Pick my next gun Jow Forums

Haven't bought a gun in a month and a half what should be my next gun?
>Budget: $1,000ish
>Purpose: anything
>Guns I currently own: fuck you glownigger I don't own any

Attached: aex_mysterygunbox[1].jpg (700x269, 57K)

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buy 5 hi-points and carry them in a bandolier like a pirate

Attached: bcecb9749d8503e12d79c6edacbdad8b--steampunk-pirate-steampunk-gun.jpg (570x760, 127K)


brand, already have one but wouldn't mind another

Well that really depends on what you already have. At your budget I would go for Aero precision however.


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Anything in a big fuck you caliber, if semi auto something along the lines pf a .460 rowboat or 9x25 dylon. Revolver calls for .44 magnum preferrably .454 casul. Buy a grizzly bear killing handgun.

1911 from the CMP

Integrally suppressed CZ 457 by Suppressed Weapons Systems. It's $950 for the whole rifle and apparently only 1db louder than dry firing the thing. Since it's a CZ you can also swap the barrel to 17 hmr if you're gay or 22 mag.

Attached: cz455RT.jpg (3253x1018, 1.06M)

Buy a pocket full of these.

Attached: pug-3.jpg (800x600, 62K)

Kraig-Jorgensen in 30.06

If you dont have a big bore rifle yet why not consider one? If you already have a lower for your ar-15 then start to look what other calibers youd enjoy or might make sense to shoot.
Just took my .458 socom out for the first time today to just test function of it and see what might be needed.
First time ever shooting .458 and it is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Very manageable recoil.

R u the fag that was gunna other one from the 458 Socom thread?

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I'm not too sure.
I've posted a couple times about my build but today was the first time I've actually put rounds down the barrel.
40 rounds of 350gr soft points.

My ejection pattern was quite sporadic. Sometimes falling right below the lower onto the bench. Sometimes about 4 feet out at 1-2 o'clock.
I have a jp silent capture pring in my buffer tube as that's what I use for my 5.56 rifle. And just swap uppers. I want to get it onto a lower with a standard buffer and see how it performs before I go the route of an adjustable gas block.

Marlin 1894 cst in 357 mag. Then throw a can on it and shoot 180 grain 357s

I'm really thinking of a levergat. Any reason I should go with Marlinn over Henry - new to levergats

Get the new Henry with a loading gate or a Winchester 92

but a pasta gat from these doods wilsoncombat.com/custom-beretta-9296-work-and-accessories-2/

Get a Ruger Vaquero and then pay a gunsmith to machine an optics mount to it.

Attached: RugerVaqueros.jpg (640x480, 40K)

>Long Gun
Kek-Tek RDB, RFB or KSG-25
A decent AK/AR
PTR 91
>Hand Gun
Witness Hunter in 10mm
Bond Arms Bullpup (Boberg)
2 Glocks
A small pile of Hi-Points
14% of a Mac 10
11% of a Barrett
70% of a Maxim9
I may steal this idea and make a 2x2 chest rig for possible skullduggery.


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buy a bunch of LEO trade in guns

Something in 45-70 because it's a big fuck-off calibre and the concussion is enough to disrupt your range neighbours.

Anyone tried these? Sounds pretty cool

A mauser sporter in .30-06.

Hello kraut shill. Non the less I'd like to buy a Mauser one day.

PSAK Gen 3
2 Spam cans of 7.62 x 39

A bit over $1,000, but if you do a 2k round report you'll be a Jow Forums hero.

A nice target .22, and gitfuggingud.


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P08 Luger

Nigger bobsled already did a hardcore 5k. The fuck you want a measly 2k "test" for?

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PSA Gen2 KS-47

How about a nice Winchester 70 chambered in 270

K98 Sportmodell

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New production Mauser or a Uberti Cattleman.

this but the carbine version

keltec rfb or rdb

Mosin Nagant carbine with a bayonet, I got one for 375 dollars, it's very nice.


fuck that

invest in a reloading setup

300$ on the low end

800$ and you'll be a license short of opening a remanufactured ammo store