How the fuck do I defend myself without doing years of martial arts in Canada...

How the fuck do I defend myself without doing years of martial arts in Canada? I live in Montreal and I have no choice but to walk among sketchy people, some of which are big and look more athletic than I do. I was thinking about a fighting cane since weapons are illegal to carry, but it's gonna look goofy as hell.

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Find a local boxing/mma gym,
or if you're lazy use steriods

Get a rape whistle. Get one of those flashing light loud alarm flashlights. Get a fleshlight. Blow the rape whistle constantly. Hang the alarm/light from your jacket and turn it on. Fill the fleshlight with hand cream and hold it out in front of you shaking it while it drools.
Nobody will continue to attack you in those circumstances. Nobody.

Steroids don't teach you how to fight.

He's right you know. I would not approach such a person, and I'm beyond help.

How are the "tolerance" about carry in Canada ?

Like here in Europe, outside UK, you can carry a tear gas spray under 100ml, usually the police will just confiscate it if they found it.

They will not press any charge if you have a clean record and you was not doing mess before the control. You will not even do any time in police custody.

I don't know if the Canadian police will do that kind of tolerance or if they will fully enforce the law like in UK if they found you with a tear gas spray.

(This also apply with expandable batons in France, but not with knives, they don't think knives are really "self-defense" tools, more like "stand your ground laws" which is not applied here)

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>self defense

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Anybody wondering those are a group called The Congo Dandies. Niggers in the congo that spend literally every last penny on their attire
The definition of all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Fighting teaches you how to fight.
Most will never be good at it, but you don't need to be good you only need to strike without thinking.
Those who can strike while thinking can learn to be good at fighting.
First lesson to fighting don't get in fights.
Second lesson to fighting hit first and hardest.
Third lesson to fighting don't fear a fight.
No on who is trained in fighting will be a problem if you follow these lessons.
So the only ones who will be a problem arn't trained in fighting. So you and they are the same.
Now all you need to do is fight yourself and win.

If you're a mountain of a man people are far less inclined to start shit with you.

Situational awareness.

1 year of jujitsu is better than 95% of the population. Put in the time. Anything worth while, from shooting to martial arts to painting to whatever take a little time investment.

intimidation factor

I was working security for a while and we had one guy who probably used steroids, he was really bloated with muscle. The only time I've seen him in a situation, he really fucked up. He was strong, but could barely move in a fight or react quickly to his opponent

Most people that do steroids aren't that big or intimidating. They get the rounded shoulder effect and then become some sort of competitive diet fags in search of abs.

carrying anything for self defense is illegal in leaf land. (except the one person who has a concealed carry licence(yes just one person out of 31 million), pepper/tear gas spray is also a prohibitive weapon, and is the same charge as having a unregistered machine gun.

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Keep a padlock on a chain. If you have to beat someone with it, you tell the cops you own a bicycle and just happened to have your bike lock with you

They literally banned body armour in Canada, at it's most lenient you need just a gun license to buy it and at it's worst you need a special license issued to you by a security company if you work for them.
(((They))) want you to die.

Nigga I do compound lifts 3 times a week and the monsters that inhabit my gym are all on some kind of steroid. Not even saying that they'd do well in a fight but to say that steroids don't make you big is flatly wrong.

steroids are for bloating your muscles dude, you're confusing them for something else

>pepper/tear gas spray is also a prohibitive weapon
Fucking why?
>and is the same charge as having a unregistered machine gun
I refuse to believe this

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No they didn't ban body armour here.

Chugs like to carry bear mace. You can also get a stun cane.

It's regulation by province. Some don't require any type of license to buy body armor.

Fellow leaf here. I carry a knife on me and have extremely good cardio to run. I can run uninterrupted at a decent speed for 5km. But if I can’t flee I can quickly pull out my knife and poke a few times, then attempt to flee once more.

>Yu Yu Hakusho

For defense against wild animals or dangerous dogs you can carry bear or dog spray. Last year, a woman used it to protect herself against someone who tried to grab her as she was jogging. She wasn't charged, but as you are likely a young man, you may have trouble with the Crown.

If you are worried about thugs or criminals, check out "No Nonsense Self Defense", which teaches you to recognize the warning signs and how to get clear of trouble:

Most of the time you won't even have to run or even walk fast if you know what to look for.


gotta admit though, those are some nice fits

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Oh yeah 100% fresh as fuck

There is literally several gun stores right in Montreal. One also sells kitchen appliances so you can also buy a oven to stick your head in you dumb piece of shit.

we cant carry firearms you dumb idiot

"cant" or "may not"? cucked retard. abbos go around with sawed off rifles and shotguns why cant you

or you can go to a pawn shop and get yourself a ridiculous edgy knife. or maybe to that comic store under the net cafe downtown, they also have some bullshit edgy knives. or you could just stop being a giant nigger yourself. i lived for 26 years in montreal and managed to avoid getting stabbed/shot

on the host of the tabernacle i say you should fucking glass yourself op

what the fuck are you trying to tell me faggot
if i kill someone with a sawed off gun im fucked for like

better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6, mon p'tit putain :^)

je veux pas me faire randomly fouiller avec un esti de sawn off

If they kill you, you win

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I CC my tok because I am not a pussy plus I live in surrey so its needed

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I always fear getting randonly searched

Most RCMP detachments prohibit stop and frisk now because muh racism so you should be fine, plus they cannot search you, your house or vehicle unless you invite them to do so.
I've gone through multiple roadblocks CCing on my motorcycle without issue
I'd recommend a shoulder holster to keep it inconspicuous and so you don't have a print

>Most RCMP
are you aware that Montreal has its own police force and therefore RCMP has no jurisdiction there for routine police activities, except for on the ???

I really don't care about frogshit but if your a quebecer I would try googling or finding out info from people if your police do random searches

nice trips but basically they don't, it's both a human rights thing and a "it doesn't actually result in hitting my quotas" thing

kys youself americant

Go to Tristar Gym lmao it's one of the top mma schools in the world.

You can train a lot longer, harder and recover faster with gear

You must be white to get away with CC in Surrey. The cops there are the worst

Kinda dont want concussions, im considering dong just BJJ

And who is this person in leafland that has a CCW?

Our pretty boy selfie leader?

Is this person some rich Jew?


>They literally banned body armour in Canada, at it's most lenient you need just a gun license to buy

Anyone got a crediable link on that?

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It was in two provinces. bc and another one I forget

Was at a walmart last week in Toronto looking for some stuff and while passing the hardware section (odd place to place this) I find two types of dog/bear spray for sale. $9.98 IIRC was the price. One was like 60ml small for joggers/cyclists with a strap band for carrying it. The other one being sold I didn't check the volume but I think 2-3x the amount of the small one. Each was rated for osmething like 4-5 sprays at 1-2sec each. Same price for the larger one I think.

So yes..not illegal to buy here but if you say it is for self defense then bend over rover and take it and if you use it on anthing other then a dog/bear you are fawked.

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WTF!? Which store sells guns and kitchen appliances? Name please. I've never hear or seen this combo.

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Whats a tok?

Cite reference link please.

Tokarev TT33 pistol.