This fucking grenade launcher

This fucking grenade launcher.
>Laser designated on the fly automatic sight adjustment and range sent to the warhead in the gun

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Whatis Fromwhere

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Neopup, south africa

Would it be make sense to replace the guy with a GL on his m4 with one of these and like a pdw or something?

Are you sure you aren't thinking of the XM25? My understanding was the Neopup was dumbfire.

That’s cute
Bless their hearts

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I think OP posted the wrong image

You're right, OP is wrong. Cheap masses of dumb rounds that don't have to be perfectly on target is the SA 20mms selling point.

I don't know what is wrong with SA and their love for high volume destructive devices, but we need more of it.

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>literal copy of their neighbors oicw
>bolt action
At least you tried, nogunz

>>bolt action
not him, but i always thought that this is actually the least retarded version of that idea.

>Laser designated on the fly automatic sight adjustment and range sent to the warhead in the gun
Pretty sure you're thinking of the XM25 (Or the XM29, the K11 DAW or the QTS-11). The PAW has options for automatic BDC, but it doesn't use smart grenades

Attached: XM25.jpg (4288x2848, 999K)

>20mm grenades

They have a kill radius measured in cm.

Their neighbor's OICW was bolt action too, it was just magazine fed.
Honestly the bolt action is the least issue with the QTS. Ditching the magazine and using the simplest action feasible does mean they're the lightest of any of the airburst launchers. Lighter than the XM25 which doesn't include a rifle.
The biggest issue is the dumb grenades. The XM25 and the Sork K11 had/have a single programmable grenade that handles all the basic features of the weapon. So point detonation, penetration delay and airburst all using the same universal grenade. Instead the QTS has a different grenade for each of them, on top of the specialty rounds like anti-personnel and armor piercing.

Attached: xk11_2.jpg (650x325, 18K)

This is the biggest problem. Rangers and Airborne tested the 25mm and still found it took multiple rounds to kill concealed targets. So even scaled up for a larger round, semi automatic is critical to successful expedient kills. Thats why none of this is ever going to go far, even if we ignore smart 40mm rounds (Pike for example, but not exclusively) with all the full payload and can be used through standard 40mm launchers.

Fire cluster munition ?

You need to go back and read the user reports again. When the XM25 went into field testing, lethality wasn't the issue. The 101st fucking loved the things and raved about them. Rangers bitched about the weight, loss in flexibility and the longevity with only 36 grenades in the weapon load, not issues with lethality. Not that those complaints don't have merit, but they're much more about the Ranger's use case than about the weapon itself.


Its a neat concept but one that i think is pretty ineffective as most of the explosives are in the 25mm range. And when you consider typical grenade launchers in 40mm are already kind of weak for anything but firing into enclosed spaces and light vehicles it worries me that 25mm would be too enemic by comparison

Would have been fucking neat in Halo, but it came too late.

Imagine if South Africa had said fuck it and fought to the knife. Including reclaiming Rhodesia, claiming Botswana, then eliminating the niggers and smashing them and thier friends in the field.

Yeah, South African guns are pretty cool

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Bring back pump action grenade launchers and issue shot rounds with them so that the grenadier doesn't have to carry a whole other weapon system + ammo for any situation where explodey-in-facey is bad.

SA tried to go that way, international sanctions prevented it from ever gaining enough strength to actually do so

Both are retarded because the fuse takes up 90% of the already tiny projectile volume, leaving no actual room for explosives. You need to actually hit a guy to do damage to him, and even then it's possibly just going to be light wounding if he has good body armor on.

Even 40mm rounds have tiny fucking payloads because they aren't optimized for payload. They're optimized for fuse. We need MUCH better fuses, tinier ones, maybe wafer thin like a watch battery, before any of this shit goes anywhere.

With current fuses and like 10 fragments which each hit with the power of a 4mm Kolibri you're basically hoping that if you explode half a dozen shells in a room, the enemy will have too many scratches to want to keep firing back.

Maybe you knock an eye out.

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the gov will never allow you to own one despite your god given right

>With its compact size, the Protecta BULLDOG is easy to conceal
You gotta be kidding me that thing is fuckhuge

Yeah basically everything you just said was bullshit. You didn't even know that the complaint you're parroting is for smart grenades and the PAW fires standard 20mm projectiles as in 20x102mm rounds.
And even with the blast radius issues of smart grenades, no you would not only be lightly wounded if either hit you. Even with good body armor. That's complete bullshit.
>inb4 buuhhh it was just exaggeration

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