Hidden firearm storage

What do you guys use for hidden in home storage. Where did you get it from..did you build it yourself?

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I saw the American flag wall mount compartment one. It looks to obvious

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Another one i liked

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I am not actually interested at all but I am happy to see someone posting something they are interested in so please post more.

simple, walk around naked with a makarov tucked between my cheeks

Under book in bookshelf. In bathroom drawer. Under sink. Everywhere

I guess I'm looking to see if any one has furniture like this. And opinions on it of course.

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Is this legal guys? What do you do if you forget where you hid the gun and make it go off accidentally?

You get red flagged for owning firearms while having alzheimers

I'm thinking about something for a Shockwave and a couple of pistols.

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I want this in my basement

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Yeah that's just a bit out of my price range.

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>20rd mag
Not american.

>firearm stored inside wooden box
>you "make it go off"
How? Did you tie a string to the trigger?

All the commercial ones are too obvious and too well publicized. A random thick as fuck shelf? A chunky coffee table with no drawer? It needs to be hidden in something that's already bulky enogh to hide it, not soemthing made bulky, and it needs to be something that's usually monolithic. A table is not usually monolithic like that.
My greatuncle had a shotgun hidden in the mantle. It was a solid slab of polished granite and looked completely innocuous unless you were standing in the fireplace and even then it was hard to find.
We only found it because a bird got stuck in the chimney 10 years after he died and I had to get it out.


>make it go off

>30rd mag right beside it

did it not occur to you that the 20rd is in the gun for space reasons? that way the rifle can be centered in the compartment

The thing about robbers is they well and truly do not give a fuck about your shit. They'll throw it across the room tip it over and tear it from the walls. Anything small enough to do that to is not a hiding place. Anything big enough probably isn't going to be in your bedroom or bathroom. Matresses get upended, dressers and drawers get upturned, anything on the wall big enough to hide a safe behind gets tossed.
I think a hidden wall panel is probably your best bet for accessibility and concealment.

>My greatuncle had a shotgun hidden in the mantle.
Lived in an apartement with something similar to this. Fireplace had been updated sometime in the 80s with a kitschy mirrored mantle around it and a tiled floor. The lefthand panel of the mirror was actually one of those flush pop-open magnetic cabinet doors, and inside was a cupboard with hooks for a poker, broom, tongs, and shovel. Real classy, and if I hadn't used the fireplace as often as I did, I would have easily considered it for gun storage.

Ruger in the sock drawer is my go-to for shooting at strange noises at night.

my shed

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I don't see the point in elaborate ways of hiding a gun. Maybe by your bed, if you really can't use a safe, but anywhere else is just asking for somebody to bump into it.
>Is this legal
It's your own damn house.
>make it go off accidentally
Not a problem for most guns. For shotguns, don't have anything in the barrel(s).

>have shitty thin walls
>cut hole in drywall
>place gun
>patch hole
>put shitty wallpaper over it
>hear someone up to no good at night
>walk out of my room naked with a raging erection
>punch wall
>rip gun out
>if this wasn't enough to make the guy cut and run he's clearly a threat and must be put down
Find a flaw.

It needs to be a pinned 10 round magazine. The true American way

>not coming up with thebone liner "Want to die, fuck?"
>noy mixing up your wording with all that stress and adrenaline in your veins
>not saying "Want to fuck?" instead

You're never going to make it.

Top of my coffee table also opens, but I don't keep loaded firearms there because any kid running around could easily get there.

Can we have some storage which isn't retarded?

You can DIY a cheaper version with steel shelves for a few thousand dollars.

Fuck, I nearly forgot I had drawn up some sketches of an "infinity box" as a standing lamp. With one of the sides opening up as a door, with it being hollow.

Pic semi related. Instead of being a table, all vertical sides along with the top surface will be like the pic.

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The thing about robbers is that they need to get in and out quickly. Unless they know you've got guns, a cheap but large flat panel TV set will consume enough of their time lugging it out the door that they'll leave satisfied.

A hidden basement. First, a series of heavy blast doors along a corridor. And then an elevator, cleverly disguised as a phone booth.

I don't see the point in having something like this but then needing a fucking key to open it because it's locked.

if you need to get this quickly, either fumbling with or trying to find your keys, can and will get you killed.

it would be better to just be able to click it and it opens.

I keep my guns in ziploc baggies in the upper-tanks of toilets around my house.

You forget where you put your gun and get murdered


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>Find a flaw.
You didn't cut the hole at dick level and fuck the gun out of the wall.

Pls no bully I am a total clutz. Even if it is legal I'd probably wouldn't do it personally

>horseplaying with my gf at a park
>accidentally her face hard
>she yells out
>she gets a bloody nose
>mix up "are you okay" and "I'm sorry" and end up yelling out "ARE YOU SORRY?"
>she starts laughing herself to tears
>but it sounds and looks like she's sobbing
>look around and everyone is just staring at me
>we quickly leave while she continues losing her shit
Only time I've ever really done that.

No way to keep gun from shifting around
No way to positively keep the lid shut


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Being this retarded.

>put a clock or some shit on the wall above where I left it
Problem solved.

Far Side is so fucking great

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Shit the fuck up you no guns faggot

Good thread. I want to build something like pic related, you can access your hardware without even getting out of bed.

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Damn straight. I like that mechanism but feel like it would be difficult to get working reliably with an SBR due to optic,light,mag etc.

>black youth looks in total wonder as the weirdo whose house he's just now broken into is going around the living room punching walls and pulling out huge amount of nothing but plaster smoke from each holes
>guy even goes as far as to ask this black youth to "hold on, I got it here somewh-, no shit, fuck! Wrong wall again!"
>black youth remembers than La-dash-A is still waiting for him in his wonkermobile and decide to cut the festivities short by plugging the homeowner with his problem-solver
>white, naked, pasty motherfucker covered head to toes in plaster finally goes down
>with his dying breath, the homeowner whispers, "Shoulda put a gun in all the walls."

can ammo/guns hold up stored in 110-120°F sheds?

hang a framed picture of your gun in front of where you hid your gun.

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I've been trying to find the vendor for that, I saw the picture a long time ago but cannot find the actual vendor.

Any good carpenter. I'm almost 100% certain this isn't a 'product' but rather a 'commissioned job.'

Lost my shit.

>Find a flaw.

Your guns will rust due to the rust inducing compounds in the dry wall material, I had the same idea until I googled it.


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Your noguns is showing

Buy some foam and add to it.

I was in a Layzboy furniture store. They had a high dollar version of a coffee table. The entire top lifted up and slid forward. To reveal the inner piece. No one would ever see this. The way its hidden. Unless you stole the coffee table
But for an average crackhead. They would never figure put how to release the latch that opens it.

Wouldn't call myself a Jow Forumsommando, but I suppose most people build it by themself
it at least makes more sense, if you want to stay it hidden...

I forgot to add. You could easily hide a handgun and a AR pistol inside. It was only 4 inches in depth. Completely consealed

Ak50fag pls go

as long as it isn't humid i don't see why not

Ok, that's a great idea, to be honest

>Not posting superior version.

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Wrong book. Try pic related.

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Good call, make sure to check the expiration date located after the serial number. If the gun is too old it can do that. The technical term is "oopsyshootygobang" or "OSGB"

20rd straight mags look absolutely sexy though

gayest fucking thing i've seen in this thread so far, congrats

The ease at which that opened would cause it to be accidentally triggered every night. What a stupid design.

Maybe learn to have sex without banging her head off the board m8.

Simply moving around or sleeping with say your arm under the pillow and shifting to slightly hit that board will cause it to move. Now you get woken up by a shotgun falling on your head.

Or in the .000001% you ever actually go to use it and since you're adrenaline is pumping but you're not really awake you push it awkwardly causing it to get stuck or trigger improperly. The design is retarded through and through. No one should ever be in your fucking bedroom to the point you need to /hide/ the weapon from intruders.

If you aren't causing her physical harm every timr then you're doing it wrong, incel.

Sorry, I have real fetishes like holding hands, missionary position, and cumming in her while making out.

Degenerates like yoy belong on a cross.

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I just didn't feel secure until I installed my shower gun

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