Why do so many former US military members choose to get FAT after they leave the service? It's an "enormous" trend, as it were. But I don't get it - being in the military teaches you the importance of physical fitness in terms of being "combat ready." Why would you choose to GIVE UP your fitness and become an ineffectual tub 'o lard who can't even run a mile without huffing and puffing from the strain?
Why do so many former US military members choose to get FAT after they leave the service? It's an "enormous" trend...
I'm that guy OP posted. I did 7 years as a 19D, and my lowest PT score was a 259 when I was in. It got better the longer I was in, and I got stronger and faster. I got used to doing PT twice a day, a hard workout with the platoon in the AM, and just an easy run/walk/ruck, 50 pushups before bed, etc in the PM. When I got out, I didn't have to do that. I went to college, got a job in corrections, and got fat as fuck. No one was kind enough to tell me I was a fat fuck because civilians are too nice. I found myself out of breath after walking up a flight of stairs, so I hated myself so much I ran, hiked, and did pushups for months until I died and was reborn a non-slob without being forced to. I'm not as fast as I was when I was 19, but I'm stronger.
TLDR; it's an abundance of cheap food/booze with a lack of PT or a culture that forces it.
Being fit is about discipline. They probably think they are somehow above fitness because they served and lose the discipline in the process (or fucked their knees and get pain from exercise)
You go from an environment where you expend a lot of calories and eat a lot to an environment where you don't expend a lot of calories. But your stomach and brain is still used to the big portions.
Elite sportsmen experience the same thing when they stop.
>Why do so many former US military members choose to get FAT after they leave the service?
Because they didn't choose to stay fit while in the military. They were forced to be relatively fit.
Never served here but was an athlete.
I understand pretty well when your exercise is usually mixed with grueling punishment and at odd hours or lots of stress is put on you mentally during it.
It usually puts a stigma in your mind that working out sucks ass because you never enjoy it because of outside factors such as your drill instructors or the circumstances during exercise. Running 3 miles at 5 am and then pumping iron for another hour or two with punishment mixed in really does not set the standard that exercise = good for you; it seems more like punishment and sucks the life out of you.
Stress makes humans retain body fat,or something.
Also I should point out tgat you usually have some one pushing you to workout and to go harder each time. I honestly can’t bring myself to go workout alone any more and it’s only been 2 years since I stopped doing sports.
these desu
This holy fuck. Summed up my E-1 to E-4 experience.
>go into cervix
>get used to constant physical labor
>get used to eating 4000 calories a day
>get out
>no more labor
>still eating 4000 calories per day
Knowing so many fat ex military people helps motivate me to workout 5 days a week.
T.hanks ex navy
Tbh when i was in i was lifting 6 days a wel plus 3 days of intense pt in the mornings. I could eat what ever i wanted. When got out went to school and had other things on my plate. The eating stayed but the fitness dropped completely. It sucks. I hate myself. I also tore my IT band while in so recovering from that long term (i cannot push as hard in the gym on it) has taken its toll. Me personally im working with my doc to change that. Found my hormones were all out of wack so once i correct them i should see a drop.
U on ur period?
Socially eating and drinking too excess is the most acceptable addictions. xSTJ's make up most of the military, and live with their heads in a jar, doesn't matter who's jarring.
No. I went in for a routine check up. Mentioned i felt sluggish in general and had issues dropping weight even though my wife was dropping faster than me. So she ordered blood tests. Went got them done. Followed by 3 more sets of blood tests. Followed by a call from her saying some levels were concerning and i should go see an endocrinologist.
Oh and an MRI ordered as well. But stressed the endo appointment was more important.
vets are less fat than non vets
Americans are just fat
*snerks* here's an opposite story. Back when I became 18 I discovered an intense interest in the discos in the neighboring towns and the girls hanging out there. So I started going there, and dancing, because I went there on my own and just standing watching was dead boring. I got laid. I also got fit since I was a LOT on the dancefloor. So when I started on my conscription year I was like a coiled spring. And hello army training... which turned out to be less taxing. Boot camp was fine but the next nine months we were sent to a camp way up north where the work schedule was very limited and physical training was barely remembered. All most of us did was eat and sleep and spend the days in the barracks. The food was meh but there was lots of it. I went crazy from lack of activity. Managed to score a desk job (as opposed to spending the day in bed). Took a lot of evening classes, played soccer, went jogging 2-3 days per week, but still I had managed to put on 20 pounds when that year was over. Never managed to lose them again.
It's apparently gotten better now but when I was in we weren't really "taught" fitness. We had a dietician come and give a talk to the battalion once but that was it. There were always a group of guys who would go and work out on their own and I'm sure they're not getting fat any time soon, but for the rest of us morning PT and doing whatever job we had to do that day was our work out. We also get in the habit of eating a lot, so suffice to say when I got out and kept eating the same amount while sitting in a classroom most of the day, I ballooned out a lot.
Watch Larry Vickers "why I'm fat" video if you want a rundown and then see when it was made and look at him now for a bit of hope if you're on the fat side after being fit anons
Want you to understand what you are getting yourself into, son.
Being fat is both painful and extremely expensive. You will end up selling your funs and a lot of other things.
Because they're weak people who lose all self-discipline as soon as there isn't someone to shout at them
True memes write themselves
Stop being fat, there are no excuses.
Being fat is worse than being noguns.
>Your body is your first weapon, take care of it
>got a job in corrections
This is why you got fat, user.
Because Military PT and Fitness is the dumbest shit ever. Almost designed to grind your knees and ankles into nothing with slow, plodding joggs.
From my experience I went through multiple situations where we were borderline starved to death. That tends to fuck up your eating habits and you don’t portion food reasonably. It took years to not overload my plate and eat like a normal human
Because you need to eat 5000 calories in the field to maintain muscle mass at that level of labor.
If you don't stop eating 5000 calories per day at the same exact moment as the labor stops, you gain massive amounts of weight.... And it's impossible to shrink a stomach after it's been expanded.
Why is this thread here ffs?
>why water is wet
>30000 replies 10000 image
>No one was kind enough to tell me I was a fat fuck because civilians are too nice
way to take responsibility shitbag
Oh, it's not impossible to shrink a stomach. It just requires surgery, and even that is a temporary fix unless you undergo the same changes in diet and training that would have helped you lose weight in the first place.
>For the first time in 12 years I don't have to get out of bed and do burpees with 19 year olds like a shot caller in a whites only holding cell
>I don't have to do crunches in front of some nigger while I hope he can't see my balls
>I'm not getting paid to do exercises that are constantly bemoaned by actual fitness trainers for being too rough on joints while providing little muscle gain or cardio benefit
Not every vet gets fat, yo. Some people stop working out, get skinny, and just smoke dope instead of eating cheetos and dominos to fill the hole in their life
This. I don't know how it is for other branches but the Army PRT is a fucking joke.