They for sale?

Not gonna lie. I want 4 of these for the French Navy.

Attached: PLN Type 055 DDG - 20190801.jpg (2039x935, 1.21M)

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kinda overkill considering that they cant even fucking project power into the med sea dont you thnk?

Marine Nationale can't deploy to the Mediterranean? You sure about that?

remember libya? 6 fucking days of complete non stop shorties is what france have

and they literally havent done anything since then to actually improve their logistic lines

hell even greece and turkey plans for at least 2 weeks of warfighting with each other and not to fuck up

If you’re seriously comparing greece and turkey to France, you’re delusional.
Anyway, just imagine the CdG with 2 of these around as escorts. Or a SAG with 4 type 055s and 2 ASW destroyers. Pure French Power.

France is shit and our military commanders are even more corrupt than politicians. They don't give a crap about France, they are just working full time on their retirement.

i thought the frogs had their own naval shipbuilding industry

delusional? if you remove their tactical subs what exactly can france do? their logistics line is SHORT and certently not enough for the med sea let alone worldwide

i mean they fucking advertised fremm so much as a cruise missile galore (and they might be actually the best ones in the world right now) but after the whole fiasco in syria can you really TRUST them at all?

on the other hand YES i do compare them
i mean greece (if they actually go through with it and not just dump yet again the upgrade program)have 5 AIP subs and 6 more that will be modernize for AIP

and their frigates (well the meko ones) are about to get for whatever reason some over the top armament as part of their upgrade program
if and i mean IF greece had bought back in 2008 the fremm the only thing france would have as a projection would have been their carrier and their ssbn's
turkey on the other hand has 12 subs some AIP some soon to be too
they have a lot of frigates but considering the state of them they have no plan to throw any money on them once their instanbul class gets active

hell both greece and turkey have MORE logistics ships behind them than france
france has literally 3 oil tankers that act like replishing vessels too..

plus not to mention the god damn sexy zubr class

just becauce both greece and turkey decided to cut short their blue navy shit because of the recession that doesnt mean that they dont have a hard punch in the area

What on earth are you even on about?

The fact that France's (Aprox 54k) RAS capable logistics ships beat both the Greek (Aprox 36 tons) and Turkish (Aprox 45k tons) RAS capable logistics ships completely writes off whatever nonsensical rant you've posted.

France has carrier aircraft capable of carrying nukes.
Lay off the ouzo, Popdopapdpapdolous

France has SLBMs

three oil tankes that act like replenish ships doesnt mean squat

>muh nukes
i mean yeah only an idiot will think that if france gets defeated it will use nukes

t. bong

>They for sale?
It's Chinese, of course it's for sale. They don't care if you're a druglord, they'll still sell it to you provided you pay them up-front.

>i mean yeah only an idiot will think that if france gets defeated it will use nukes
No you use nukes when you get attacked

Nah, it's clearly that fucking retarded greekposter who's been on Jow Forums lately. He's been in a few threads.

im from italy actually i used to do quite a lot of NIAPC for france italy spain greece and turkey

i have seen the state of bullshit everyone has user

>three oil tankes that act like replenish ships doesnt mean squat
They're not oil tankers. They're actual RAS capable ships, not some

do you even fucking know what replenish means and what RAS?

are you actually saying that me saying replenish is wrong but you saying replenish is right?

Most PLAN ships have export variants. The Type 055 isnt one of them tho.


There is a definitive difference between an oil tanker and replenishment oiler. A oil tanker cannot and does not RAS/UREP or whatever you want to call it.

You calling France's replenishment oilers, oil tankers do not make them oil tankers and you're yet to acknowledge that France beats both in tonnage for auxiliaries that can RAS.

what on earth are you talking about
only usa to my knowledge has ACTUAL duble hulled oil tankers on their fleet

the rest has RAS quite literally what im saying is that france RAS capable is actually the ones that do ALL the replenish of the navy ships not just oil and water

Having a double hull for complying with MARPOL or not does not stop you from RAS, so I have no idea why you're bringing that up. There are a good number of navies that operate double hull auxiliaries.

>france RAS capable is actually the ones that do ALL the replenish of the navy ships not just oil and water
Only to ships that require it. Much like any other RAS capable auxiliary in any other navy.

yes it does stop you you cant fit ras systems on a traditional oil tanker without having to resort on major redesigns

only AUX ships have ras on them and still it has nothing to do with my original reply that france uses their tankers as a general aux ships for their fleet which considering the ammo cargo they have compared to the rest in the med sea is not enough

No Pajeet.

I highly doubt that they wouldn't sell it if given an attractive offer.

which country has the money for the initial cost tho?

I'm not really talking about who would actually buy it, just that China would absolutely sell to anyone interested with the cash to back it up.

well yeah thats my point its a big commitment to slap a totally new weapon system on your invetory especially one that has a gazzilion other weapon systems

>if money is out of question China would
woah sounds like literally every country in the world selling shit to our new second greatest ally of democracy and freedom and champion of human rights and morals the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as long as the price is right

The Greek navy is trash, don't compare it to the vastly superior French navy unless you mean it to be a butt of a joke. All your ships are shit that Germany makes.

>because surely its about the SHIP and not the armament

you must be american

um... that was a international coalition. 15+ did the bulk of the bombing smoothbrain.

No guns

google a bit before you reply back france literally started bombing days before the muricans arrived and after the 6th day they stopped most of their shorties because they didnt had ammunitions for it

No son. I was literally on the Kearsarge for the operation. The USS Ponce delivered a bunch of cruise missiles to open operations followed shortly after by a ton us assets

German ships have awful armaments.

You are as bad as the damn Italians with your revisionists history. Let me guess, the French liberated themselves in ww2 right lmao

Attached: SmartSelect_20190831-085251_Chrome.jpg (1328x1207, 471K)

>yes it does stop you you cant fit ras systems on a traditional oil tanker without having to resort on major redesigns
I never suggested such a thing.

>only AUX ships have ras on them
And I never suggest otherwise.

>my original reply that france uses their tankers as a general aux ships for their fleet which considering the ammo cargo they have compared to the rest in the med sea is not enough
That wasn't your point. To quote you:
>their logistics line is SHORT and certently not enough for the med sea let alone worldwide
>hell both greece and turkey have MORE logistics ships behind them than france
Which is wrong.

>france has literally 3 oil tankers that act like replishing vessels too..
And the two other nations you compared them to have fewer or lighter logistics ships.

posting wiki as a trusted source

literally from 2011

I was physically there and am not going to go in super depth to try to prove to a retard such as yourself that the Americans and UK organized and led the way in on that operation.

Your own article supports how minor of a role the French had in the first couple sentences.

i mean you are either THE retard or you are just trying to project yet again the
>!!!111!!! MURICA STRONK

my argument was that france didnt had any sort of logistics capability despite the fact that their ships was a shy 4 hours trip from FRANCE

literally nothing more


>"france literally started bombing days before the muricans arrived and after the 6th day they stopped most of their shorties because they didnt had ammunitions for it"

No that is your point and its a quote. That was also a blatant lie. Your ass got exposed and now you are back peddling.

Better luck next time Léo

Attached: cheetalel6.jpg (771x462, 81K)

>france got logistics problem
>had to stop doing most of the shorties
>post proof that said france had logistics problems


well isnt that just a typical day at Jow Forums

France was not bombing fool. That is blatant horse shit. This imaginary logistical problem is nonsense along with it. This is the same sort of French bullshit we see after every NATO action the French are not able or refuse to participate in.

>bu but but we were there too guys!

His point was literally that French logistics suck, not that France is stronk because they bombed whenever wherever (although that's how one could have misread his posts which you did).


Day 1

The bullshit is that he is pretending that the French were bombing before the Americans arrived. US/UK NATO force started that engagement and the French were wayyyy behind the curve.

But anyway, cope with this reality how you want frog. I gotta run. Later Leo

>buy 5
>board them
>find out its a bolted tin box covered by plastic sheeting

Keen eyes can spot the photoshop in that image, like how on a cloudy day the freaking prow shines like its chromed.

They wouldn’t. Just like how they wouldn’t sell type 052C/D snd the US won’t sell f22

Stfu Ameritard.

China goes further than this by selling to terrorist groups and criminals

wow, reminds me of another nation I know. You know, the one that gave a bunch of weapons to "freedom fighters" to Afghanistan in the 70s and 80s

Listen fuckface. There is no morality in great power politics. The fact that you think selling things to people you don't like really highlights how immature and stupid you are.

Talk about being a schizo, I'm not even an American, neither am I making some statement on morality. Take your medication.

>shilling for the great satan despite not being from there
Talk about pathetic and shameful.

Post your source

Just because I'm not chiming into your obsession with America doesn't mean I'm "shilling" for them. Take your medication

I'm not even the guy you were talking to previously.

>not being able to distinguish between different anons while calling others schizo
Yup, checks out.

Funny, you talk exactly the same.

Maybe to an actual schizo like yourself.

>no u

Here's my fantasy setup for a franco-nized MN 055
Class: l' éclat
Hulls: 4 (C701 Dragon d'Azur, C702 Perle Brillante, C703 Lune Perçant, C704 Tempête Rapide)
Displacement: 13200 tons full load
VLS: 124, combination of Aster 30 Blk1, Blk2, SCALP EG/Naval, Crotale VT1, imported YJ-18 and YJ-12
Others: Euro ASROC
everything else is the same as PLAN 055, except systems need to integrate Euro functionalities.

BOOM, people around the world is gonna be speaking langue française again.

why? exocets are good
NSM's are also good

>exocets are good
back in the 80's, maybe.

Attached: img-2625b0b70612eaf37a46ffb09f592baa.jpg (2000x860, 392K)

Holy shit Jow Forums needs to buy one of these and turn it into it's own nation state.

>t. chang

You aren't French, Chang.
Nobody want to buy your cheap, doesn't-meet-spec garbage.

How do we stop China?

>cheap to make
>have multiple ways to launch them
>nobody can really defend against a barrage of missiles

id say they are quite good still

Stop buying their goods. There, you defeated China.

The escalator-nation is doing it's part, what are you doing?

Me? Getting welfare checks and shitposting on Jow Forums

>stop buying their goods
>suddenly the same goods on american or european working hands costs x300 more
>still wont buy it cause we cant afford it now

ah yeah

Export more Amerimutt QUALITY escalators to China

Attached: the-eternal-mutt.jpg (638x2414, 600K)

Ouch, are they gonna be okay?

>export all the shitty elevators to chinkland to grind up bug legs
>keep all the functional ones for actual people

Attached: yuu smug.jpg (768x1014, 354K)

>functional ones for actual people


pls buy
need mo jobs fo them shipyards

Attached: cm04881705v01a_t26_0489-crop[1].jpg (1500x953, 308K)

It would be an abusing turnabout, given that the Frogs sold the Chinks ships with LM2500 gas turbines that allowed them to build their modern fleet
>seriously, everything that isn’t Soviet surplus is based on what they got from the French

Oh sweetie

>keep all the functional ones
so none
>for actual people
so none

It was actually Russian fans there for a football match
t. Roman

Theoretically, what's stopping me from setting up my own McNavy©, except money of course?

Absolutely false. You’re a fucking retard.
It was the US that sold the LM2500.
And PLAN ships run DN80 derivatives.
Go read a fucking book, fag.

None state status


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The entire premise of your argument is flawed. It doesn't cost 300x (where did you get this number?) more to produce goods in the West.

You are right, producing anything in the West is literally impossible due to the lack of any vertically integrated production chains!

Not to mention, an actual lack of skilled workers. Imagine that. White people not being able to compete in terms of skills with Chinese peasant workers, leading to the absolute unfeasibility of domestic iPhone productions. Let that sink in.

Attached: imagine being a wh-te trash who cant even work at foxcon.jpg (1216x465, 86K)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

of the flaws in his argument, you go after the 300x hyperbole?
The real mistake he made is assuming production locale is a binary choice, the west or China. It's not. In America's case, very little manufacturing would be on-shored again. They're going to South East Asia, and to a smaller extent, India.

The caveat in this is that changing final assembly location does not remove China from the production chain. The truth is, China has moved up market in the last 20 years. The reason why the entire global consumer electronics industry is clustered around the pearl delta region is because a large portion of the supply chain is there.

35 Percent. That's the content requirement for country of origin. A Made in Vietnam alarm clock only has to have 35% Vietnamese parts to qualify. The Buy American Act has a 50% content requirement.

Yep. That's the global economy.

>Just give all Jow Forumsommando's citizen ship of your armada and the UN will be forced to recognize the sovereignty of your Libertarian McNavy© nation.
The only obstacle is money.

Attached: no step girl.png (750x1020, 460K)

You got that all backward

you CANNOT have the same production rate at the same production cost in the west vs china or india
its not even a hyperbole
lets say they move to bulgaria (i would have said greece that they are slightly recovering nowdays so bulgaria it is)
they gonna have to face not only the +30% increased wage but also the mandatory paid shit holidays bla bla
PLUS china has compartmentalise their entire country so that if an area increase its minimum wage lets say gansu they can move the production to Qinghai and vice versa untill the said area drops again back

you simply cannot have this shit anywhere in the world

take usa for example their minimum wage are +255% above china

how on earth are you gonna mitigate the cost? LOL

i mean look at this
the amount of iq missing from those spammers that have literally no basic understand how a firewall works is literally the only proof someone needs

Everyone knows that the great copypasta doesn't do jack shit because you aren't actually Chinese. They do it to annoy you.