Anyone else do this?

I can't be the only one who buys "upgraded parts" only to assemble later to new firearms.

Attached: Styxx8888.jpg (241x139, 13K)

>being such a cuck you have to hide guns from your wife

>Anyone else do this?
No. I'm not a beta faggot like you. Go back to 'prepping the bull' so some nigger can fuck 'your' wife.

Why the fuck are you "hiding things" from your wife?
What a little bitch.

I have an arrangement with her boyfriend. She thinks he's giving me these gifts, which I'm obligated to accept, but I'm actually buying them and then paying him to give them to me. She's never suspected a thing even though their kids live with him.

No I usually just tell her I’m getting a new gun, or if I have stuff in the mail while I’m traveling for work so it doesn’t sit on the porch. She in turn doesn’t have to hide makeup purchases or gay shit like getting her hair or nails done because we’re both adults and understand income in and expenses and saving for a rainy day comes before hobby purchases.

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I only hide one thing around my wife and that's the sausage.

pew pew pew

>>being such a cuck you have to hide guns from your wife

literally exactly this. wtf kinda wack ass relationships are these limp baby dick faggots in?

Nice job


hold still...

No. I'm fortunate enough that my wife doesn't care if I own guns and will forget how many I own until I have a cleaning day and pull them l out.


Come on right in the tits

Get him right in the dingdong

Pew pew



>hiding things from your wife
Are you some fucking little kid user or are you that much of a bitch faggot that you can't even buy what you want with your own money?


Who is the artist? The girl is so hot.

>try to unholster SAA with backspin
>fluidly cock and

>.... well?



Fuck no, I write them off as business expenses
About the only thing I have to watch out for is that if I buy a new one 'for fun', she'll want something as well.


Take that you rogue!


This is what gun culture in America has turned into. Boomers started this whole "listen to your wife hurhur" meme and now look at the US. They're so scared of muh wife (haha hehe I'm a cuck haha) so what makes these people think they can take a governmental force coming to confiscate (on minecraft and nothing else)

No, I have a boyfriend and I don’t need to hide anything from him. He’s kind of into guns as well but enjoys me enjoying a hobby.
Unlike a woman he doesn’t bitch and whine and do stupid fucking shit tests. I get sex every day too and he loves giving blowjobs.

Shit video for cucks by cucks

Thread redeemed, pew pew motherlicker

>"uhhhh uh oh here comes mah wife!!"
>hehehehehhehehe better hide my new toy!!!
>shed be so mad if she knew I bought MORE GUN!!!
>hehehehahaha oh what's that? You got called in to work late again tonight? Why are you so dressed up?
>okay bye honey I love you!
>hehehehehehe what am I gonna hide from her next??

sounds like the problem of a wee baby faggot.

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This is the online equivalent of winning an argument with an imaginary stranger in the shower. You're better than this, user.


Blat blat

>says to aim
>require RNG


>Some eurotrash country laws
>AR15 full auto sear kit and full auto receiver weren't registered parts yet, no license required.
>I'll buy them just for collection

Attached: kek reacc radio.jpg (726x595, 23K)

I have to hide gun SALES from my GF. I built her an AR for her bday this summer and she's hooked.

Why the fuck would you hide your guns from your wife?

Attached: antiatfields.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Nah man, I run the finances not my wife. That's gay.

>IV8888 onions boys being beta

what else is new.

Ima shoot her left breast.