Post your best Joshuas

Post your best Joshuas
Also, name one man from any vidya more Jow Forumsthan him

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Fuck the kike

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Fuck off gentile.

Durance is pretty Jow Forums in a fantasy context. He's an ascetic preacher for the goddess of muskets and fire, and the most important moment of his life was creating the worlds largest IED

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Also, Artyom.

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>400 hours in new vegas
>only have old world blues
wtf am i doing

I wish I could still enjoy FNV. I played it to death.
Artyom is a giant pussy actually, and a hypocrite. He can't stop whining about the humanity's violent nature while murdering hundreds of people (who had it coming). He's even worse in the books. I vote pic related.

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In the books he's forced into an impossible situation, and he doesn't kill nearly as many people as in the vidya. He's a bit annoying but he's really just a dumb kid who has to become a soldier overnight.

2nd RUINER. best soundtrack in any vidya


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John Jow Forumsonrad and the Damned 51st from Spec-ops the line
>Protect civilians
>Use white phosphorus on terrorists
>Put a decent martial law
>Hate and fight the CIA Glownigger
>Did nothing wrong

He is the Gun God.

we were never friends


>best soundtrack in any vidya
That's a difficult call.

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Dead Money is like half good writing and half pretentiousness and gameplay is a mixed bad on whether you'll like it.

Honest Hearts is comfy and Joshua Graham is based, but kind of boring if you're not into exploring.

Lonesome Road was the worst for me. Ulysses just came off like a pseudo-intellectual tryhard and he's fucking constantly interrupting and narrating everything. I had 100 speech and could have chose not to fight him, but killed him anyway.

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i wanted to buy dead money by selling off my tf2 items (i haven't played in 3 years), but the process is a pain in the ass and i may not have enough monetary value.

Take your pick.

8' tall tsundere with a love for sharpshooting, German assault rifles, and if she likes you, she'll let you shoot her upgraded !Walther WA2000, or...

Broken bird who got her groove back, along with some retro upgrades, EDCs arguably the best service pistol available without LEO/.mil contacts, and if you ask very nicely, she can carry and use a m134 like a it's a fucking GPMG.

Ignore the rat shaman. Even if she's cute, she's fucking gross, and you've got too much dignity for that, remember?

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Phil Cassidy

>makes his own boomshine
>runs guns everywhere
>blew his arm off but still shoots guns one handed

Wait. Do Mormons think they are actually Israelites?

No they believe certain native Americans were Israelite tribes that came to America.

No, it's a bit more complicated.

Holy shit.
And I thought they were nutty before, what with the magic underwear and becoming gods stuff.

Honestly Major Degtyarev is a bit more badass.

>Helped a military squadron fight off the whole remaining chunk of the monolith on their own grounds.
>Has no connection to the zone yet somehow manages to survive it.
>while an entire military squadron has trouble taking on the monolith he downright turns the tide and finishes them off.
>Survived x8 probably one of the most dangerous X labs.
>Broke Cardan of his alcoholism.

And a hell of a lot more depending on the choices you make.

Dead money was the best expansion in terms of gameplay if you don't suck

Plus, if you didnt suck, you could waddle out with 10 tons of gold on your back from the vault

Yeah but Strelok literally penetrates the monolith base single handed and destroys C-consciousness and kills scores of monolith soldiers in the process, you can't top that.

You actually try to take all the gold?
Did you miss the theme of the dlc or something?

>Also, name one man from any vidya more Jow Forumsthan him
An entire faction from the very same game.

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>exploting the shitiness of gamebryo
>not sucking
Pick one.

>Says the kike after each consecutive genocide and expulsion

Yes but with upgraded underwear

He's a fucking mormon you degenerate.

Even worse

Dont need to exploit it. By using the tools provided you can 100% do it without abusing physics or console commands or corpse looting. If you max out stealth (and, ideally, use GRX time dilation implants. Not required but way easier) you can just walk it out the door.

A better theme isnt just "let go", it can also be "if you have the skills you dont have to let go". Other men failed, you didnt have to

Why not just pirate? I pirated all the DLC

What's even the point, money is never an issue in NV, the economy is beyond broken. There's even a casino in DM that caps at about 11000 pre-war money, each worth 5-10 caps.

>Not wanting to bathe in gold bars
We did it because we could

>missing the whole point of the dlc

>You've heard of the Sierra Madre Casino. We all have, the legend, the curses. Foolishness about it lying in the middle of the City of the Dead, buried beneath a blood-red cloud. A bright, shining monument luring treasure hunters to their doom.

>The world's most famous stars and entertainers were invited to its Grand Opening. An invitation was a sign of... exclusiveness. The opening was supposed to symbolize a road to a brighter future, not just for the world... ... but for all who came to its doors. A chance for anyone to begin again.

>Except - the Sierra Madre never opened. The war froze it in time, like a big flashbulb going off. The Grand Opening - one big ending of humanity. It's still out there, in the Wastes, preserved, just waiting for someone to crack it open. But getting to it. That's not the hard part. It's letting go.

Glory has daddy issues of literally demonic proportions. Cuddling would be a good way to end up skewered and bleeding out.

Eiger is a straight to-the-point professional who needs you to prove herself. She is the best option.

I beat Legate Lanius to death with my bare fists. What makes you think I'm going to abide by some metaphorical reason to leave the gold behind?

Boomers are fudds. Gunrunners are more /k than them

If they wanted you to get the point they should have not given us the ability to take all 30 bars

>ancaps in love with explosives

>left their shitty vault because the overseer banned the use of cool stuff on the shooting range

New Vegas is almost a decade old and still no ETPG van hold a candle to its story

/k hates politics or ideals so joshua is not /k. Bert Gummer is only into guns and threat elimination so he is factually more /k.

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What is this from user? I want cute operator waifus. Please, user.

The Shadowrun games from Harebrained Schemes.
Glory and Eiger are from Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Gobbet is from Shadowrun: Hong Kong

I fuckin loved that guy

Ty for the sauce. Bless you user.

>you could waddle out with 10 tons of gold on your back from the vault
And then realize your gold is worth less per pound than police pistols repaired with the unlimited repair kits.

Just downloaded them again. I really like the gameplay and settings. Wish they made more side stories or wrote some one offs for the engine.

> Implying Glory doesn't swap out the claws for normal hands
> Implying she doesn't even detach the arms all together just to sleep comfortably

The point is letting go... But I don't really agree with that seeing as I can dump most of my mediocre dead money loot because pretty much all the other dlc has better armor and there's only a couple truly unique weapons. I can at least a knick a couple bars before I bail out.

I honestly just usually use the exploit where I just carry off all the gold.

Either way it's a case of "I'm the motherfucking mailman"

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He's for sure the most complex and interesting character in the whole game.

>tfw you realize the real joshua graham was a 20 year man

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joshua graham is a twenty year man

What game is this?

Katana Zero.

Entire soundtrack is here:

>search "revolver ocelot"
>zero results
Kill yourselves, all of you.

Incredibly high IQ post

Why would anyone like a plastic revolver nigger?

Eiger is autistic.

Glory is absolutely mental and unstable.

And the goblino has lived all of her life without taking a single shower.

Racter is besto giaru.

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>plastic revolver
Fucking when?

Did you finish the game?

I agree to disagree with your take on Artyom, but Ruiner was such a god damned amazing game.

Sure it's about letting go, but the ENTIRE game is a long ass revenge story, or 3. Between Bennys bullshit, Elijahs bullshit, the whitelegs and this Caesar's bullshit and being kidnapped by floating brains, the game rewards you for pushing beyond what a mailman is.

In the wasteland letting go means the death of a species

Artyom was more or less forced into fighting. It's not really hypocritical so much as an acknowledgement of how shitty the situation is and what spurns it.

That said I agree, Puppy is pretty Jow Forumsino.

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what gaym?

>waddles out with 10 tons of gold
>walks all the way to the Lucky 38 and stores it in the penthouse because I don't want to waste gold

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Pillars of eternity. It's similar in gameplay to the old Baldur's Gate series. Unlike most fantasy settings there are matchlock guns aplenty, and they absolutely murder unarmored magic users.

I like how you can take this out of context and it'll still make sense

I'd complain but Gun Runners are pretty Jow Forums.

>tfw no radioactive toxic moat and barrel warehouse fortress

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>Post your best Joshuas
He’s such a mischievous boy - I think I may just have to put him over my knee and spank his smooth, bare bottom with my bare hand...

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The only reason he owns guns is because he stated that he is afraid of gun owners and he is anti second amendment man but afraid that pro gun owners would go find him and kill him so he owns guns to defend himself from gun owners.

Ironic actually...

>drop all of them in a stack of 10
>eat stealth boi
>drag single gold stack out while hiding from retard
GG how bout you let go deez nuts


Mormons are the ultimate shabbos goyim. Christians who grew to deny the divinity of Christ, brought back all of the old covenant laws, cried persecution after all of their niggerish behavior on the east coast, fucking murdered innocent settlers cause muh birthright. And then to top it all off, they go on a century long campaign of historical revision. Even though some members might be kind or even upstanding people, realize that they, like Jews, are always going to be more loyal to their group than larger society. No red blooded American should ever let a group like that creep into their neighborhood

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>Did you miss the theme of the dlc or something?
Sorry to hear you're still in the bucket, bro

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Just some senile crazy old coot should’ve let it go doesn’t mean I have to.

It's not that crazy if you do research. Look into the lost tribes of David, they are tribes of native Americans with Jewish blood.

I'm good bruh.

Galatians 1
>8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

>9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

>He can't stop whining about the humanity's violent nature while murdering hundreds of people
that is actually you who does that
ghost man > fast and loud
lrn2play, you're like some fucking gaming journalist cmon man you're better than that

He's talking about the Tornado-6 airshit-modelled revolver from Phantom Pain
forgetting that he uses a Colt SAA in every other one

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