How accurate is this picture?
And assuming it is accurate, how beneficial is it to the US to be incomprehensible to itself?
How accurate is this picture?
And assuming it is accurate, how beneficial is it to the US to be incomprehensible to itself?
100% accurate
U.S. doctrine is basically to fuck around until the enemy shows up then bomb everything in 5 mile radius so it's probably accurate.
These aren't real quotes.
What is that page even from?
>But s-sargn't if that's correct then how come we do all those battle drills in full kit day in and day out?
>Shut it cherry before I stick my knife hand up your ass so hard that I can work your mouth like a puppet and make you toss kermit's salad!
It isn't, these quotes are bullshit. Especially the German one, the US was the best equipped of any of that war's participants and was probably more by the book than anyone.
I read a WW2 German officer said he thought US infantry were lethargic and predictable on offence however decent in defense by staying in position even if the costs were high.
>from a Russian document
>a German general officer
Damn those are some great sources there.
>having this much patriotism is a crime is greater yuropooria
I do feel bad for the cucks sometimes.
>t. yuropoor
Same kind of feelgood bullshit you see all over vet FB pages. I remember there was this one extensively shared post about how Taliban communications were intercepted revealing how they thought the Brits were like chickens but US Marines were fearsome lions or something gay like that. On one hand, theres no record of it; and on the other hand Chicken is not a synonym for coward to an Afghan, woman is. And then theres the often cited Devildog meme, which I dont think anyone takes seriously anymore but theres always a few who tear their foreskin while masturbating to it.
accurate in a way that describes why both those nations no longer exist.
AFAIK US military leaders are given a degree of flexibility in the field that isn't matched. in fact, well documented, specific, tactics and stratagems are to be avoided.
leaders are supposed to pick pieces from the entire body of knowledge and fashion plans that are bespoke to the unique situation at hand.
user, you misunderstand.
I just read the German generals quote in Jordan Petersons voice for some reason if fits so well
Especially if you read it in the froggy voice he gets when he tears up.
This. The story itself is probably complete bullshit, but US troops are generally given a shit ton more autonomy at lower levels than the armies of the majority of their state-level adversaries. I think it has more to do with authoritarian countries not wanting to give command authority to potentially politically unreliable lower ranks than America's penchant for individualism, though.
Underrated. Would recommend
I mean what we mainly did was advance, take fire, get to cover, return enough fire to keep them there while we called in artillery. It’s pretty by the book and lazy but it also worked.
But that's not Israel.
Any good ways to make boots not leave footprints?
Its just missing Sun Tzu's quote "You cannot invade America, or else there would be grass for rifles"