Jericho edc

Howdy, K. Whats y'alls opinion on the IWI Jericho as an EDC? Steel vs Poly? My carry has been a 1911/1991 for the last 5 years(i know) but i want more capacity as ive gotten over my fuddy ways.

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bro just get a FNX Tactical .45

Isn't this Jew gun just a CZ knock-off?

hate the small slide and retarded mounted safety decocker.

Well got damn i had no idea about the FNX that's fuckin hot. Tbh i fanboyd out when i seen Spike's gun was real. But ya its a kike cz

If you really want a Cowboy Bebop gun, just get a Glock 30 like best girl.

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get the frame safety one for cocked and locked

You carried a 1911, eh? Might as well get an EDC X9, then, if you want more capacity with a smaller bullet.


>my fuddy ways
Can you retarded niggers stop misusing this word? A real fudd does not like handguns and definitely doesn't think that you deserve to have a right to carry one in public. Fudds literally only own shotguns, which are usually an expensive side-by-side or over-and-under, and MAYBE they have use for a scoped bolt gun, but only in a non-military caliber.

I love my Jericho but it's a little big to EDC imo, although sometimes I Mexican carry it while running errands. I wish they still made the Jericho compacts, I'd EDC the fuck out of one of those.

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>little aftermarket
>average capacity
>small slide worsened by ambi slide-mounted controls
Jerichos are neat guns and I like them but I don't think they're a great choice for EDC. Even the polymer ones aren't really worthwhile in my experience with them.
Why exactly were you looking at a jericho? Is there something about them that appeals to you for EDC?

Jews make good guns minus the earlier Tavors

even works with 75b mags. you can get mec gars that are like $9 cheaper than mr/iwi mags and just as good if not better


Yea, I to like to spend 3,000 american wipes on a 9mm pistol.

S&W M&P 2.0 for polymer
grip textures on the 2.0 is very nice

jericho in 45 steel is good but trigger reach can be far for medium sized hands. both da and sa triggers are meh and the reset is meh.

If you are going for a nice 45 edc I would recommend an hk expert in 45 or m&p 2.0 in 45.

Recoil system is nice on HK expert

It's a CZ-75 but worse and made by kikes.

Just buy a CZ-75. Or the glorious Hi Power by our prophet John Moses Browning.

Yeah, since they copy actual good guns.

Any recommendations on holsters for the Jericho? I'd like a shoulder rig but I'd settle for IWB.

I've tried, to bulky, too heavy, bitches at me if I eat shellfish, don't recommend

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BASED. Or a P99