/akg/ AK General

AK General /akg/
Galil Handguards Edition
>Thread #881

Old thread here

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Other urls found in this thread:


>AK Buyers Guide


RK the best AK.

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i've come full circle

I got a 95 round 5.45 mag. Why? Because I can.

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do these actually function well ?

>Because you're surely not spending the money on converting that rifle.
Should've went for one that might work after you inevitably drop it on something harder than a pillow.

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Haven't tried it yet, was busy all night.
Got the FSB in, rifle dynamics had their thumb up their asses and took forever to ship it. If I have time this weekend I'll get it done, eventually I'll look into welding up the holes in the back.

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cheese grater incoming

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Other than larping and memes, is there a point in buying 7n6, or are you better off getting non-corrosive shit?

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7n6 was great when it was cheap, it's not great anymore unless you want the can for slavposting.
The wolf military spec stuff performs exactly the same and is non corrosive.

the main appeal was that it was and still largely is cheaper than brass 5.56.
whether you can find any in large amounts depends on where and how hard you look.
overall 7n6 has a better and more reliable effect on soft targets than standard 5.56 like M193 and is much better than M855.
The biggest problem is that 5.45 guns are singinificantly more expensive than their 7.62x39 counterparts, and this trend is true for almost every manufacturer selling the 5.45 version for more, which makes using corrosive ammo a less desirable choice when it is usually 20 to 25 cents per round for the corrosive ammo.
also the going price for 7n6 tins is about the same cents per round wise as the new production stuff.
i'd recommend you buy some of the Golden Tiger ammo. it's fully lacquered and has the cavity in the tip of the bullet the same as the 7n6 bullet design.

Where is the discord?

sAy YoUlL sEe Me AgAiN

>even if it's just in your
w i l d e s t d r e a m s

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p l e a s e dont be
in love
some one
e l s e

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Your eyes whispered have we met
across the room your silhouette
starts to make its way to meeeee

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I don't know if the 5.45mm one is different, but 5.56mm and 9mm Beta-C Magazines have poor reputations in general, they require the use of a spacer and the application of a dry graphite lube to get them to work, and even then they can be iffy, not to talk about *fragile*.
I've seen loaded drums break from mag catches due to their weight, and then the entire drum smashes against the ground with the backplate breaking off.

The only actually good double-drum for AR15s and AR mag rifles is the Armatac SAW, which is great quality and incredibly durable, but it's very expensive, and very heavy when loaded at 150rds, to the point that some bargain bin ARs struggle to hold onto them properly with their magazine catch.
It does make your gun look like a cock with big balls though, which is awesome.

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The Beta C is like $400. So If the Beta C is already that fragile, might as well nab a worst korean mag if you own an AR

Stop huffing the paint while you're doing this shit, user.


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Never tried one in a 5.45 rifle but the 5.45 one feeds well into my .223 Norinco

kys and put the blame on you gf, faggot.
Am I going to have to get some ((10)) plums and post them repetitively until you break down and finally get some?

Tbh I just threw it in the pic because I had it in a box of AK parts. Same goes for the shitty plum 922r furniture.

That's not how you spell Galil

So how can I correctly repair and replace this lever? Will I need any special tool? I have the replacement lever, a vice, and an appropriately sized ball bearing (I was told this is a way I could perform this repair) I was going to use the vise to apply pressure to the ball bearing to peen out the opening but I feel like without something supporting the open side of the take down lever, it will just crush the lever.
Should I just take it to a gunsmith ? (Background: lever came broken like that from Arsenal , it is still functional but if rotated all the way open it can be pulled out.)

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How should I finish this Izhmash kit I got? I'm using a Radom barrel that has bluing on it. Should I just build the rifle and then parkerize/paint the entire thing or just park and paint the receiver?

Whole thing. You'll never "get it close" to any existing finishes on the rifle and it'll look slightly wonky at best when said and done

Yeah, you need to get a small block that fits (or can be shimmed to fit) snugly where the gas tube fits into the rsb. That will allow you to support the inside of that end of the new lever as you flare it. Without the support, it tends to bend inward instead of flaring out

Meant to add: set a ball bearing into the cupped end of the lever, and give it a good whack with a hammer (maybe a couple if you’re weak). It should flare out nicely and evenly, and you’ll be good to go

Had me worried for a second, do you have the right one?

Are there any current options for good 5.45 rifles or should I just go buy a 104UR off of the files?

Brand new rifle, will this problem away as it breaks in?

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It is ordered

PSA's AK worth a shit?

Hard to tell but is the bullet jammed up against the bottom of the chamber?

How much would a gunsmith charge for building a Galil out of parts?
350$ parts kit
200$ receiver

What gun? What mags?

Fte and next bullet jammed against chamber.

Blackheart b10 with pmags.

I’d do $250 make sure to get a undrilled barrel.

What receiver did you find for $200?

Golden tiger is yaw crazy in 762, but the 545 flavor has a different bullet shape to the other brands and I doubt it’ll yaw well at all. Missing the boat tail and it’s shorter so I’d bet the cavity up front is full of lead vs something like Barnaul ammo.

I would check your bolt to see if the extractor is working, and the next bullet being jammed is pretty common with an fte so i wouldnt blame a mag or something like that.

gf3s are gtg. wasr is still better because the barrel is more durable, but the psa gf3 will have better factory support if there's a problem

Where can I find Bakelite 762 mags at? I’ve been looking everywhere and can’t find shit

>pic not related

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Are you looking for bakes or cheap bakes?

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Bakes, Izzy or Tula preferably.


I kinda want a Yugo underfolder to go with my SAR-1. Which model/manufacturer is the “best” for Yugos?

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Is that while supporting it with a shim? I’m trying to think of ideas for a shim, I don’t have any metal working equipment to make my own, although my neighbor has a cnc machine.

Would it be better to use the vise to crank pressure against the ball bearing or should I just use the hammer to peen it out? Just want to be clear before I try it.

Galil is literally just a Jew'd RK clone

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The new zastava ones.

Unless you want to soak your gun and detail clean all your threads and crannies in a 15minute gun bubble bath, don't use it.
Every 7n6 shooter talks 200iq cleaning regiments, but in reality every used 5.45 I handle, I can tell if they're pozzed by 7n6 or not by rust in nooks and crannies.

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what said, Corrosive is a complete bitch to clean out in a semi-auto gun, you need to get personal with your rifle and scrub it clean every time you shoot corrosive through it. You probably won't mind after the first or second range trip, but it can get really tiresome after a while, especially when non-corrosive is so easy to get.

I've still got a couple hundred rounds of Yugo M67. It's good ammo, but I got a little bit of surface rust on the gas piston during the drive back home from the range. It's kind of a pain in the ass.

Water down your fucking rifles you retards holy shit

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someone buy this and be our guinea pig

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Fucking RS regulate AKML micro dot combo. Fucker sits way too low. I know that is beneficial for cheek weld with most stocks (without risers), but the irons occlude a good portion of the FOV, and it precludes the use of ambi top mount pressure pads.

Makes sense why all the slavs run hueg optic and cheek risers. What a shit platform.

TDI handguard set and stubby grip came in. Meh. It works. Got russian 5.5mm folding stock too.

Need to get a new recoil spring assembly and dust cover. Any sub $35 sources for smooth top covers?

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I wouldn't use a top mounted pressure pad regardless. Shit gets way too hot to touch.

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Wow, yet another thing I've said multiple times ends up being true
Crazy how that happens
Almost like there's a good reason I say the B33 is the functional best optic mount for AKs

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Very nice
What finish?

It ran just fine for 1500 rounds of drilling before. Not sure.

Good golly ur so smart

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If you listened for once in your life you wouldn't be on your 3rd or 4th round of trying to get an AK setup for larping, Dunn

It's cute you try to flip shit to OC/others for saying they told you so, because quite literally everything you have done so far has had a mob of people behind you saying dont do it yet routinely you look at this mob and figure "nah they dont know what they're talking about"
It's like going mudding in a Honda civic despite all warnings then also mocking the people who offer to winch you out.

My favorite part is that he doesnt even listen to himself.
He openly stated he doesnt like AKs and continues to say so, but instead of concluding "maybe this isnt for me" like a normal person he figures "maybe if I continue to drop money randomly and sporadically this gun will magically change"

The sad part is he literally doesn't realize it
>wgws wants to do something
>akg tells him it's a bad idea
>wgws says akg doesn't know what they're talking about
>wgws comes back a week later saying how terrible what he did was
>akg says they told him so
>wgws lashes out
>wgws posts in arg about akg
>rinse and repeat

You know what's twice as ironic about that? Wgws thinks it's bantz to bring up that I stopped buying ARs after I decided I don't enjoy them and don't want to buy another one

Black high temp paint over parkerizing... just like the later East German guns were.

I’m thinking about saving up for a vepr 545 from Kvar before the supply dries up...it’s 1600 so I can’t afford it all but I’m planning to save up for it. Is it worth the money or should I just cop an slr 106 from Brownells or kvar gun broker or get a Sam 7 or go even cheaper?

I need a ak pistol now

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What rifle is that?

East German AKS-74NK

Is there a more available version that I might be able to acquire? I like the general proportions of the rifle but I don't feel the need to track down some super niche shit

Not really. The gun all-in cost about $2300. The few others that I know about were all done by the same shop (two rivers arms).. Getting the parts was the hardest part, especially the muzzle device. I think one guy had his made new on a CNC machine because he just couldn’t find one. German parts kits aren’t hard to find. But getting the gun put together right with the right gas tube, gas block, flash hider, getting the barrel cut down, NFA stamp, proper parkerizing and paint cost money.

Did you guys know some TDI parts are made in Israel?

Shame that the Aimpoint micro red dot spacer is $70, as that would be the best solution for my low dot problem. But even if I went and put a riser on it, then I would need a riser on the stock. For shame.

It looks very nice. Real EG kit with JMAC block? What receiver?

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yes but Galil a cute and a best fuck your shitty rape elf

>micro red dot in front of ACOG
por que?

>doesn’t understand a lot of AK collectors have full auto markings on their guns that don’t do anything.

It is offset
As a secondary sighting system (no irons) and a better optic for close up stuff.

It works decent, but I've yet to run it side by side with a piggybacked RMR on top of an Acog

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you might want a sticker over "that", just to be subtle

I have the full auto markings on mine too. What I don't have is an extra hole with a pin in it lol.

Don't worry, we won't tell. Frankly the law itself is what is illegal in the first place.

What’s some good poly furniture for a wasr?

Why do people choose M92s over Dracos? It perplexes me.

What the fuck is up with Rifle Dynamics wanting $2400 for an 5.56 kalashnikov?

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Park & paint the entire thing.

Because they can

where can i get a good galil? do i just need to wait for atlantic arms to have theirs back in stock?

summer's over boys.. did you have a good one?

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Should I do a krink kit or should I just chop an slr 104ur?

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Real Fucking Nato Bepis

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To the unenlightened... are they worth that much? Is it 4x as good as an $600 gun?

Where get krink kit

Ya got into AKs and got 2 of them. Has anyone used Silver Bear before? Wanna try out some decent 5.45

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Its unironically garbage. All they really do is tune the gas, put on that pos fsgb, paint it and put on an ultimak. Retarded wannabe richfags and boomers buy them for the price tag.

I feel like I could do this better

honestly thinking the same. flgs has a 104ur and i dont think any of the local fudds are at risk to grab it

Welp, I have zero desire to purchase any of it now. That sounds like a huge pain in the ass, thanks for talking sense anons.

yeah i feel you. i saw some of that yugo stuff for a deal a year or two ago and was like ehhhh dont wanna have to thoroughly windex my raifu

Looks noice desu

What caliber is that one on the right?

dude are you retarded? look at the context clues. what tramp stamp does it have and what caliber guns do they make