IS Yemen photo report from today showing battle against Al Qaeda in Yemen

IS Yemen photo report from today showing battle against Al Qaeda in Yemen

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I thought the IS-Al Qaeda shitflinging ended in Syria.

no it began in syria

Any reports on them attacking the Houthis or they just get BTFO?

IS in yemen is split between two regional groups, one group in the north exclusively fights Houthis and Al Qaeda and the other group exclusively fights the Saudi-backed government that (until last week) used to be based in Aden

if you are following this conflict and haven't figured out in 2019 that IS fights everyone you are 59IQ

I find it amazing that they get access to cooler arms than me (a law abiding tax paying citizen). Fucked up time to be alive

When has this never not been the case?

Who cares they're both severely weakened at this point, let them fight those dirty cowards, then they'll fall anyway.

It is fucked up all right. USA is helping Taliban into power again in Afghanistan, helping Al Qaeda in Syria and probably helping the jihadist opposition in Libya; General whatsisname. All we need now is a pro-USA faction within Al Shabaab and we have the full set.

>this is what bootlickers actually believe

Attached: IS 01-05 2019 heatmap.png (1912x806, 656K)

The only people we actively help in Syria are SDF militias. The only people we actively hunt in Syria are daesh.

I would think that AQ would have the upper hand considering they have a more established presence than IS in Yemen, or did this change recently?

Why should I care about some drugged up retards in the sand?

>being anti-ISIS makes you a bootlicker
a hot take you can only find on Jow Forums

is that a BAR behind the svd??

I thought this screenshot was from a video game.

ISIS is a speck in Yemen, they also got a group in Somalia.

Bar or Madsen

haha these dudes got a DICK as their sight... GAY!!! allah would be ashamed no doubt!

Attached: 1506642258616.jpg (2048x1209, 274K)

Is indeed. Also a Kar.98k Mauser and a sporterized Lee-Enfield.

>new IS battling old IS
Religion of peace

Their ideology is exactly the same, it's just about power. How do they get their people to fight each other?

This is only true if you believe US propaganda and even then its only been true for a year or two. Theres a reason IS has a shit ton of M4s