Is it possible to rig a coach gun to fire both barrels at once like in Doom? I know about the shell between triggers trick but I’m talking about getting a gunsmith to make the back trigger hit both pins at once
Is it possible to rig a coach gun to fire both barrels at once like in Doom...
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Why is this asked multiple times a week?
Yes but in the US it would legally be a machinegun, so nobody has bothered going it
Fuck off back to your containment board /v/irgin.
Why not just carry 2 shotguns?
Would it?
I thought volley fire was perfectly legal. Or is it a case of turning it from a regular gun into a volley fire gun is what’s illegal?
i think it would be legal if it were also rifled
How is this allowed to exist then?
It shouldn’t desu
2 rounds, 2 triggers. 1 round per single function of "the trigger"... Singular. That's how.
I think it's because it's two trigger mechanisms connected by one trigger
There's actually two triggers
Volley fire is legal, don't talk out of your ass. There are shotguns that can blast both barrels at once with two triggers, they're not machine guns
Wrong, volly fire is legal.
Two triggers. One for each shot. You can volley fire by hitting both triggers at the same time but the moment you Fire more than one shot with one actuation, it’s a machine gun.
Nope. Volley fire guns are perfectly legal
>Is it possible to rig a coach gun to fire both barrels at once
Easily. It is an extremely simple modification.
No, volley fire is legal. S333 Thunderstruck, for example.
Legal Definition:
The term "machinegun" means any weapon which shoots, is designed
to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more
than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of
the trigger.
The big deal in that definition is the “or” between “is designed to shoot” “readily restored to shoot”.
If it is designed to shoot more than one shot without reloading, then it is a machine gun.
The thunderstruck has two triggers to get around the definition. One embedded in the other. Your index finger actuates one and your middle finger actuates the other so it happens at the same time.
And the ATF does not consider volley fire guns to be machine guns. Hence why pic related exists
Ive seen a guy putting a shell stuck between the triggers
Though the problem is that it has to fit exactly, and my double doesnt let me do that
But it can be just as simple as pulling both triggers at once
Itll skin your fingers, but you can wear gloves
That’s a trigger safety you fucking numpty
Trigger safety on a double action only revolver...
Okay. Show me a video of a guy shooting it with one finger and both barrels going off.
Per the ATF
And here’s proof it’s a trigger safety
Thanks for the info, I stand corrected.