldnt just blockade the Chinese from using missiles or warships, damn explosives ruin all the fun...

>HK less culturally diverse from China than the entire U.S. from itself.
Lol ok bug, keep telling yourself that.

We haven't annexed Mexico because of the UN and loss of NATO. We should have a long time ago and slaughtered those cartels before I was born. You bugs wouldn't understand a nation of civic national ideals if you understood it because you bugs are more racist than even stormfront.

A fucking Patel-fag could agree with you on everything and you would still think his culture is completely different.

>I'm a cia nigger cause I don't suck Moa's cock
Cope faggot
Moa was a double digit iq and likely a fag too

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>I'd rather it be another example of why you don't let the government be the only people with guns.

Incredibly simplistic take, friend. Hong Kong couldn't resist China even if every male and female aged 16 to 50 was willing and able to fight AND had a year's supply of food, ammunition and an AR15.

Hong Kong was never independent in the first place. Not under the Chinese. Not under the British. Not under the Chinese again.


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This is your brain on Jow Forumsniggardry

Nah, you're a CIAnigger because you characterize standard American Nationalist talking points as "chink shilling". Sloopy boomer desk jockey faggot.

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Don't you know user that America must make the world safe for democracy?

The people in Hong Kong won't be free until they are 56% of their city, with 13% Negroes and the other remainder being Mexicans.

Don't forget the right to have gay sex and to get married with to their boyfriend.

THAT is true freedom.

China is exactly what the USA wants to achieve.
You can stop RIGHT NOW thinking that US political movements haven't been pushing that direction since the
early 80's. We have been heading headlong right into what China is now. China did it faster and is pulling it off..."Seemingly". I say that because even the Chinese people have limits.
They might be bugmen but yes they have limits. How that touches military aspects - I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE.

All I know is that I see the US leftwing_communist elements pushing as hard as they can against people that really don't want that. They are using hard wedge issues as always, guns abortion, blah blah. What they really want is financial control. The Fed isn't communism but it IS a centralized method of finance. Thats Usury and thanks hebrews!.

I wouldn't take a contract in China for under 1.2 mill a quarter and fucker I expect to be paid weekly into a European account in Switzerland.

I'd also expect the mission to be intel in nature and limited to only calling in airstrikes.
I'd want to be removed from combat. Rooftops. Comms. jacking. drone ops.
I'd also expect to be removed from foreign agent contact.

An Aus passport and a SouthAfrican identity as a drywall and all weathering consultant should be laid out for me.

Ok just sell me fucking glass of wine Isaac.

>acknowledging the fact that chink posters shill on Jow Forums 24/7, including this thread
>"you're just a boomer"
At least now we all know you're either a gook or discord tranny. Btw it's spelled sloppy retard

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They aren't even hiding it now

No, it was just the current Northern bits...and part of the Yucatan for some stupid reason, but we had a pussy ass traitor there signing papers.

Would have made the border more policable.

Go take a defensive shooting course NOW

or read ranger handbook kek.

I stated my conditions. "theoretical of course"
No they are NOT hiding it.
They want to do EXACTLY what China is doing.
And this is some deep finger shit and i'll tell you right now i'm in the "tech industry" and it AIN'T GOOD. The Trends are pushing the height of
tech advances. Human CEOS are just reacting to competition and aren't even aware of the dangers. Politicians will of course sell out
for lobby cash if it makes them look good.

ITS A BIG BED. And they are all in it.
You and I are the slippers in the scheme of things.

>shut down the Mises institute in china even though they never criticized the party

Yeah your fucking retarded.


stop ALL student exchange

shut the fuck up faggot you dont know what real opression is. We must secure hong kongs rights to free markets and guns

no we don't

we need to secure our own rights and free markets and guns

>the levers of control in China look in no way what America had in the 1920s.
it seems that way probably because you're a fucking retard who never picked up a book on the subject.
National industrial policy was VERY MUCH a thing for the US back in the days.

If Mexico wasn't as powerless as it was for the last century, that's exactly what would have happened.

You have a propensity for talking out of your ass.

I'd do it just to supply the honkies and the violence.

>because then everyone will have a justification to step in.
>step in
against 1 of the Big 5 and the number 2 power in the world. In their back yard.

>We must secure hong kongs rights to free markets and guns
>free markets
This is kinda what created this whole HK mess in the first place. Rampant capitalism.

>China turns off the water and power for 2 months

>Nah. I wish HK the best, but we have too many domestic enemies to be purged first.

Fuck off Russian troll.

Seethe, boomer fed nigger. Keep shilling for your kike masters' global defilement agenda and Ronald Reagan will come back or something. Now shove another doughnut in your fat face and keep shilling wars against anyone but our real enemies.

No one with half a brain ever bought this shit, you stinking fed cocksucker.

I'd love to go but if they'd take me as a fighter then it's basically all over but the screaming by that point.

She has distinctly Asian eye characteristics.
That gal isn't German.

Currently Taiwan can easily defend against any conventional invasion by the PLA

They probably cannot survive an economic and diplomatic blockade imposed by Beijing however

>offers foreign fighters $100,000/year
Is that a joke

Those who would shy away from the struggle for freedom are not in keeping with the spirit of America and the spirit of our founders. The people of Hong Kong are crying out for relief from the bondage of communism, for freedom and open democracy, and for a government who respects progress and human rights. To turn a deaf ear in their hour of need would morally undermine the fabric of America. The United States must go all-in to bolster pro-democracy struggle in Hong Kong, and hold the regime of China accountable for their long list of abuses. By securing the South China Sea, the United States can ensure freedom of navigation and the ability to reign in the unlawful trade which violates CAATSA. This is one step to controlling China's illegal ambitions and expansionist agenda. By partnering with pro-democracy NGOs and vetted moderate groups, the progress made toward democracy in Hong Kong can be extended.

lol yep that's what they do

Just show up in a thread, quote some posts they disagree with, and accuse them of being either Chinese or Russian.

>Currently Taiwan can easily defend against any conventional invasion by the PLA
nigga u DUMB AS SHIT.

>Those who would shy away from the struggle for freedom are not in keeping with the spirit of America and the spirit of our founders.
dumbest fucking shit I read. You think the American revolution was about freedom? Nah. It was about fucking TAXES.

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America isn’t free. We’re literally a ruled over by Jews through a Supreme Court that isn’t elected by the people.

sometimes i wonder about the mental state of people who truly think protesting an authoritarian regime is the work of jews

>you dont know what real opression is

Not being able to exercise our constitutional right of freedom of speech at a legally permitted rally without being attacked by Antifa, badge niggers and the FBI sounds like oppression to me Schlomo.

I like how half this board talks about antifa as ineffectual neckbeard faggots, and the other half seems to think they're the biggest threat to freedom in America.

Nice try, Russian troll. Fomenting domestic dissent is a hallmark of Russian disinfo campaigns designed to undermine the public faith in the institutions of democracy, in order to undermine America's operational effectiveness in confronting authoritarian regimes abroad. The truth is that the people of Hong Kong are resisting an authoritarian regime. America does not have an authoritarian regime, vatnik.

Anyone suggesting the CIA is behind the events in Hong Kong is either a Russian Troll, a Chinese Troll, or Insane. There is no middle ground in the war on communism. Those undermining the struggle for freedom in Hong Kong are aiding the murderous regime of China and adhering to the enemies of freedom.

Antifa is just the street level enforcers of the FBI and ZOG. There’s a reason why the cops defend them and they’re hardly ever prosecuted and never convicted of a crime. On their own they’re just a bunch of mentally ill trannys and Jews and wouldn’t last in a second in a direct confrontation, which is why they have police protection.

Defend yourself against Antifa as a white man, you lose your job and go to jail.