The Rolfs Call

Looking for a Rolf meme dump. I'll start.

Specifically requesting the one where they throw a Russian crate off the back of a truck that has Cyrillic lettering on it.

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give me the "black helicopter" one


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Sorry my good sir I'm missing that as well.

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Please help. I need that russian ammo crate meme

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Pretty sure it's not a Rolf meme. This is the only one I can think of.

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I think this style of meme is stupid but I like it

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you fucking putin cucked traitors know well this is treason, right?

>you know using the 2a for its intended purpose is treason, right
>you know upholding your rights is treason, right?
>you know choosing not to go quietly onto the boxcar is treason, right?
Shut the fuck up

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Haha, yeah

In minecraft

what escalade ext has with russians?

treason is the reason my friend

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I hate glow NIGGER CIA faggots as much as every American does but these memes are gay

dangling, dangling. deal with it.

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When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty :^)
Also, bootlickers arent welcome here

I never held or claimed to hold allegiance to the government of the United States of America. The constitution? Sure, but by this point they are actively violating it.

"You know this is treason, right?!"
T. Redcoat



The treasure chest one ? I have it. Sadly I don't have civil war Rofl memes.

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>implying it’s not you that’ll be hanging

Conspirators and “Americans” get the rope.


Rolf is now the patron saint of the Boogaloo.


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Is he now?

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terry is god tier

You're the traitor. The FBI and CIA are illegitimate anti-American organizations. Fuck you cocksucker.

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That nigga ain't dead. He's a living saint yo. If you don't believe me you probably glow.

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Get this Reddit teir trash out of here.

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Is 2019 the year of the shit forced memes ?

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As soon as someone calls it forced it gains legit meme status.

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no it doesnt you stupid shithead. Its an instagram tier meme

confirmed legit

This meme is so gay

no fun squad led by this faggot

>wasting double dubs that way
You're gayer than the meme

Do you know the jonny-meme from /tg/?

As someone who enjoyed this show, especially Rolf, these gave me a hearty chuckle

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20 something doomer agrees

Ed Ed 'n Eddy was and is for retards
>this post brought to you by Boomerang Gang

I've been here long enough to feel when something is being forced. Rolf is organic as fuck. I bet you would have been one of the fags who kept saying that removing kebab was a forced meme.

Shocking youre retarded

yeah sure

Forced or organic is meaningless. I was there for the first gorilla munch threads on /v/ and it was clearly being pushed by a handful of friends or similar as a gag and eventually took off, even though it took them many threads. The quality of the content is what matters.

>The quality of the content is what matters.
like sneed ?

and proud of it, sipity sip


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still a meme that stuck despite being shit and forced

Ed, Edd, and Eddie being retarded was the joke you old fuck

Only children use the term "boogaloo"

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You shut your whore mouth.

This entire fucking thread

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Quiet, boomer

Keine makes a point

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Awaiting more

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Go to your faggot weekendcuckit subleddit and get them there

These memes are unfunny and gay.
>Implying any of you reddit faggots own GPNVG-18s
>Implying you reddit faggots own guns

But UV5R's don't pick up digital signals..

Implying the 12 year old that made that meme ever held a UV5R

>L-3 WP GPNVG-18 – ANVIS $55,000.00
Godamn may as well just buy anmg at that point

>not waking up early enough to manage an away series on MLB Baseball 2002, try to order an infomercial coin collection w/o a credit card, watch half of Boomerang (Johnny Quest and Scooby Doo were dope) eat a whole box of powdered donuts, and then catch Ed, Ed, n Eddy too.
Y'all slept your weekends away if you weren't getting up at 4 am.

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The double dubs don’t lie. This meme has made by fed qualities to it.

It really warms my heart seeing some of you arnt brainwashed idiots. Thanks user

Every single post is this exactly, including that one. And this one. And the one below this, and the one quoting this one.

If you take anything here at face value, you're a fool.


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That immediately reminded me of this.

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agreed. there's no actual joke here. at least people have stopped posting the "[desire to know more intensifies]" thing from starship troopers, that was probably Jow Forums's gayest meme

This might be my favorite.

I lost at this one

We have entered the age of actual illegal memes.

Don't worry. There won't be any arrests. The only people posting this rubbish are Feds looking for a bite.

tripsfags get the bullet first

>There won't be any arrests
nigger, they already arrested somebody for posting a meme and owning alot of ammo

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This is the new Tandy. If non of you get it, read "Humper-Monkey's Ghost story" or look it up on YT. Not thread related, but GT's face reminded me kf it.

Dumb kid took the bait. :)

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