ITT we prove that Jow Forums can agree on some things
I'll start:
1) 9mm is acceptable
2nd) SHALL
3) ATF is big gay
4) wheelguns are acceptable
5) we're all still boycotting Dick's Sporting Goods
Uncontroversial Opinions
4) except in .410
based and dare i say redpilled
6) Any gun > no gun, any weapon > no weapon
as a Canadian I agree, except add RCMP also big gay.
I think we can all agree to say fuck Cheaper than Dirt
And Walmart.
Nope, Walmart is way too convenient. I did stop buying ammo from them though. Now I just buy ammo from my LGS. I could buy it cheaper online, but the store puts out a lot of pro-gun ads over the radio and offers a bunch of training and cc classes, plus the employees are all solid dudes. I'll pay a little extra to help them put out the pro-gun message to the community.
You should be fit if you take self defense seriously
Yes, because pretty much all handgun cartridges don't escape from the same issues.
Fucking radioactive glowing dogshooters
Never even been to Dicks, fuck 'em.
1) We live in the golden age of the cheap, high-quality AR. Entry-level ARs are the best value in firearms right now.
2) Milsurp guns are only for collectors now. They're no longer a good option for poorfags just looking for a cheap blaster.
3) Red Flag laws are extremely dangerous and will lead to terrible abuses of rights.
4) The John Wick series, while not perfect, is a totally Jow Forums-approved film experience.
5) Steve1989 is Jow Forumsino
6) Kino is Jow Forumsino
7) Traps probably are gay. It's just a matter of whether you care or not.
This weeb speaks the truth
1)every american has the right to bear arms.
2) people should be able to buy machine guns, rocket launchers, grenades, and cannons.
3)fuck gun grabbers and communists
4)people have the right to love who they love, legally.
>weapons=closest thing in this world to a guarantee of self agency
>making governing bodies solely responsible for the security and safety of the individual beings under its governance is tantamount to putting yourself into a more, but also less, benign form of prison. You'll more than likely be literally imprisoned when you realize you've given up control of your life and the government did what it wants to always do and suppress freedom of expression and squash any voice that is harmful and just not helpful enough to the sanctity of its sovereign.
>4)people have the right to love who they love, legally
Fuck off with the LGBTWTFBBQ propaganda.
This. I bought as much milsurp as I could in the early 2010's when I was old enough to buy gats and the getting was good. Bought an M&P15 II during the post-election price drop and it's easily the gun I shoot the most.
The price of milsurps today are unreal and some of them has me at least considering selling a couple to finance more gucci gun purchase.
Based, most of you subhumans will fail right here.
4 has nothing to do with guns you hyper fag
Fuck off you faggot. Gay acceptance lead to gays propagandizing schoolchildren and drag queen story time.
>We just want to be free to love who we love!
Bullshit, you proved tolerance leads to worse offenses.
The only people for whom its not legal to "love who you love", are pedofiles, rapists, and incestuous families. What are you implying faggot?
minimum 95% of posters who claim to own guns, don't
This, just did leg day feels goodman
Kys immediately
You kind is directly responsible, among others, for the absolute degradation of western culture. You are just as much the enemy as the marxist.
Fuck off fag, you'll hang on the DOTR
1)this poster is a faggot
Thumbhole stocks look good and the only reason people shit on them is because they have PTSD from the AWB.
Based, just ran 2 miles with my 40 lb weight vest today.
What if I'm ready to die though?
27) lever action is best action
28) the collective dream of fishing with guns
29) Jews run the usa/EU
30) way of the gun has the best gunplay on screen ever
31) tombstone is the best western
32) you're a daisy if you do
33) subotai favorite general
I've been here a decade and I can say this with complete certainty.
Asuka best girl
31 wrong. Unforgiven is the best western.
A chuckle at another way of referring to the alphabet people
>Absolute faggotry
doesn't that fuck your knees or was that ironic
Yes, make the marriage laws back like how they were and I agree.
>with my 40 lb weight vest today
Does this actually work or should I stick to rucking?
Not him but I take my plate carrier hiking all the time. Nothing compared to a heavy backpack.
Deserves got nothing to do with it.
Jews should be gassed, for real this time
I want a Spencer carbine. There was a run of repros a while back. I'd like to get my hands on one.
I agree
t. softbody
quite so reginald
Dipcifica is beat ship
9/10 post
>Not wanting to make the world a place of truth and justice bullet by bullet with small arms fire that we all possess
Delightfully based and evidenced to be redpilled
Well who the fuck do you pick then?
If you say Rei I'm calling the police.
.410 pistols are the worst
12) Israel is our greatest ally
most people have no problem doing that in the US despite manufactured emotions vendors feeding you nightmare scenarios all the fucking time. The only ones who have legal trouble loving who they love are sex offenders, molesters, rapists and such. Getting your fee-fees hurt is not only legal but also most likely a result of your own insufferable personality.
4) shouldn't even be a concern for most people,even the homosexuals. You drama queens have no idea how good you have it, always complaining about being oppressed while the rest of the world laughs at the west for not only the lack of oppressing but straight up enabling degeneracy.
You might even tell yourself how the rest of the world don't matter because they ain't America but neither are you nor your clown show, America wasn't like this.
I refuse to respect your "right" to legally love children, you sick pervert.
No one asked for Canada’s opinion
I’ve actually seen straight up good deals on ammo at some Walmarts. Otherwise they are big gay.
Based and Awesome pilled
Anyone can appreciate the spirit behind shallposting, but its faggot larping in the current year. Its like a man with a bloodied nose, bruised jaw and black eye claiming that nobody can lay a finger on him. Its the right mentality, but its poser shit when spammed everywhere.
This isn't lookism, my dude.
1)If you are being sued for small claims you should be legally able to request a flintlock pistol duel, with the winner of the duel winning the case + some or all of the property/possessions of loser.
2)Why aren't whores legal?
3)Why aren't weed legal?
4)Would use genie wish for unlimited ammo
5)Bring back public hangings for pedos
6)Red Flag laws are unconstitutional and the emblem for them should literally have a swastika on the front
7)Even if a gun kicks so bad it breaks your wrist you have to act like it didn't hurt and mutter something along the lines of "That wasn't so bad"
That we all doubt he’ll fucking kill you.
Dumpster defenders did nothing wrong
6 million more is necessary
Psa is great
.38 is fine
Che was a badass and he got shit done despite being a filthy commy
Our own government actively seek to replace our working class with 3rd world peasants more easily controlled
Taurus actually makes decent budget guns
Mattis is a faggot
When I typed out mattis is a" "Zionist is the first thing that popped up in my auto correct on the phone
1:I have the right to achieve an erection with a fully automatic firearm and a big bore cannon of my choice, no exceptions.
Gun buy backs are pointless but a good place to pick up suckers selling guns cheap.
Machine Guns are too expensive.
Anything NAZIS marked is too expensive.
Anything CSA Marked is too expensive.
i don't lift weights but i bike several miles on a daily basis.
sauce please.
your ship is a fine watercraft of excellent manufacture.
I for one welcome our Jewish overlords
>high quality
pick one
psa is not high quality, a decent ar still costs about 800$ to put together
all checks out to me
40 is better than 9mm
10) the only thing more censored and monitored by Jews on k is the feds
Seriously idf is here and looking to red flag you. Dont give them an excuse like I did.
Don't even use the j word on this board. They will send the FBI after you and red flag you. Stay safe anons.
Please stay in your containment thread, /arg/ cretin.
1) PSA make acceptable ARs and the only people who disagree are /arg/ tripfags and they're aren't human so their opinions don't matter
Yes Steve1989 is Jow Forumsino
His comfy MRE videos are underrated
Absolutely redpilled
You'd like to think that, but Jow Forumsommandos are still shilling them for deals all the time. The modern day memory span is absolutely garbage, and consumerist mindset has overtaken principles and morals. Cheaper than dirt (and all the other traitors) will never notice your refusal to do business with them, because despite your hatred of their practices, you're just a very small minority.
Realizing this is when I accepted we won't be winning any culture war. Too few people to take a stand on some of the easiest shit, like boycotting businesses that will backstab their customers in a heartbeat. Non compliance with unjust laws sounds cool and all, but it's just going to get you a record later on down the road. You'll be labeled a crazed gun nut in the media or brushed under the rug altogether. Convenience and saving pennies is how society falls.
Integrity would be needed to actually make a difference, and there's far too little integrity left in gun culture. These days it's all "I got mine, fuck you, poorfag."
I'll continue to boycott corrupt businesses, and I'll continue enjoying the hobby for as long as it lasts. But as hyped as people get fantasizing about some civil war, it's unlikely. The real changes in this world are made in small steps, like not shopping with companies actively destroying this culture. If we can't even universally get behind these concepts, we've already lost. Sucks to suck, I guess.
Why are people butthurt about Dicks? Because you have to be 21 to buy ammo now? Jesus Christ, grow up (literally, just get older).
>1911s are fine
>revolvers are fine
>glocks and derrivitives are fine
>dereingers are for whores and gamblers
>hi points are like a fat chick in a bar. Say what you will but your still take her home and run her wet and dirty at least once. Even of youd feel shameful and gross after
>Feinstein is probably a demon
>preps are better than paper
>Clinton is a demon for sure
>the M4 will remain the US service rifle for entirety too long
>fags are so self absorbed they have to insert their retardation into literally everything
Also is it wierd thats I've noticed fag couples tend to dress similarly? I think it might be a narcissistic self sexualization kinda thing
The ceo is a super fudd that always whines about muh assault rifles
Can i get a quick rundown on why we hate cheaper than dirt? Something about gouging mag prices, is there anything else?
And yet you responded to it.
This guy is absolutely correct, followed by the Wild Bunch.
This. Fucking this.
Rumor has it that some high up walmart gurus are having internal meetings to try ceasing all ammo and gat sales. If that hapens, I'm walking.
You should walk now. Your skills are worth more than Walmart.
>God created all men, but Samuel Colt made them equal.
Personally, I love the Hera stock
You're all stupid, they're gonna be looking for army guys.
No, it's not. Be a man get a 10mm.
It was more than just price gouging during sandy hook. They canceled existing orders sent emails saying if you still wanted your mags to pay "full price".$150 per 30 pmag
True. I just started benching 225 for reps and running 13 minute 2 miles. My wife is into lifting now too (based on some instagram thottery) but our sex is out of this world compared to when we didn't lift. Also getting her a small revolver to purse carry since she likes shooting with me on the weekends
>Taurus actually makes decent budget guns
*but not if ur pp iz short*
Just ripped mine off a thread on /co/.
Though, seeing as you're a man of culture, please have another
>dipper and Pacifica
>not Mabel and Robbie
Fucking faggot