How can one cope with the fact they will never be able to afford all the guns they want?
How can one cope with the fact they will never be able to afford all the guns they want?
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God I wish I was was that boyfriend
The same way I cope with not having a piece of that crazy
Why is it so hot when women are involved in rape?
Also, who says Jow Forumsommandos don't have the guns they want?
Used to have A LOT of guns. Never used any of them and while I liked em all, I decided to pare down and sell most of them. I then bought a small handful (9) of really nice guns that I rotate out for other every once in a while. I’m much happier now. When I’m tired of a gun that I have, I sell it to someone else who I know will enjoy the crap out of it, knowing my next purchase will be the same. Prevents a lot of unappreciated guns from just sitting there.
Much like achieving the "Ubersmench" state Nietzsche talks about is unachievable, it it far more fulfilling to climb towards the goal of owning all the guns I want than to sulk and do nothing.
This year I added 4 guns to my collection, I am closer to my goal than ever before.
As someone who's dated a girl like that, trust me, you are romanticizing it.
>girl like that
If she is fat she isn't "like that". Thicc/chubby is just code for fat.
Nice humblebrag faggot
>retail worker
yeah she's got that look
I do it all the time.
Why are you nu-Jow Forums niggers like tumblr trannies all the time? It's all NO GF LE FEELS memes now. What happened to good old boys on the old America's side (before kikes) committing antisocial acts with weapons? To a large amount of you, I say: WE are not your friends.
Picture a bear running away, running out of stamina, and getting shot through the chest. I show you guys with my gopro. Stop calling the faggot police on your own selves too The egyptian goose sees my quads and is impressed and nods me on, wow he's impressed wow he's impressed.
You mean the thousand yard stare from having to deal with some of the stupidest people on the planet?
back to your discord, tranny commie.
Not that user but how is it humble bragging to date crazy? It just happens sometimes. Girl seems cool in all the right ways, then 2 months in you realize she’s crazy to the bone and there are slim ways out of the situation without recourse. It’s a tough spot to be in and it sucks.
>yeah she's got that look
She should, retail workers should be allowed to file for PTSD claims. The 6 months I spent working in a gun store were the worst of my life.
That's the resident goose schizo, newfag.
No man, you really don't... You think you do, but you dont. Batshit crazy girls are fun to fuck, but not to date.
Underage pls go
>sticking dick in crazy is always a good idea!
>sticking dick in crazy who knows who I am and where I live and work is excellent idea!!!
Jesus fucking christ you fucking idiots.
More torn by the fact that I'll probably have to become a criminal to own the guns I own now after some law retroactively makes them illegal
>Picture a bear running away, running out of stamina, and getting shot through the chest. I show you guys with my gopro.
I would be stoked. FUCK ALL BEARS.
But also this.
>the resident goose schizo
THE schizo. Like there is only one and it"s not just some faggots memeing the actual custard goose schizo.
kys newfag
you work harder.
>no u
cope harder
Hot women aren't used to people saying no to them. It makes them become irrational because they haven't had to cope with denial.
Mmmm would love to see her get mind break in a 30 man non stop gang bang.
Just don’t want too many weapons user or work your ass off
>having nothing in response
typical. go back to r/faggots, I'm sure they miss their leader.