How many of them are still alive in Vietnam?
How many of them are still alive in Vietnam?
there's still Soviet soldiers alive in Afghanistan though, the mujahedeen forced their prisoners to convert to islam or die, and some actually stayed afterwards and built a life
Vietnam was a psyop. We were there to fight what was in essence was an invasion by an ET race of “Spider Beings, the size of Volkswagen’s”, known as the “Spider Troggs” or “The Acari”, who came into our reality through a vast network of portals or gateways in South East Asia. Nobody died there. Anything veterans claim to have seen were false memories implanted into their subconscious.
none didn't you see rambo 2?
What I meant to say was nobody died there the way it was told to the public. Should clarify that.
More than a few I imagine though nobody wants to admit it.
There is a documentary about a Soviet soldier who stayed in Afghanistan, built a life, and then returned to Russia just a few years ago to visit.
They weren't forced they decided to stay if they went back they might get killed
Based wet brian
>Based wet brian
>wet brian
I hope Brian dries off
Wait, for real? There are still American POWs in Vietnam? Wow, congrats USA. You’re a bunch of cucks. Get drafted. Go to war. Get captured. 50 years later still in prison while Jose fucks your girlfriend back home.
Bri Brah isn't amenable to mortality.
"Command Sergeant Major Eric L. Haney, a former Delta Force operator and a holder of the "live prisoners" belief, later wrote that beginning in 1981 his unit was twice told to prepare for a mission involving the rescue of U.S. POWs from Vietnam, but both times the missions were scrubbed"
That glory whore’s word isn’t worth trusting. He lied in his book, his book shouldn’t exist, and he did it all to become a talking head on Fox.
Probably zero since they would’ve outlived their usefulness after 1975.
The land of pregnant Anne Frank aka /his/ has an user hot on the case for trying to recover their remains though
>none didn't you see rambo 2?
MFW I came to to say that but you did it before me. Good job user
Now? None. They were probably all liquidated by the mid-90s or so.
>Wait, for real? There are still American POWs in Vietnam?
These claims have been made since the war ended and although these claims have become a popular plot element in hollywood movies they have never been proven in any way.
>How many of them are still alive in Vietnam?
permanently? Non but I'm sure plenty go there for vacation to bang whores and smoke weed.
Boomers are fucking degenerates.
You guys should all read CHARM SCHOOL. Novel tho
His daughters are cute.
And fuck those Russian drunk assholes- they have no right to judge a man. You think his life was easy-peasy living as a Russian in Afghanistan? I don't believe it. Even IF he was a traitor, no one ever trusts you. It's more likely he was a prisoner of war and was forced to divulge info. You can't blame a man. Every prisoner breaks. The romantic idea of dying before you speak is all bullshit.
Keep in mind a lot of the USSR troops initially in Afghanistan were Muslims from the south. Many didn't have to convert.
A country begging for the US to build military based inside of it isn't going to risk American ire for still holding prisoners from a war that happened half a century ago
>implying they didn’t stay because of valid concerns of getting a bullet or one way ticket to a forced labor camp/prison for being a “traitor” or some other bullshit
That also isn’t even getting into Kazakh, Caucasian, and other soldiers in Afghanistan who were either already muslim or fucked one way or another but now they could get a cute mountain waifu and restart in life.
I know there are a very small handful of American troops who defected to North Korea, IIRC they all married and most got comfy positions as basically the token Western guy who shows just how awesome the Kims and Juche are. Dunno about Vietnam, since the US fucked off on the promise that POWs were returned.
Also this, Vietnam and the US have been getting relatively buddy buddy, if only due to mutual distrust of China. It’d be pretty dumb on their part to try and piss the US off past poking fun of the war that really only boomers get ultra butthurt about nowadays.
lol at the only black guy being too damn old for this shit
if any were alive, they were killed by this man.
you sound like a Redditor