Theoretically speaking, if all of Jow Forums was placed on a big island and all the boards went to war, could any of the boards take out Jow Forums?
I mean, we're a fairly mid-sized board relatively speaking, but we're without question one of the, if not the, most well armed of all the boards. Is there any other board that has as much armament, or lacking that the numbers, to really pose much of a threat?
Theoretically speaking, if all of Jow Forums was placed on a big island and all the boards went to war...
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There are large amount of Jow Forumsacks in here, so you be the judge
Nobody on Jow Forums owns firearms retard
That's where you're wrong kiddo
>Jow Forums owning guns
>bed against the wall...
I think fit would kill everyone here or the hybrid fit k member would win. Also why isn't k married to fit why a?
I have a feeling LBGT could just give everybody aids
Because Jow Forums is a dude who is no homo
/out/ could. When you're on an island fighting is half the fight, the other half is survival.
Obviously /po/ would win
which is why you wipe them out first
Name one Jow Forumsommando that understands the merits of cardio.
You have no leadership ability, you lack the charisma
You lack the ability to plan an attack
Your constant poverty means you suck at managing resources
All you are is a bunch of fat faggots with a bunch of poverty-tier guns everyone is willing to take. /b/ could human wave you fatbodies into oblivion.
>You have no leadership ability, you lack the charisma
>You lack the ability to plan an attack
>Your constant poverty means you suck at managing resources
The same can be said for every other board.
>ywn hunker down in the trenches with your Jow Forumsomrades as wave after wave of /b/tards and lgbt faggots crash into your position
>their bodies piling up as you rain lead down with your cheap PSA AR
I'd just issue a confiscation warrant and you'd hand in your arms like the cucks you are.
t. Jow Forums
>these fat fucks taking anyone out
Buy less guns and lose some weight you disgusting fat cunts
Fewer* guns.
Learn English, you dumb motherfucker.
nugget, sks, and perhaps a wasr 10. PLUS a bed against the wall yeah, this dude's definitely under 18.
>anime pillow
Fucking kys scum
>edgy flag collection
>anime pillow
>granny bed
Underage b&
Not really. And really only because mecha aren't real.
But if they did, Jow Forums would also possess them. Would be a hell of a fight.
The trifecta of /out/ fit/ and Jow Forums members would win
obvious leaf is obvious
All the boards with the most traps would give some blowjobs to Jow Forums faggots for their guns. Jow Forumstards would and all the video game boards would take that same bait and die. Jow Forumsfags and all the sports boards would trye various degrees of full on assault with crude weapons shaped like sports objects and be killed. The remaining boards would fell to the fortress of traps(the fortress is a literally fortress made by /diy/ and /po/ who have allied with them in exchange for remaining as loyal slaves and for some of that boy pussy. Jow Forums would ultimately win not because they won't fall for the trap trap but because the traps will use up the 1 box of ammo per nugget or psa by the time the betas at Jow Forums get the balls to try and laid. It will take several days of them orbiting the femboys before they decide they want the sloppy seconds. They notice the bodies and run away from the femboys who would die of aids or syphilis shortly after.
Beta male wannabe Aryans are the worst at winning wars.
That doesn't count
Thank you.
Idt we'd be able to bring guns. If all of us were placed on an island, I'd assume we all have nothing. I'd see it being a close match between /sci/ building shit and Jow Forums survivalists.
If it were just straight out warfare, yeah no shit the weapons board would come out on top.
I often think that the Dakis are ironic and I’ll laugh. But then I’ll ponder it further, realize I’m on 4chins the animu faggot factory and understand the daki is genuine
What is this meme?
We'd only have to compete with Jow Forums. Unless /o/ got REALLY creative or if /x/ figured out magic.
I don't actually have.... any of these issues, and I can cover a mile in 7:30 despite being asthmatic.
Not all of Jow Forums is as useless as you.
>All you are is a bunch of fat faggots with a bunch of poverty-tier guns
>yeah no shit the weapons board would come out on top.
Just offer some guns and Jow Forums merrily males alliance with any board, especially if its allowed to marry a gun and have sex with it.
>tfw I used to run a 6:50 mile.
>cut cardio to NOT be a hungry skeleton
>get called fat
Man. I still run an 8 minute mile.
>leadership ability
We have people who were actual military leaders here. Lower level ones, but still. That's all that would count.
>constant poverty
Judging from the threads about our jobs, people are doing pretty ok here.
b8 r8: 5/10
>Nobody on Jow Forums owns firearms retard
>We have people who were actual military leaders here.
This. nuk while pretty shit has a sea of heavily armed lurking ptsd fuckups who've killed people. After there is a diving board over the blood bath we sacrifice the surrendered by coating them in napalm and pushing them off into it to make BBQ treats. Torturing biztards to get their bitcoin and forcing /b to fight each other using shanks of barbed wire and dildos, pol gets heads mounted on sticks with country flags under them. LGBT gets fairy lights and to be a moving 100M target in the new version of trap shooting. Glorious. Blood for the blood bath is everything else
Let red tracer and candle flares celebrate the night of victory to the boom of milsurp and the rattle of cheap ars with the screams of the sacrifices providing background . The huns would have nothing on the ptsd nuk faction
Victory party tune as we force the underagers from /b to shank each other to live another ten minutes
The only way we’d lose is if they used human waves to overwhelm us. The bigger boards are mostly noguns, but I’m under the impression they have many times more people than us.
He said /po/ not Jow Forums you mouth breathing retard.
corpses WILL be pissed on
>they have many times more fat Nazi and Stalinist larpers than us.
let there be an avenue of a mile to the sacrificial napalm bbq blood pool dive board lined every 1/2M with poltard heads on poles with their meme flags underneath
Jow Forums is married to /AN/.
this was established years ago.
the /out/sci/diy/ coalition would outlast everyone
I could not possibly be more erect
Nobody will last more than a few days. What are /out/sci//diy/ going to do in the initial wave of /b/ tards?
Jow Forums knows what to do.
The sound of pleas rom the pol decapitation area, the high pitched shrieks from the trap shoot competition, the piercing screams of /b forced fratricidal life shank competition ahhhhhhhhhhh the feels while tracer lights the sky and the next victim is based marched up the polhead victory avenue in Styrofoam napalm and to be thrown off the blood board to make crispy battlebuddy treats
The canopy of scream and gunfire and flame and tracer. I think I'm about to cum.
A vast pile of bud-k knives beside the poltard decapitation rest area for testing. We can have eye gouging as well before we kisis their heads off slowly using blunt mal ninja knives to the echo of psa ars with smoke riding from their barrels
All will go well until /x shows up with Grey alien tech. Then we’re screwed.
>All will go well until /x shows up with Grey alien tech
I don't think they will last long by just holding out cardboard boxes covered in tin foil that they made in their last group session to show what the alien superweapons they dreamed that they were probed with in their last psychotic break before nurse had to change their sheets. Into the blood bath they go with their tarot cards anally inserted
>All will go well until /x shows up with Grey alien tech. Then we’re screwed.
WE ARE the aays from their nightmares let the nugget bayo probling begin. They /k bayo anal pobe zone at the victory celebration can be called area 51. They have to shout 'gadaffi said it was fun' as they enter or we can just hurl them in the vatnik/chang pit to see that they do to them
you sound like a complete loser with 0 combat experience or soldiering skills
everyone knows the board vampires ahem, 'normal life expectancy impaired' hang out on /k and would be with us. 'They don't really eat people'
I was a adventurer once like you once
then I took a small war to the brain
lick the sweat of my hyper vigilance
Jow Forums will decimate themselves at the very first day
> I’m white
> No you aren’t
> stfu mutt
> greeks aren’t white
> *bang* *bang*
>you sound like a complete loser with 0 combat experience or soldiering skills
Jow Forums. It's a much larger board and full of people who are either armed or have a high incentive to get armed explicitly for HAPPENING purposes rather than plinking a toy from the 40s down a range for fun.
I mean several of them already have a kill count. Give them a facebook stream and they seem happy to Snakbar their way through a crowd.
Maybe half of /out/.
The other half would go on about which $300 dollar knife to destroy by misusing it for axe purposes.
Jow Forums would be able to take out most of the other boards, but would quickly fall into infighting as Jow Forums pulled us apart from the inside. We would then have a fun civil war where we got to lynch all the Jow Forums niggers. In the end, only /out/ would be left, silently watching all of this from the trees.
>pol gets heads mounted on sticks with country flags under them
based Jow Forums strikes again
in my opinion, Jow Forums would be part of that coalition first
(but would left them later, if gun-control will be a thing)
Keep those fantasies going poltards
That fat fuck can tank anything short of 5.56 with impunity and survive for six months on starving rations. Defy him, and you will be burger'd.
Learn to format you lazy kike
Also why don't you compare board traffic?
How is user's flag edgy?
On the first day, the 90% of Jow Forums that is white would merge with the 90% of Jow Forums that is Jow Forums
No other board or combination of boards could challenge us
>maybe if I call people fat I can change reality.
A majority of Jow Forums that are gun owners also over lap of board use.
>Jow Forumsk/lit/pol/ alliance will put everyone else in death camps
Very reddit today.
Muh pol muh pol boogeyman.
First you fags say they cant do anything yet can do in fighting?
If I had to place my bets the pagans and Christians fuck off and the ancaps fuck off then the national socialist fuck off to their own ethnocentric society.
Pol would split up into the groups they already split into and k would be all loners.
Arguing about muh pol.
Well, there is a massive amount of cross-pollination. So it would be primary loyalty.
Jow Forumsacks are everywhere. Used to be extremely numerous everywhere until butthurt mods.
Jow Forums isn't even the worst about this.
Jow Forums isn't, and wouldn't be united against Jow Forums and its core allies. Not even close.
Jow Forums hates fat people and that entire acceptance culture
/o/ quite possibly hates blacks and boomers more than anyone
/out/ is just Jow Forums on a walk
next is /b/ and all its retarded children. /s4s/ /soc/ /lgbt/ Jow Forums. Jow Forums is sad/pol/.
Then there is /a/ and its orbit and /v/ and its orbit. Then there are the Jow Forums boards of /sp//Jow Forums/his/ etc etc.
Of the other boards, /tg/ is the largest remaining board. The rest are too small. Or porn boards.
The groups that center around Jow Forums, regardless of most frequent traffic, have the broadest reach, outnumber everyone they don't outgun and outgun everyone they don't outnumber. And would be pulling in people from all over.
Don't forget *why* the anti-racism rule started getting enforced site wide instead of being a laughable joke. And why Jow Forums stopped having 50% of its threads being news articles....that made note of every jew involved.
Pretty much. And we'd be getting support and refugees from half the boards coming over to the camp. Then its just a matter of moving out.
I forgot /co/.
lol no, commies get the rope
/tg/ would be hitting above its weight, I think. Autism is a dangerous thing.
/diy/ most work in trades,are intelligent, likely in good shape due to manual labour, would be able to cook up IEDs and things like quadcopters. knowledge of engineering means you'd likely see some type of Arab spring tank with sheet steel welds.
Jow Forums would get fucked as they rely too much on just HAVING a gun as protection rather than training,being in any type of physical shape.
only thing K has going for it is knowledge of tactics, sheer amount of firepower and the odd person whose in the military.
/k pre Crimson caravan vs /k post Crimson caravan?
Some of us work management positions where we gotta run wageslave cucks like you slob so get to your fucking hole and reload the good komrades magazine and stop whining while youre on the clock.
This. Hello faggots.
FFS put this gay ass pilow into your trashcan faggot
Yeah bitch, those other main boards are K O and used to be old fa. You disgrace of a human.
I like to think /DIY/ would become good allies.
Assuming everyone going to the island has at least a few minutes of warning so they can bring their guns/camping gear/ammo etc. and assuming as soon as everyone gets on the island they immediately begin fighting then Jow Forums would have a huge advantage over the other boards. Jow Forums would have the largest collection of firearms, ammo, magazines, cleaning supplies, etc. per capita, the most training, and likely the most veterans compared to every other board. If we picked a good defensive area and fortified it then we might even be able to wait it out while other boards fight each other, assuming some anons remembered to bring food of course. Our biggest problems would be from boards that have huge populations, so Jow Forums, /v/, /vg/ and /b/. Their sheer size makes fighting on even ground difficult, but again with a good defensive position we could likely hold. If the flag stats are anything to go by then our greatest enemies would be Americans from those 4 boards, as the others are from noguns countries.
But if no one gets any warning and we don't have to fight immediately then things become much more even. Integration into either one of the larger boards or alliances with several of the smaller boards would be our only hope so we don't get zerg rushed. Our firearms knowledge wouldn't be any help when the best weapons anyone could make would be sharpened sticks and clubs.
K would be like Hansza
Our base would be extremely fortified and
we would be the builders of all weapons in
the metro. Our ammunition factories would
be feeding our full autos.
No one would fuck with us.
We'd be like the fuckin Guild in Dune.
We have some active duty military that visits Jow Forums
/co/ is basically tumblr, I wouldn't expect them to do sweet fuck all
I mean, this isn’t even a contest for the most part. We’re one of the more competent boards on the Chans and armed to the teeth, there’s little chance we’d lose unless infighting broke out.
>there’s little chance we’d lose unless infighting broke out
That's a very real possibility though, I could see the formation of the Tribe of Kalashnikov and Tribe of Stoner which would surely go to war, the Christians beginning a fight with the Jow Forumsubists, just dozens of factions all at each others throats.
Granted if it happened to us it'd happen with every other board too, Jow Forums would likely wipe itself out without firing a single shot at any other board.
if Jow Forums has taught me anything is that anybody with a plan will lose against a bunch of anons that got organized five minutes ago. So expecting to win just because we are Jow Forums actually places us at a disadvantage against the other boards.
The scenario places all boards on equal footing in terms of planning and organization at the start though. The more people you have the harder is to organize anything, so by the time a big board got organized Jow Forums would have either made a plan or fucked off into smaller groups to do their own thing.
Whatever war between boards would be like, I can truthfully say the most horrific battles that will be PTSD inducing will be against /d/ and /trash/.
Why the fuck did my morale check thread get deleted but this is allowed.
Because 4channel is big gay
Also /out/ and /x/ would be Jow Forums ally boards, so we'd at least have some numbers.
hello did someone say fuck kikes and niggers?
Any of them. They acutely have guns and adults.