>posting the gun you bought by bypassing the background check, turning the brace into a stock, having a 40% and rising suicide rate and threatening people online while he was identifying himself
Why do trannies do this?
I bet we’ll see this pic all over the news soon
Posting the gun you bought by bypassing the background check, turning the brace into a stock...
Other urls found in this thread:
He’s a stupid faggot, literally
why are white people like this man
Note the bluetooth speaker banded to his "stock". Do we have a Tarrant copycat on our hands?
He’s a weeaboo
He's going to melt his plastic toy on that stove.
Because we live long enough to develop insanity instead of being gunned down in a gang war at 12 or aborted fresh out by some negress stomping on our wee baby bodies.
Source thread. All the discord trannies attention whoring in this thread seem like future mass shooters.
What's that lower receiver
Where might I be able to get one
Lurk moar and find a fosscad repository or archive
It’s a 3D print, since his background check would be denied he used the loophole
Breaking the law is not using a loophole retard. If he knew he was a prohibited possessor it's not magically legal if he makes it himself.
Now fuck right off.
You know he wouldn’t pass a background check, right dummy?
It wouldn’t be bad if he were allowed to own guns, also look at the brace
An attention hungry tranny made a thread a few days ago and showed off his illegal sbr
He’s gonna take as much people into the light with him when he 40 percents himself and he got reported to the fbi
Discord faggots raiding Jow Forums, and one of them might be responsible for Christchurch: Transgender Version, soon.
oh, it's actually nothing and the trap just wanted to show off the 3D printed AR 15 lower
Stop using this word
If he knew he was a prohibited possessor and made the gun himself that's breaking the law not using a loophole.
The tranny has made threats before and isn’t mentally suitable for gun ownership
>inb4 boot licker
Gun rights are for humans, trannies aren’t human
I sure hope their family members red flag them :^)