what piece of hardware took this photo?
Autists, get in here
Electro optical imaging sensor
Russian intel pls go
a cellphone camera
I've been looking for an iran rocket failure thread. Any other photos out there OP?
My bet is on a composite imaging system that is similar to flir but with magnets. Looks like too steep an angle for it to be sat imagery
Global Hawk or that new airfoce"not a spy satellite"
looks like he left the flash on too, what a mug
none that are from classified sources but i have some more. pics to follow
i agree with the angle thing but i'm a layman and the picture attached to this post is from a satellite and it has a similar angle going on
given we know the timeframe/location/angle of the photo i'm seeing speculation it could be USA-224, can anyone confirm/deny
fed pig pls go
unclassified 1/2
>dat patch
what is it? looks cool and I've never seen it before. what country?
unclassified 2/2
Monolith from stalker game series
>Global Hawk
I doubt it. Could be an RQ-180, but otherwise, I suspect it was from a satellite like some news outlets are reporting. Could be from a KH-11 due to the fact that those are the main source of publicized NRO satellite imagery.
you may be interested in the patch for the NROL-49 launch of USA-224
>"Better the devil that you know..."
I've always liked this one. The Latin text translates to "tastes like chicken".
wtf is that?
it's in Iran. They're allies on decent terms
trevor paglen wrote a book about these patches and he explains a lot of the symbols involved. recommended. hes also done some really cool work spying on spy satellites and such, maybe ill make a thread sometime
Iranian space launch site. They did not go to space today.
trump posted the picture in OP alongside the following
>The United States of America was not involved in the catastrophic accident during final launch preparations for the Safir SLV Launch at Semnan Launch Site One in Iran. I wish Iran best wishes and good luck in determining what happened at Site One.
>You tried your best, FIS
Most likely a KH-11.
It's not too terribly impressive though. Pic related is at 30cm resolution and the legal maximum for commercial imagery was just raised to 25cm.
lol Iran is such a joke. Can't do anything without russian gibs
Aren’t those like 40 year old designs that use actual film?
Nah, they’re digital. The original ones were basically Hubble-scale telescopes pointed at the Earth. They’re still making and launching modern ones, though.
KH-4 was the last of the Keyhole sats to use film. KH-11 Block-1 sats were first launched in the 70s, but block-V sats are still being launched with the last one (NROL-71) having gone up last year and the next (NROL-72) due next year.
Notably NROL-71 was launched at a weird angle assumed to be because getting these sorts of oblique angles on targets is useful for estimating size via local shadows and other referants.
I guess now we know there's also some sort of fault or damage in the middle of the damn thing's primary mirror.
Original design was back in the mid 70's, they're up to about a 5th gen that they're still kicking up into space over the last 5-6 years.
>I guess now we know there's also some sort of fault or damage in the middle of the damn thing's primary mirror.
That's the flash from Trump's iphone reflecting off the photo, sweetie.
That is consistent with other OSINT analysis I've seen. cybershafarat.com
The funniest thing is he probably only shared the photo because he wanted his followers to know what he was talking about.
A guy in a balloon with a telescope.
that's worse.
weather balloon
That is exactly what I would expect someone the WAS involved to say...
>I guess now we know there's also some sort of fault or damage in the middle of the damn thing's primary mirror.
you fucking dolt, i laughed
Going off pixel to shadow ratios, the resolution is about 10 cm at minimum, but potentially as good as 5cm.
Trump's iPhone
You can see his shadow and the reflected camera flash on the surface of what ever the image is printed on
imagine getting through all the retarded interviews and background checks, then find out your job is to sit on a computer and spam the same reply over and over:
Ok Chang
Russian troll
Russian intel
Ok Chang
Vatnik can't cope
Stop seething CCP commie
Russian Troll detected
A very shitty one.
From another thread:
The president posted this image on Twitter recently, depicting the failure of a recent attempted Iranian satellite launch. By doing some math, this YouTuber was able to infer design details of USA-224 AKA NROL-49 based solely on the image in the tweet:
It's interesting how much design commonality there is between DoD assets and the Hubble Space Telescope. Orbital parameters of USA-224 aren't known with certainty but amateur astronomers have been able to track it with ground based telescopes.
Photo? Clearly its a screenshot from a command & conquer game
You mean an excellent, highly advanced one. Due to the limitations of diffraction, you need at least a 2.4m primary mirror. This is Hubble-sized, pointed at the earth instead of space. Very powerful optics.
isn't it diffraction limited to 10cm though?
It was suspicious when a bunch of high-level astronomers all suddenly becoming masters at using the astronomical interferometer technique at the same time.
could have a mirror array which would decrease that problem but yeah, most of the KH-11s have a single objective mirror about 3-meters diameter.
it's basic astronomy these days.
diffraction limit has nothing to do with interferometry. The diffraction limit a basic linear formula called Dawes which tells you the angular size of the smallest detail a given apeture can resolve. Double star observers have known about this for a long ass time. But please, Russia is interfering in astronomy now LOL
>it wasn't us this time, guys
>I promise
>about space pl photography
Bullshit. Science fiction told me there are no laws in space!
why couldnt it be taken with a stealth drone?
I read it as the US set the whole thing up, and made Israel pull the trigger, so Israel did it and not the US technically
This kills the Jow Forums muslim
I came here to post this. It's a good summary of what the space-watcher community has figured out so far.
*USA-224 (not current-gen, but just 1 generation behind it)
*The image has signs of redaction, so this was a deliberate decision and not a mistake
*KH-11s are still believed to be running with 2.4m primary mirrors (known due to info released during Hubble construction), and this is really close to the best resolution possible within the laws of physics
*7cm or 5cm might be possible with the new bird launched last year; beyond that, they'll have to do something new (bigger mirror, virtual mirror with multiple sats, etc.)
NIIRS rating?
>this was a deliberate decision and not a mistake
The president can decide to declassify whatever he wants. That doesn't mean that it is a good idea.
what did he post that got deleted?
>wow drumpf really fucked up releasing classified materials, which could help our enemies find out how the picture was taken
>so let me help you find out how they took this picture
>but the enemy is drumpf
>that pic
I want to believe
Is that the orbital defense cannon from ace combat?
I think the point is explaining to the average man every single thing that can be learned from this one image. Russia and China were going to deconstruct it whether or not some fag made twitter posts about blumphf or not
Yup, Stonehenge
>explaining to the average man
He went pretty in deep with it, he describes himself as a "spy sat tracker", and he also criticizes "Agent Orange". Check his Twitter.
Sure the "enemy" will analyse this picture, but anyone helping the enemy is the enemy.
lmao that's a patch for the Monolith faction in STALKER
It's not a current gen sat and anyone with some basic physics could extrapolate as much.
>"To catch a falling star"
It's still crazy to think about.
Those Persians never expected my flying contraption.
>wow drumpf really fucked up releasing classified materials
That's the funny part, it was declassified before Trump posted it.
I wonder if the Safir was sabotaged, and this photo-release is a flex/warning.