Alright Jow Forums your just chillin' on a Saturday morning getting ready to mow the lawn when all of a sudden you hear...

alright Jow Forums your just chillin' on a Saturday morning getting ready to mow the lawn when all of a sudden you hear *beep beep beep* we interrupt this program, this is a national emergency Important instructions will follow. *beeeeeeeeep* PLA troops are invading the states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California. If you live in these states you are encouraged to evacuate immediately. Evacuate to the following Areas of nipton California, nellis Airforce base, mountain home Airforce base. Boise Idaho. and joint base Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson. make sure you have food, water, and a battery powered radio with you. If you do not evacuate arm yourself.
wut do Jow Forums?

Attached: Scheming Chicom.png (505x576, 34K)

Pick up my Type 56 and join my brothers in the fight against the filthy Gweilo.

Get my popcorn and shitpost on Jow Forums, hoping they make it far enough east for me to waste some chinks.

Oh look, another play pretend thread for the thirteen year olds.

>implying they would get obliterated before even getting to our shores
nice larp, aren't you supposed to be back in school?

Call and make sure my aunt and uncle in San Diego are okay. To the rest of the west coast, good riddance.

Does this imply that the PLA are airdropping in or making a coastal landing?

Practice speaking Chinese

Continue living my life in Indiana because this doesn’t affect me

>implying he's implying that
learn to read, nigger. You should be the one going back to school

Duct tape my eyes and pretend I'm Chinese.

>PLA dies of de-facto punji sticks littering every major city
>takes the PLA 6 months to find a city
>Eskimo hunters act like Ice-Sand-People the entire time
>coast gone, east of the mountains the U.S. military is waiting.
>"Xang...the trees...they speak English."

Wait for the Chinese to starve due to poor logistics.
They might be able to one day get boots on US soil. It will be a VERY long time before they can maintain it.

People always assume that the PNW is full of hipsters and liberals, and in the cities that’s correct, but nobody seems to realize that there are a shit ton of well-armed batshit crazy people that live out in the woods. A communist Chinese invasion is like a wet dream for these people.

Waste fleeing liberals and then the chinks. They're all filthy commies in my book

I rejoice with exceeding great joy.
WA, CA, and OR deserve it, and god knows AK can take care of themselves.

>implying Americans, or any westerners for that matter, stand any hope at playing guerilla in large enough numbers

>PLA troops are invading
99.99999% of you would do nothing.
You did nothing when the Southern border was invaded and the US got conquered as a result.

I truly feel terrible for Blue Helmet boys and the Black Helicopter Brothers because after subduing cities they're going to have to deal with countless numbers of fucked up insane trigger pullers that have been fantasizing this since childhood. That also have nothing to lose.

Grab my axe and chop up my floorboards for my Type56, ammo and C4.

Receive orders on my Huawei brand p30pro. Proceed to target

watch as the Navy dabs on the chinks

Is this the best you chicoms can do? Weak.

Shhh, let the kids dream.

Que? No habla ingles.

Chicom or not he's right, you retarded LARPer.
Le 1 billion rifles behind grass is a meme only believed by low IQ imbeciles. Not even in what you would call ''martial societies'' do majority pick up weapons and start resisting. And I'm talking about abysmal shitholes where violence is common and people are used to hardships.

Americans are for the most part literally same shit as any Western nation. You probably don't leave your basement often so you're out of touch. You're not tough, and shooting guns and reading about battles on Wikipedia doesn't make you the dread of occupation army.

Of course all this shit is idiotic to discuss since the scenario where someone invades and occupies parts of USA is absolutely retarded.

Also, guerilla warfare was a hindrance at best in overwhelming majority of cases.
Even 1940s Balkan savages who could probably impale 10 average 2019 Americucks on their dick in a 20 second QTE didn't actually liberate their country on their own, they had Soviet aid, serious Western Allied aid, Italians collapsing and Germans slowly collapsing to help them. And of course, terrible terrain.
Shut the fuck up with your cringy LARPing fantasies. Even serious guerilla forces require a lot of support and things going their way on strategic level to actually matter, some fat American retards LARPing around in a forest wouldn't even be a fucking road bump to Chicoms who would eviscerate those LARPing societies in short order and then hang their corpses from the lampposts as a reminder to the rest.

did an american steal your girlfriend, chang?

speak spanish so we can understand you, Jose Tyrone Jackson.

ching chong ping pong ding dong

I despise chinks, but westerners for the most part are just too soft to go head to head with a force much stronger than them with just a rifle and grenades, or to sit in a forest for months or years at a time.

It takes a lot of balls to go head to head with a tank, and most people lack that.

you do realize that the U.S. military would be aiding guerrillas right?

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Good God since when did chicoms hit Jow Forums so hard, there has always been Chang shitposting but are they on full damage control do to hong kong and the trade war?
MSS chinks glow in the dark.

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GTFO 50cent army.

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>a force much stronger than them with just a rifle
Gangbangers do it every day, in every major city in the US. California alone has over 8 million known gun owners, China doesn’t have the capability to putting 1% of that number on the West coast. Your “much stronger force” is a chink wet dream.

go full wolverines, ofc