"Updating" military surplus magazines

Hello anons,
A while back, a buddy- former service- gave me some ratty USGI magazines. All Okay industries, some with green follower, some with black, all in generally meh condition and some really needing better insides.
So I purchased enough magpul anti-tilt followers and new springs from brownells to retrofit them all, but I'm wondering, should the floor plates be changed as well? Even if they're alright to re-use, is there some worthwhile upgrade or meme accessory I can put on one or two?

Attached: update.jpg (4032x3024, 2.55M)

Thanks, btw.

>is there some worthwhile upgrade
yeah, throw those in the trash and buy some pmags.

>gen 3 windowed PMAGs clearly visible
>Lancers clearly visible
>Amend 2s clearly visible
do you suffer from damage of the brain or did you not open the pic

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Nah, there's no point in updating floor plates, I'm not even aware of any upgrades. Honestly, I've kept some of mine with the ratty followers just to see how often they fail

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do they?

also interesting tactic, my buddy put color stickers on his too, I'm marking the ones that came with black followers.

those springs are trippy to look at. also, you might be the only person to try repairing a cheap magazine. sure an old p64 mag in which no modern replacement works as well, but man. it's probably fun i get it, good luck

Upgrading the followers was a good start. Smart call will the springs too. That said, the biggest point of failure for used GI mags are bent fees lips. I have an okay industries mag that I've had to hammer a few times. Test them by loading them full and then trying to insert on a closed bolt. If it's unreasonably difficult to get them to lock in, your feed lips might be bent. That's how I figured out the problem with mine.

about how long or how many rounds would you estimate passed before you had to take a good look at the mags?

It was part charity, part autism.
He parted with them for a good amount, because he's unemployed atm and still driving a pile of shit van he had before he deployed.
I didn't have a malfunction with my rifle before I used these mags, so I figured an update was in order.
Also there are dozens of videos on youtube of people fixing old mags.
the closest thing I have to a precision instrument is a pair of calipers. Can those help judge whether or not feed lips are in spec?
I've actually had more issues with amend 2s getting tight in the mag well and not dropping free, all of these USGI mags work just fine with dropping free. It could be my imagination, they do seem to be a little tighter near the feed lips.

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I did basically the same thing, with some ratty old Okay Industries mags I got at a surplus store, Magpul followers, and MCarbo springs. Now they run just like new. Happy I did it.

So far, I actually haven't had any issues. But, it's just range use so it's nothing hard on them

For the most part, the springs should be fine. Get some anti tilt followers from some bulk thing off of ebay or something

interestingly, the followers were all shit, tilted, and didn't allow for the stripping of rounds manually.
But the springs looked pretty good, even though the mags were beaten to shit. Wonder why? My bud told me the armorer pulled them out of rotation due to excessive failures.

throw a ranger plate on them. Or just use the existing floorplate, they're fine.

Don't listen to the retard going on about pmags. those fuckers can't even be kept loaded without swelling up and failing to drop free.

The USGI aluminum magazine, with modern follower, is the lightest, and best AR15 mag.

Attached: MAG020-2.jpg (468x468, 93K)

what's the point of a ranger plate? I have a war belt and plans for a PC, but it doesn't look like enough to grab onto.

Green is good
Tan is the plan
If it's black, send it back

This was the mantra I learned

If they're pre-1994 sell them as-is for $20 ea to people in cuck states. I used to do that.

Attached: DSC_0167.jpg (1024x683, 164K)

you can fit a whole thumb in there. And for some bungee retention systems, they help secure the mag in place.

green fucking blows, who was your armorer? That's not even anti tilt
nope, it's all marked
I mean... why? I was always taught to "blade" my hand coming down the PC to grab a mag.

also check this out
it's not an obvious difference but whatever's happening here makes it possible to strip rounds from a mag with a magpul follower but not USGI
I guess grunts were not supposed to unload their rifles

Attached: 556 usgi vs magpul.jpg (4032x3024, 2.23M)

>those fuckers can't even be kept loaded without swelling up and failing to drop free.
This hasn't been a thing for a decade, you sound like the kind of fudd who thinks glocks regularly explode.



this has been proven with pmags, at the very least gen 2. Military arms channel did a video on it.

why do you think they issue the cover with the gen 3's? its to take the pressure off the feed lips for long duration loaded storage

How much do used(with general wear) USGI steal mags sell for?
Some random examples:
1) No markings except for "Parsons" floorplate with black follower?
2) Mags w/ date stamps in 2000's, green follower?
3) Mags w/ date stamps in 2000's, tan followers?
4) Mags with stamps "Okay" or "Center Industries"?
5) Mags with floor plates with some of the above characteristics above (eg, tab follower & date stamp)w/ OKAY, COLT, BROWNELLS stamps?
Additionally what to look out for, what to avoid? How do you know what is made in China/Korea if no stamps?

$7.99 seems to be the online rate for random USGI mags. If I see them in bulk for $6 a piece on armslist or something I grab them up. Chinese/Korean mags aren't all that common.

Thanks. I was hitting the Google and I guess the general consensus is that USGI metal(aluminium?) mags are best. I saw up i n this thread about the green follower/tan follower debate - is that because of the tilt/anti-tilt issue? I mean, I can understand in COMBAT situation you want to not have anything slow you down, but the for the average "LARP Team 6" operator who loads his mags in the comfy basement and then goes to the local range or shooting hole as his "AO" - are followers really an issue?

So I'm going to upload a video pretty soon, I'll explain some of the problems, but I'll put it out down here.
Basically, there are a few colors of followers that are military issue, and some that are commercial. Black followers were Vietnam (and a little later) and tilted. Green followers were issued until fairly recently, and tilt as well. Commercial anti-tilt followers, like the Fagpul ones, were found to be superior, so eventually the Army either copied them or got a license, and the new aluminum mags with anti tilt followers are called EPMs.
The commercial anti tilt followers and the EPMs are the best for feeding new issue M855A1 ammo.
New issue USGI magazines should have anti tilt followers, but "best" is a real toss up. PMAGs have been the gold standard for a while, but they aren't perfect as they don't work with every rifle (SCAR, F2000) and even the windowed versions aren't great for counting rounds. Lancers are translucent, but don't feed M855A1 as well. Aluminum are pretty basic- people think they're tough because of boomer tier logic where metal>polymer, but this only works in some instances.
They're good mags. Not the best, but also not dogshit Tapco or Chinese mags. They are, however, some of the least expensive magazines available. So if you want decent build quality while sacrificing the ability to count rounds through a window or the body, and losing a little bit of toughness compared to PMAGs, while saving $2-3 per mag, Aluminum is a good way to go.
I bought these mags for $5 each, way too much, but new ones are $7.
Tan anti tilt followers are the hot shit atm.
Greens are okay.
If they're black, send them back.
Colt stamps are collectable.

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>ruffles all dressed
my nig

LOL you're poor.

That’s still illegal. 1994 has nothing to do with anything when you’re talking about cuck state laws.

Depends on the cuck state my friend

No it doesn’t. State laws have nothing to do with the 1994 federal AWB, legally speaking.

Nothing is illegal until you get caught