ITT: we vaguely describe firearms and other anons have to guess them

>expensive and accurate german autism
there are 2 main possible answers

Attached: generic gun.png (1500x1500, 66K)

Glock 19?

That's a silhouette of a glock but glock is Austrian so I assume you mean HK & Walther?

hk p7

How about an easy one?
The safety is unnecessarily hard to use. And the bolt will probably be stuck after 3 shots

high drag, low speed tactical rectangle


PSG1 or MSG90

"Nyet, smaller"


I'm autistic, I meant PSG1

there's one correct answer


Wood, heavy, oversized curvy mags.

>>Expensive accurate german autism
I can think of many.
PSG1, WA2000, Korth revolver, just about anything from Merkel, Blaser, or Feinwerkbau.

Bulky, ugly, black, brick of perfection that works every time.

FN P90
My turn,
>wait is that a russian lmg? Why does it have a plate on top
>I know I have a lot of em but why are they so small?


cheap trash AR that still outperforms most gucci brands

Attached: 1556154928450.png (1366x581, 708K)

Hi-Point, obvi.

American 180

American 180.


Scotsman that can kill you from over a mile away. Bagpipes not included—but you do have to work it every time you want to hear it make music.

there's the second correct answer


>It just works

Attached: 1540008902207.jpg (384x402, 32K)


>bear killer
>car killer
>human killer
>elephant killer
>Rhino killer
>nigger killer
>tank killer
>can dual wield
>fuck my wrist is now nonexistent

Attached: 1566642982872.jpg (612x612, 47K)

barret .50 cal

Walther GSP

>Quantity is a quality of it's own, except in this case.

Nitro Express Revolver?

liberator pistol

Used for a while by the US military, great if maintained, shit when shot 10,000 times with zero upkeep.

nope but one was close


beretta m92

Nice shitty /v/ thread.

stop shitting up the thread nofunz



Upside down AK chambered for an ancient cartridge that refuses to die.

Bren gun

Sawed off elephant gun?



can be ordered without an ffl and assembled with help from a few hand files, some very fine sand paper, and a power drill. a top tier range queen is the result in spite of the marketing that says otherwise

a suppressor with a magazine

Glock 19 but better

Traditions Kentucky Rifle


that was fast

no, think modern

Chauchat? Federov?

Steyr M9

Walther PPQ M2

It's a handgun that can be loaded and operated by a one-armed man. The slide can be racked with your middle finger.

Sure, it's fine. Nothing really wrong with it, but for the price you can get better, except that COD faggots dont fuck themselves silly with the BCG on the alternative weapon
>good luck, newfags


Not what I was thinking, but your not wrong


Scar 17s vs hk mr308

top kek

Glock 23

PSG-1 is peak expensive and accurate German autism

80% AR lower? Or is that too modern.

Really reliable budget pistol. Company was kinda crap but this one is a gem. Trigger is average.
Hint: glockfags hate it




close, but you do need special tools outside of what I listed for an AR 80% lower. think along the same lines

That’s what she said :(

Attached: C3A050E5-53CF-4A85-93BE-829DF83EF9D1.png (792x658, 650K)

SIG Chylewski?

>Nigger gun

Peak larp. But also an entirely acceptable defensive pistol

Nuggets have a safety?


Steyer M9

Aaand user wins a cupie doll!
Be careful, its probably possessed

Every time you pull the trigger you hear "oy vey" somewhere off in the distance


45-70 revolver?

im gonna counter that one with this:
every time you pull the trigger your hear "oy vey pendejo" somewhere off in the distance

Uzi gold plated and converted to 38Super

Walther WA2000.

Green uzi but it has a handle on front (two answers)

Technically, although "safety" is a strong word.

The K98's underappreciated hermano

Big twisty mushroom thing on the bolt

Its shit. But fuck if it isn't one cool rifle


Desert Eagle?

Yeet, may contain two yeets

Attached: 1564384762834.jpg (960x960, 187K)

Original mauser?

I don't care what the actual answer is, this is my pick

harpoon gun maybe?

CBJ-MS. No fucking clue what the other one could be.

>but replica of an American gun
>4 digit number
>not the strong one though
>a certain edition
>sexy as fuck

galil ACE

The other one is legitimately hard to guess so here's a hint: it's Japanese