we talk about guns
we talk about knives
we even talk about blunt objects we'd carry for personal protection
what about pepper spray?
we talk about guns
we talk about knives
we even talk about blunt objects we'd carry for personal protection
what about pepper spray?
It's not that easy to discuss pepper sprays on the international board when international market of pepper sprays may not exist.
better than a knife or blunt object IMO. The point of cc'ing is to create distance between yourself and the attacker. You better know your way around some form of martial arts if you wanna use a knife, and even then nobody every really wins in a knife fight
>what about pepper spray?
what about it? wtf is your actual question?
I prefer it when Im in a place I cant legally cc and know ill be going through a medal detector or something. I hope if Im ever in a confrontation like a mass shooter I can just hide and ambush the fucker at close range and then GTFO
I want to stop my attacker, not make him savory.
Get the stuff with OC+CS, plain OC is insufficient and can be fought through by a determined opponent. CS will make them cough and go blind with tears.
t. sprayed 3 different crackheads, they all regretted it immediately.
Buy stream
Less chance for blow back
Learn fight through drills, because there is a good chance you will expose yourself
Google for fight through videos
5% pepper is standard, FBI said there is not added benefit from spray greater than 5%.
Don’t waste money on the tiny .5 ounce cans, there is not enough product to effectively treat your targets
Pic related
You are very wrong, Distance weapons are always a better choice then melee weapons. You don't want to get within grabbing distance of someone who wants to hurt you if you can help it.
>better than a knife or blunt object IMO
Speaking of self-defense and legality of use - it is.
>You better know your way around some form of martial arts if you wanna use a knife
No. You just have to know how to use a knife. It's good when you know something else and use your second hand for active defence, but that's it.
>then nobody every really wins in a knife fight
Oops disregard, I misread your comment
yeah you better
Tiny cans are better than nothing, I've had success with them as long as you don't mind the range penalty and carry strong enough CS + OC
>Buy stream
>Less chance for blow back
nigga if I'm coming after you, you fishing that out of your pocket is retarded. it's easier to stop you from squirting that in my eyeballs than it is to stop you from punching me.
>Learn fight through drills
so, wrestling/BJJ? you can't train your eyes and sinuses to not flood with fluid.
you sound like a complete retard.what are you some prison corrections officer? all the pepper spray in the world doesn't keep you tards from getting your asses kicked regularly.
>fishing that out of your pocket is retarded.
Like the time it takes you to draw a gun from a holster and bring the gun on target?
There's one question I've always had; is it edible? Seriously, It always amazed me that is was made with actual capsaicin, instead of chemicals that mimic the effect like you'd expect. Can I season a steak with pepper spray?
Nothing is 100% effective
Let’s all turn our weapons into the police.
You have proven all weapons are useless.
I've pulled pepper spray on 4 different people. 3 of them didn't even notice and attacked me anyway even as I passed it from left to right hand and held it up to their eye level. The fourth backed down after extended eye contact. Not everyone is trained in self-defense, most people you need to use a weapon on are just retarded or high and need a good dose of pain to wake them back up.
Plain OC is edible, yes. It's the active ingredient in a lot of hot sauces and spicy food.
Do not, I repeat, do not get pepper spray on your dick, balls, or butthole
How about a squirt gun filled with pepper spray liquid.
no, because it's in a holster. I'm not fishing past my keys and the other bullshit in the pocket of my pants.
>Nothing is 100% effective
lots of things a damn sight more effective though
>I've pulled pepper spray on 4 different people
sounds like you talk a lot of shit and rely on pepper spray to get you out of the fight you started but couldn't handle.
that's not a sustainable life strategy.
hell, if I haven't hit you and you pepper spray me, I already won without having to fight you. I can just call the cops and have you busted for assault.
Don’t you worry about what I do.
It’s always a good idea to train with any weapon you carry. Spend the extra $12 for the inert spray
Shelf life is 5 years some, less for others
Use your old spray for training too.
i have that brand, anyone got something to say bout it? also have the cheap sabre red one
just use sex as your weapon coward
Are you really that stupid?
There are all kinds of key chains. Holsters and belt clips for sprays.
>key chains
key chain pepper spray is dumb.
>Holsters and belt clips
that's fine, you fumble with velcro while I'm swinging on you.
>Don’t you worry about what I do.
I'm not so much. I'm trying to help out the poor suckers that think you know what you're talking about.
Next time tell them you're going to fucking mace them. The only time I've actually drawn my spray I asked the guy "how bad do you want to get maced tonight?"
Most people don't want to get Maced.
So? We still have nogunz eurocucks posting here daily.
If your committed to NL weaponry I'd probably suggest a taser. Not a stun gun, I'm referring to a projectile weapon which makes use of electrically charged barbed wire to incapacitate a foe
I carry pic related. Why? Because I don't want any more shit hanging off my belt and I don't want to stuff a giant can in my pocket. If the degenerate attacking me is too stupid to realize that using my SpicyAir™ is just a way of me saying "I'm giving you a chance not to get shot," well... they're probably going to get shot after all. Any pepper spray in addition to a gun will give you sufficient options for a reasonable use of force.
mmmmmm, incapacitating
>medal detector
I maced a guy once trying to mug me he threw his bicycle at my car. Point being it only pisses them off.
Did you take the bike?
b& in my country :^(
keeping multiple things in one pocket what a fucking pleb
Pic related
+1 to the security guard
Because youd look pretty fucking goofy walking around with a super soaker
Post EDC right now faggot.
do one or the other. I don't recommend shooting somebody after you've "disabled" them with pepper sprayed them.
that's going to make your lawyer's job way harder.
if you're not confident in pepper spray, get a taser.
Neither is a guarantee. If a normal can of pepper spray is too big, there's no way I'd even consider carrying a taser. All I'm saying is that when non-lethals aren't enough, I've got more. I guess my rebuttal to your legal argument would be: a bullet would have "disabled" him a lot faster had my intention been to kill him from the start.
they were either a lethal threat or they weren't. you were in so much fear for your life, that you threw chili peppers at them rather than shooting this unavoidable lethal threat?
Name one knife fight with two wielders where one doesn't end up cut to shit. Knives are not an instant win button, they take dozens of stabs to achieve anything and by the time you've achieved that you yourself have already been stabbed dozens of times. Faggots here just think their attacker is going to just stand there and let you stab them for some godawful reason.
Stop romanticizing knife fights before you get yourself killed over your debit card, and a few coupons.
>All these puns.
He needs to be dealt with
I feel like pepper spray is a good idea, but only in back up to a gun.
IE, draw both at the same time, pepper spray the shit out of your assailant. If they don’t back off, shoot them.
Realistically, you will probably only have the chance to draw one, and you better fucking reach for that gun.
But, in a perfect world, how would that stand up in a court case?
“I tried pepper spray, but he didn’t back off. So I, in extreme fear for my life, shot him. After all, who just shrugs off pepper spray?”
Effective if:
>target hasn't been sprayed before
>target is a little bitch
t.been sprayed directly in the eyes with bad shit
I really want a wasp knife. Its about 875$ and is totally a meme but i want it anyway. Am i an asshole?
No, retard. Not every threat is a lethal threat. I'll spray the shit out of some punk if he's gonna be a problem.
>B-b-but you can't do that because it's assault!
Yeah, I'm sure that he'll go right to the police after screaming threats and shoving me around.
It detects medal recipient veterans and award winning athletes
I got sprayed as part of training when I went through police academy. Real OC spray that normal cops carry.
It burned and it sucked but it didn't take me "out of the fight" so to speak, so just be aware there are some people it won't work against.
>who just shrugs off pepper spray?
kek probably not a bad idea for those in cuck states
I carry Sabre Red and POM sometimes. For 10-20 bucks, pepper spray is a nice tool to have.
You mean the "how to turn a rape into a murder" device?
>blunt objects we'd carry for personal protection
muh dick
they need to make better flavors. Most are too weak and taste bad.
It's not that great. A gun is better. Come to think of it, a collapsible baton is probably better too.
>sounds like you talk a lot of shit
No, I live in Portland and all of them were bums. One of them attacked me after I took a picture too close to them, two of them were trying to mug some dude for his bike, and the fourth was another hobo who didn't like being in the background of my photo.
I did that, one dude's reaction was "Go ahead, I'm fucking immune to that shit!" He was high on meth, so go figure.
>a collapsible baton is probably better
This is bait
Sabre 3-in-1 is where it's at. Mini bottle is only $6.95 on Amazon
Why? Hitting thing versus shitty spray that doesn't really go past about half of charging distance. Hitting thing sucks balls too, but I feel like it sucks less balls because of how much more immediate getting hit with a metal pebble on a shitty stick is compared to being hit with an irritant. Sure it'll break pretty fast, but it'll still probably be more of a deterrent than a piddly spray that works once and goes about two times the length of a tall man.
obviously you have never been around pepper spray let alone a real confrontation.
you're supposed to spray and get out of the area. pepper spray doesn't take effect instantly and you have a couple of seconds after its sprayed before it really starts to burn
you sound like one of those people who have only seen altercations in movies.
1840, a guy named Aniello Ausiello has challenged several of his superiors from Camorra for a knight fight. He defeated them, and became a known Camorra head, earning a nickname "il re della zumpata"- "the king of knife fighting"
1830s - spanish prison duel between two extortionists, Ignacio Argumanes and Gregorio Cane. One of them survived and got executed by spanish authorities, causing a major resonance in the press that included an article by Mariano Jose de Larra.
These two I remember without having to check the books on historical knife fighting.
>Dozens of times
You're overestimating the durability of human body. In older times people used to kill each other with two or three thrusts
>Faggots here
Nevermind the faggots.
>Over a credit card
That's not a knife fighting. You don't have to train to run into your victim and shank 'im.
If you are stabbing anyone it's either over rape or robbery, or similarscenario, likely against someone on amphetamins. We're not talking about some fantasy where you tie your left hands together. Humans routinely take repeated stabs before loosing enough blood to go unconscious, and that's without the assistance of drugs. The adrenalin alone will keep you alive just long enough to claim you victory. All because you didn't carry a gun, or run away. Only morons carry knives (or even worse pocket knives) for self defence.
So since the 19th century there wasn't an account of even trained, structured fights, let alone a self defense situation, which isn't even comparable?
*Decapitates you*
What now soi boi?
Too bad I have two like the lord and saviour tells me too
what about stun guns
the attacker would laugh their ass off
are you living in uk?
So, if I would recommend a russian pepper spray, probably it won't be avalible for purchase in another country
What about the pepperball guns they sell on amazon?
Records of knife duels were common up to 1930s-40s, by that time knife duelling culture has mostly disappeared, though there were some fightis in Argentina, Columbia, Italy and spanish gitano communities.
One of the more modern records of the knife duel was the attempt by Raffaele Cutolo (soon-to-be founder of Nuova Camorra Organizzata) to challenge Antonio Spavone (one of the imprisoned Camorra heads in the 60s-70s), but Spavone has declined the challenge.
There were some more knife duels from Cali, Columbia on BestGore and similar sites.
I used to have that exact stun gun in high school. Fun little thing. Me and a friend used it to scare off some guys from school who were trying to prank us on Halloween night.
We've tried it in each other and it works, but speaking from experience it's definitely less effective than an actual taser.
The amount of autism in this thread. It's the case every single time pepper spray is brought up
>a-a-a gun is better !
Every single fucking time. No shit sherlock. But the moment you shoot is the moment you lose you rights you fucking faggot. Pepper spray is still the best tool to not be fucked by law after confrontation.
>likely against someone on amphetamins
Stereotypes,man. I live in a country where things like that can be done by sober people, so don't try to scare anyone with the mention of drugs - sober people are scarier.
>We're not talking about some fantasy where you tie your left hands together.
That's the extreme. Most of the historical duels were going on without that stuff. Just people with a knife in one hand and a poncho/hat/jacket/other improvised shield in the other.
>The adrenalin alone will keep you alive just long enough to claim you victory
I doubt that a person stabbed two or three times can be a serious adversary, on drugs or sober
No I've seen altercations. Never seen anyone use anything but their hands. Hence extended reach and a harder thing to hit them with seems a better idea to me. You are a dick, though.
>the moment you shoot is the moment you lose you rights
*laughs in united kingdom*
not intended to start an argument
>Yeah, I'm sure that he'll go right to the police after screaming threats and shoving me around.
You underestimate how fucking stupid junkies are.
>speaking from experience
Tell us about how the police tasered you, user
It was for training
[TfwNoSpoilersOnK]I'm a cop[/spoiler]
there's a thread about it every month, just like shitty batons and the troll martial arts thread. there's a very small body of facts, advice on using it, and recommendations on brands. all of this is shit you can get from 15 seconds of google searching. unless you have pics of yourself spraying it down your urethra we don't give a shit.
jesus christ, how naive can you be? This is like people saying you shouldn t carry a gun because its more manly to square up and fight them with your fists.
People dont duel with pistols anymore and have for centuries, who cares if somebody planned an organized knife fight almost a century ago? If you have to resort to stabbing somebody for defense its going to take multiple hits and you have to be up close to them, getting hit yourself. Knives are the absolute worst thing to carry for protection, but weebs like you think youre going to get into a fucking sword fight and walk out ok. Grow the fuck up
Pepper spray is trash.
It can take 20 minutes for it to take effect and can easily blow back at you.
Been pepper sprayed in a fight, I immediately disengaged. So the stuff does work, although I didn't know it was pepper spray, I thought it was acid at the time.
If what you want is to achieve an immediate break in contact, as in say a mugging, then it's great. But if someone comes in to say rob your store, they probably won't be sent running by it, they'll cover up and fire blindly at the source.
Carry it, make your wife carry it, but carry a firearm as well.
Stop harassing the poor for your natgeo portfolio, you sanctimonious vulture.
Mace is the LAST resort before my gun. It. Fucking. Sucks. Ass. Not only that, but a taser is more effect. Because now YOU have the same disability that the suspect has. I carey Saber Red for my duty spray, and it fucking sucks. I think I'm allergic, because my eyes swelled up and I couldn't open them for almost an hour. But that's just me.
I'd honestly use a baton to break that fuckers legs and arms before I sprayed him. But I'd still rather get sprayed than tased. THAT shit fucking SUCKS donkey balls. But I have a deeply rooted fear of electricity that runs back to my childhood. I literally stopped and tried not to touch metal in my car during a thunderstorm the other day. Dispatch called and did a Code-4 check, and I was scared shitless that by using my radio I was going to get hit by lightning. Scary shit, holmes.
>I literally stopped and tried not to touch metal in my car during a thunderstorm the other day. Dispatch called and did a Code-4 check, and I was scared shitless that by using my radio I was going to get hit by lightning. Scary shit, holmes.
Come on now.
Confirmed for idiot
With exception to CNC shot, people are not immediately incapacitated with bullets either
As other anons pointed out, stream is less likely to blow back than myst
Spray and leave
Pepper spray works
Nothing works 100% of the time
I told you, it's a deeply rooted childhood fear because my mom made me change the lightbulb in our basement, which hadn't had the wiring updated. I almost died. So now I refuse to deal with any form of electricity. I've gotten to the point where I'l change my own light bulbs, but I use a leather glove specifically designed for electrical use
Ive had to OC certify like 4 times. Believe me, it hurts bad, but I can still kick your ass after catching a face full of it.
use a gel and git gud
I'm so sorry user. Got out in 2013 and never looked back. On the plus side, the big igloo has a better chance happening there than most places!
Not every situation requires deadly force as a response. Your use of force will be judged on how REASONABLE it was for the circumstances. That is why we have different tools available. OC is just another tool.