Revolver General /rg/

"Twelve shots... this time I've got twelve shots" edition

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first for fuck jannies and glock-owning auto-loading sperg min-max retard blockheads who quite clearly rolled a 1 in penis length
also fuck niggers, obviously

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That drag line
If you had a good revolver, like a colt, you wouldn’t have a drag line.

I hope /wheeli/ general stays a permanent fixture. I should be getting the SW standard edition catalogue in a few days to help date revolvers if anyone's interested

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they should just make this a revolver derenger. two barrels, over-under, that fire the top and bottom round of the cylinder at the same time

shitty bait

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That's not a very heavy dragline user

I want to buy this one just because shooting a nigger twice with one trigger pull sounds funny.

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>that fire the top and bottom round
Doesn't really work since any hammer that could do that would be too bulky and you probably want double action only.

WW2 Colt

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The only way to avoid the drag line is to go for the GOOOOOOOOLD.

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Oh and before some smart ass posts about he can see a drag line. That's literally dirt/oil that can be wiped off. The bolt is not hard enough to scratch that TiN.

This thing seems like it would be only good as a rangetoy IMO.
Load it up with shot loads and see how fast you can pepper a target, etc.


this taurus 689 6 inch barrel 6 shot .357 magnum is my most recent purchase and second wheelgat. Think I might get a snubbie next.

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>The bolt is not hard enough to scratch that TiN.
Which means, given that the two parts are rubbing against each other the same way, that the TiN is hard enough to scratch the bolt.
And by "scratch", I mean "slowly wear down to a stump that can no longer engage the cylinder properly"

make a TiN bolt

Gunna go looking for a model 19 at the gun show boys.

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Keep an eye out for cracked forcing cones in addition to all the usual revolver buyer's checklist stuff.

Fitting a new bolt isn't shit though. I'm honestly interested to see how long it takes to become an issue.

This isn’t my first rodeo m8

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just TiN the whole gun

>claims to be experienced
>not a single glorious Colt
You have much to learn, young padawan.

Old Smifs are fine and won't go out of time just because you looked at them funny.

The gold finish looks so nice, plus the smooth internal hammer hnng

This is the wheelie I wanna get first. Im a thin sickly bitch boi so I was going to shoot .38 through it until I git gud, is the recoil intense with .357? Like could a woman handle this fun?

>The gold finish looks so nice,
lmao it looks like a drill bit

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Well it can put holes in things so...

>buy self defense screwdriver rounds
>fire into wood
>no longer have to purchase a power drill

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Colt BTFO how will they ever recover

ought to make a checklist for newfags getting into this or something

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>ought to make a checklist for newfags getting into this or something

Why when the relevant info gets posted in ever fucking revolver thread...

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Looks like a machine gun to me

This New Service I just bought has a date of 1926 on the barrel. It works great.

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Didn’t end up with a model 19 but I did end up with this 66.

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good choice. prelock smith is best smith

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Titanium Nitrate, surprisingly cheap as far as looks/cost ratio but it will scratch off eventually

the recoil difference is negligible, the main difference i noticed is the .357 magnums are louder.

might be different with the shorter barrels.

Would you recommend a shorter barrel for a weak man?

I personally don't like generals. They eventually turn into circle jerking and causes backseat modding. Not that there's anything I can do though. Japmoot doesn't care, although moot also hated generals as sort of defeats the purpose of an anonymous image board. I guess archives also defeats the original purpose as well.

volley fire guns are not considered machine guns.

Revolver general tends to come and go more then other generals which is fine.

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Thoughts lads? Never owned a revolver before

That muzzle crown looks kinda fucked

Smith or Ruger?

Smith (pre-hole).

Smiff unless you want nuclear .44mag loads

top break revolvers make my pp hard
what top breaks does /rg/ suggest i should get?

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Shaved Webley with 45acp moonclips. It's fun as hell. Some people claim you have to use gentler "cowboy" loads though.


Glorious. New style cylinder latch but no Hillary Hole. I prefer the looks of the 19 but I like a good 66 for a carry gun. More forgiving finish.

how dangerous are revolver carbines
generally having any hands and fingers in front of the cylinder is a bad idea, so how do they make them not blast your hands when you shoot

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build a resistance to 2nd degree burns fag

Any that were even remotely popular had plates at the front of the cylinder, diverting the escaping gas at the cylinder gap outwards more than forwards. Just make sure you're wearing either a durable or expendable jacket with sleeves.

The New Service was a rugged working gun for police and military though, I think more he's getting at the Colt Python, which had a particularly delicate lockwork which wasn't quite properly 'hardened' in design for the intensity of the .357 Magnum cartridge.

The Colt Trooper is more or less the Python's lockwork as built for a .357 Magnum service revolver, so it's not like that can't be done (though the trigger isn't as nice, obviously).

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bull fucking sht you can shoot all 38 spl in our python and it will get out of time, maybe slower than with 357s but it will pretty fast (1000 or maybe 2000 rounds in

I mean are you shooting the spicy loads of .38 Special or what?

For something that was produced just shy of 50 years, it sure is hard to find one outside of auction sites in this area.

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just got mine a couple days ago.....

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J frames are bought more to be "working" guns than as collectibles which means a not insignificant percentage of them get worn out by honest use or ruined by careless owners who leave one under the seat of their boomer mobile in Florida for years.

I can even give up and deal with the hillary hole model if they'd just make their new models in the fucking blued steel instead of satin stainless.

Yeah, but make a sticky or something kinda like the other places have. idk I suppose you're right

They make a model 36 classic that is blued. It’s also more expensive than buying a good condition used model 36. Serious big brained shit.

That's funny, my Colt Agent and Lawman both have draglines...

Very nice

Yeah but I really want that shrouded hammer is the main thing.

There's not a single manufacturer out there that produces a "blued" handgun that would pass inspection in the 80's. Every single one i've seen looks like garbage, regardless of price or manufacturer.

They look so good. I don't know what it is, but these pre-python, big frame colts chambered in .45 are nice.

What optic mount is that and how do you like it?

I’m thinking of getting a S&W500 8” as my first revolver. I have a lot of autoloaders in various calibers and have shot my Dad’s 357 mag and 44 mag revolvers a ton growing up. 44 mag is fun but it’s not really “thrilling” or “exhilarating” which is what I’m looking for.

Any thoughts, opinions, or insights?

.500 Mag is a lot less exciting than you'd expect because of the integral muzzle brake, it's prohibitively expensive to shoot (even if you reload), the S&W 500 is not designed for high-volume shooting and will metal fatigue itself to death when subjected to any serious firing schedule (pic related)
.44 Mag can be made arbitrarily thrilling and exhilarating by running hotter ammo and/or reducing barrel length, gun weight, or both, can be reloaded for $9mm and shot in corresponding volume, and it's been around for over half a century so all of the guns that shoot it have had their bugs worked out and can tolerate any firing schedule that your wrists will

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go rent one first?

Thoughts on the Dan Wesson 15-2. Local pawn shop has one for $499.

Not worried about the price because I’m a richfag but the exploded barrel isn’t encouraging. What about the 460 mag or 454 casul? I’m in Califagnia so I’m limited to the roster.

No range I’ve been to in central or southern commiefornia has em for rent.

eh, a lee two cavity mold is 20 bucks, a pound of lead makes 15ish bullets (440gr) is like free to 3 bucks depending on availability, and a pound of powder can give you like 175 loads. Primers are just primers and cases are just cases, count that however you acquire them.

As for beating the shit out of itself. Maybe shoot lighter loads? I noticed that there seems to be trail boss load data for it. Wouldn't be the exciting experience dude wants though.

Not that I would personally get into it myself. I did get a chance to purchase some 500 s&w ammo for dirt cheap (I think I paid 4 bucks for like 50), since the store I was working at had some damaged packaging and they sat for like a year at half off for employees. During Christmas, they decided to just sell everything on that rack for 2 bucks a box. I just bought random shit since it was almost new years and a lot of shit just sat (5.7, 500, 5.45, 338 lapue bullets, 338 norma, defensive 40, etc)

When I visited SoCal years ago, there was a range called field time target and training (in Stanton, a few blocks from Disneyland) that had one for rent. I remember it because some dude was returning it while I was checking in and the employee was yelling at the guy since he left live ammo in the cylinder.

Thanks for the tip user, that seems like a nice range worth checking out!

.454 Casull is a really popular ".44 Mag isn't spicy enough for me" round for a reason.
Ruger's 7.5" and 2.5" Super Redhawks are both on the roster, so you've got some good options, too.

Jack Weigand. Weig-a-tinny. Thought it was fine. Went back to irons at the moment. If you are buying now they have mini ones that would leave you with less extra space.

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Try something .454 Casull

Casting your own bullets is like Linux inasmuch as it's free/cheap only if your time has no value.

Yeah, I had been wanting to get a big bore revolver just for fun, and had been looking at the 500. After some research, I think .44 Magnum's the way to go.

Any included extra barrels? What's the length of the barrel on it? I paid 600 for mine and it was practically brand new, it had a mounted scope I sold for 120$ so around 500$ would be a decent price.

Pic related. My 8 inch boi

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Newest spin boi, iver johnson 66 trailsman.

I'm a southpaw so I love my top breaks

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That depends on what you want to shoot.
Some cartridges drop dramatically in cost for not that much time invested.

>I should be getting the SW standard edition catalogue
great! I have a secondhand S&W 617 on the way and it would be great if you could help me date it

The catalogue can only give you a range. If you want something more specific you gotta pay for a letter. Also you can find the catalogue for free online if you have leet haxxor skills.

Hand loading and casting is a hobby in of itself, that enables you to partake in another hobby at a reduced cost. If you think that doing something that is physically and financially productive during your off time has no value, does that mean you won't spend your time on activities that offer no quantifiable benefits at all? Like listening to music, reading a book, spending time on Jow Forums? Let's all just work and eat and sleep and do nothing else? Even going to the range is a waste of time and money if you look at hobbies and a time sink.

Obviously this is partly subjective, but how much overlap is there between .44 Mag loads that a S&W 29/629 will tolerate and ones that are painful to shoot without closed-backstrap grips?
It can't be that much, considering that pre-29s shipped with open-back grips and Elmer Keith did most of his shooting with handlet-friendly ivory magnas.
I'm looking to replace the OEM rubber grips on my 4" 629 and I'm on the fence between ordering a set of Jordan Troopers from Herretts (which would mean sending in a handprint tracing, grip frame tracing, etc.) or just getting another set of Ahrends grips like I have on my 617.
I have medium-large man hands and don't have a problem with N-frame trigger reach, so the only issue here is whether having some wood between the frame and the web of my thumb is worth the extra effort.

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>t. never casted

It's tedious as fuck. Don't forget you gotta size and lube too. If all you're gonna do is small batch shit to test different things as a hobby then fucking a go for it. If you want to save money for high volume shooting casting is not the way to do it. Just buy cast boolits to reload yourself.

>Elmer Keith did most of his shooting with handlet-friendly ivory magnas.

Once you damage all the nerves in your hand you can live life quite freely.

You are not capable of being as hard as Elmer Keith. It's just not possible in current year due to dietary and environmental factors. Best i can tell you is to buy the gun, a range of ammo and a few grips and get to seeing where your tolerance is. Frame&Sort=4&PageSize=96

I'd say casting wouldn't be worth it for cost saving if you had to buy lead. Although there are sources you can buy range lead for like 70 shipped for 50 pounds (the captain on castboolits for instance), which comes out to half the price of the cheaper cast bullets you can find (like from brazos or DG bullets. Unless you buy like wholesale volume). I get free lead from sifting the berm of the action range of my club. Takes me half an hour to pick up brass and sift lead to make up for what I shot for the day, usually 150-200 rounds of pistol caliber.

I suppose you're right that at a certain volume, it wouldn't be worth it unless you enjoy the process, but I disagree that doing high volume isn't worth it for cost saving, especially if you have freetime (like I do on the weekends).


I can already buy .22 powered nailguns.