Ok, there is a superhero fucking shit up, it could be Squirrelgirl or it could be Superman. How do we take it down?
Hero deleting
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Fire, user. Fire kills everything.
Golden desert eagle.
Try chemical weapons.
Superman gets stronger inside stars, I don't think that fire will solve crap.
The tick slaps your gf's ass, wwyd?
>Squirrel Girl
Why are these childish revenge and power fantasies such a prevalent part of American culture?
What's wrong with Sharts? Did you get bullied as children?
>squirrel girl
barnes varmint grenade
Antman up his ass.
Big spray his gook ass
You literally can't. That's the problem with capeshit, unless you're a minor literally who, you're invincible.
People talking about Superman like he is some kind of god. Just shove some Kryptonite down his throat.
Batman is the closest thing to invincibility that exists because he actually uses his brain.
>laser loli grows stronger
Here's the UK version
>just shove an element that doesn't exist on this planet except in extremely small amounts all bought and owned by this one bald dickhead down Superman's throat
If you have kryptonite, it's because Lex Luthor wants you to have it, and you really do not want to owe that man any favors. Besides, only assholes and criminals would want to kill Superman, if you aren't one of those, or some space dictator trying to conquer Earth, Superman will literally never be a problem for you.
Bootlicking faggot
>only assholes and criminals would want to kill Superman, if you aren't one of those, or some space dictator trying to conquer Earth
>what is mind control
C4 innapooper
What about the Human Torch, who is fire incarnate
kryptonite tipped .338
Knock them out and then shove a brick of C4 up their ass.
Smother him with a fire blanket
My Plan A for any such scenario begins with an ass bomb. Depending on how that develops, I work from there.
lol, the link at the OP is streaming "The boys"
Boys Season 1
Grand Tour
Comrade Detective
Good post.
Get in here Jow Forums fags barely on episode TWO of the boys
hit him with the DEET
pocket sand
the only way to be sure
Ok, hear me out.
Angry guy with a shotgun. A hobo perhaps.
Get the entirety of society to ignore them completely. Such that even in trying to purchase something people ignore them, forcing them to steal. Such that even when taking a shit in a public bathroom someone comes in and pretends the super hero isn’t there and attempts to pee on them.
Eventually a melancholy will set in and they will become massively depressed from what is essential solitary confinement. Hopefully they kill them selves with their own powers .
Full on psychological warfare. We will meme and mock them until they go crazy. Everywhere they look they will find chad vs virgin memes, and they will always be the virgin.
I mean... If it works on4chan it will have to work on them, they are just normies with accessories.