What has Jow Forums gotten recently?
>picked up a PM63c (which is way overpriced) but at least this batch isn’t parkerized like the original batch
What has Jow Forums gotten recently?
>picked up a PM63c (which is way overpriced) but at least this batch isn’t parkerized like the original batch
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I won a 625 on gunbroker. Hopefully it'll be at my FFL on Thursday and I'll get to shoot it that evening. I heard the grips are shit since smith cheaped out (on a PC gun even), so I just bought some cheap ass houges as a temp solution.
Where from? I really wanted one.
I got mine from sweaty ben. But it seems they are OOS currently. They had them last night.
Newfag question, what's parkerized?
Gun looks cool, saw a YouTube video with it having a folding stock, does that mean it's an sbr?
Got some orangebois and a nice belt as far as Jow Forums related goes
No its welded closed, and the mechanism for the stock is taken apart. Parkerizing is a type of finish on the metal.
Rate my 22,fags
>inb4 22
Pretty based/10
Henry AR-7, but I'm still waiting for it to be delivered to me.
>not CP33
I am sorry user. Those suck ass.
got a p88. pretty happy
Had a lot of fun with my pal's. No malfunction to speak of, and overall pretty neat. The only downside is the stock with is shifted out of line with the bore axis, but I'm planing on getting/making a pistol handle for dumb one-handed plinking.
the worst part is how thick and girthy the stock it. Its just too much for me to find comfortable.
I have huge hands so it doesn't bother me much, but I definitely can understand why others might have trouble. I've got a 3D printer and I'v successfully printed grips for my T81 no problem, and I'm thinking of making something like a retarded broomhandle out of my AR7.
Something a bit like this.
A benelli nova for my first shotgun, can't wait to test it
good choice.
Are those still impossible to find?
Been dumping all non essential money into this since june
>wanting 22 gayrifle instead of 22 maximum fireball
I bought some parts
a Versa Max
A steel framed glock?
After owning a million single stacks, picked up my first doublestack handgat from my FFL today
You know you could've just bought an actual Explorer II and just bought a spare AR7 barrel for it, right? I'm 90% sure the receivers and barrels are on the same tooling. Sounds like a fun project though, so best of luck to you.
Also, can't convert a rifle to a pistol (legally), but can convert a pistol to a rifle with no paperwork as long as the barrel is over 16".
Last I checked, the Explorer IIs and rifles have their locking pin on the threading inverted (top for rifle, bottom for pistol).
In any case, I live in Canada and I do not want my absolutely-not-a-pistol-Mr.Officer-I-swear to be registered.
Got a chinese ak74 (maybe 223?) magazine at an estate sale
floor plate, The "china" stamp looks different to all the images I can find online.
post actual pictures of it instead of a random stock photo.
Sterling wiselite sporter. Super fun and much better made magazines than i realized. Steel rollers in mags, who woulda thought.
Nice hudson.
Building my first AR. Decided to get one that gave me a kek for the hell of it.
thanks it's almost complete, just need a few more parts
Just so you know, as far as I can tell (Just from pics), the Explorer II frame is a bit different from the AR-7 and the pistol grip for the Explorer probably won't fit properly on the AR-7.
19 Gen 2 . I love mine too. It's got the best grip of the series aside from the newest gen 5 imo.
I’ll do it when I get home.
Hence why I'm going full bubba.
Even so, the conversion to make the grips fit anyway is easy.
Literally this, with a Hera Kit+UBR stock and an 18” barrel. Waiting for the paperwork to clear so I can send it off to be deregistered.
Here I’ll include my other 22
I bought a Chinese SKS recently, 1950s model, even has the OG cleaning kit. excited to take it to the range tomorrow.
Nice. I just saw you post the explorer and I thought you might be planning on doing something I had thought about before I noticed the differences in the receivers.
How much you paid?
>403 error
Why so many us gun stores block EU IPs? Fucking jews.
That's a Norinco Type 84 223 magazine. They're usually around $80 each
Bought my first AR. It's an Anderson AM 15. Its fun to shoot and I'm pretty happy with it.
Recently got a remmington 870 tactical. Isok, mag tube is a little uncooperative but that's ok
Already have:
Maverick 88
Security 6
PSA midlength AR
Glock 23
S&W Shield 9mm
(broken) Yugo NPAP
Have $600 laying around for a gun, what should I get?
6 lorcin .380s :^)
tell us the parts mate
got an fnx-9
can't stand how great it feels to shoot, thing feels so clean
I thought these things would never be back in stock. I hate how expensive they are but they're nice quality and the only other alternative is made by promag.
>6 lorcin .380s :^)
Seems like a piece of shit
But I could see myself buying a keltec or reger in the same caliber.
Another recent acquisition of mine was a couple Chinese AK stendos. A flatback 40rd mag and a /36\ 75rd drum with pouch.
The joke is that they're pieces of shit and it'd be one of the last things I'd recommend you spend it on.
Doesn't look like you have any .22s, so a 10/22 or a Marlin 795 might be a good thing to get while leaving you enough money for a second gun. Looks like you've got your bases covered otherwise, so might be good to just look for something cool. I've heard lots of good things about the Beretta PX4 storm, though I don't own one. Tough for me to say what you need without being able to tap into your brain.
How is it any more similar to a glock than any other pistol?
Got this Tuesday.
Grats of the grail gun my dude
I would buy a full kit and receiver but I live in California. Have you had any issue finding magazines?
fuck those promags so much. they'd just fall right out of the gun.
Buy ammo or fix your NPAP.
>Why so many us gun stores block EU IPs? Fucking jews.
I want to say because of ITAR and how some sites are scared that even basic info displayed to a foreign IP could be seen as ITAR violation.
I'm assuming not being in the US is the reason you're going Hera instead of a stock block that would take an ACR stock?
Got this K31 two weeks ago. 1955 production; all numbers matching.
You have a 93?
>full kit
What does gunbroker do if you win an auction but dont pay. I made a "test bid" and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna win.
as punishment you get shot with the gun you falsely bid on
What kind of glock is that
KE Arms was a manufacturer for them and is trying to recoup money the didnt get paid. KE is selling off a lot of extra parts they had on hand so yes I can buy a full kit.
I remember you from the other thread. She's a beaut lad
I genuinely do not understand the hype around these
Then you dont get the gun. They'll probably bitch to gunbrokers customer service, which is all but nonexistent.
If GB actually follows through, your account will be blocked as well as your credentials so you cant open another account.
You're doing well. Maybe sell the 23 and get a 9mm glock? You could use a bolt gun or .22 but an 1894 in .357 would pair well with you rugers.
Hey. Just to let you know. You have to use Aero Precision m4e1 lower parts kit with their lower. You can use any trigger. But use their LP kit. Its different then standard lowers
Wat? You making it an sbr?
Looks good dude
How much does that spotting scope cost? Nice rifle.
Back to r/weekendgunnit you absolute faggot
how promag stays in business I'll never know.
Have they ever made a decent magazine?
aero enhanced m4 upper
anderson lower
luth ar mba-1 stock
brownells titanium nitride BCG
cmc drop in trigger
dpms buffer tube and inner parts kit
ergo deluxe grip w/ palmshelf
nikon monarch 5 2-10x50mm scope on aero mount
atlas bt-10 bipod
magpul mlok afg
also got a bunch of .223 incendiary bullets to go blow up paint cans tomorrow
Ya it's one of those PTR built C93s buds was selling a while ago
One of the Italian steel frame glocks
sorry, I forgot to leave my panties around my ankles
They fucking stole that joke from Jow Forums, and now the habit is dying here. Go be new somewhere else.
Looks like a dildo grip.
appreciate Jow Forumsomrade! Know any place to get a nice 20in barrel? Planning on doing a classing build because of
>a e s t h e t i c s
I just got this Mini at an absolute steal. Only "issue" is this scope mount replaced the rear sight, so I'm stuck with this abomination setup until I can either replace the rear sight or get a proper scope. Anyone know where I can get the parts to replace the rear sight on a pre 580 series? Or where to get decent SS mags?
I picked up a Yugo m24/47 Mauser with an intact sight hood, cleaning rod and 150 rounds of various-nation milsurp ammo for 425 bucks how'd I do
Got a Beretta 96 Brigadier for a very special project.
They will ban you. I did that...they banned me.
Try telling the seller that you accidentally bid on the wrong item.
>tfw want to make Barry's samurai edge but no one makes the compensator for it.
Funny you mention that, because that is the exact reason I bought it.
There's a guy making limited edition sets to do a full Barry Burton Mod. Samurai Edge Conversion.
They literally just became available a few days ago and I was first in line to grab a set before he even announced them being available on his Instagram,
since I was e-mailing him back and forth about it and he just so happened to mention they were going to be released that night.
Here's the link: collectordesignwerks.com
Actually, this thread has jogged my memory. I have a 22, it's a Savage 64 (sucks ass).
What bolt gun does Jow Forums suggest? Mauser maybe?
Also, thoughts on conversion barrels? I hear they're basically plug & play with no issues.
Pretty good I'd say since the rifle alone is running $400ish. At least that's what I sold mine for recently
That's seems an awfully fucking lot for just that many parts.
>How much does that spotting scope cost?
That one cost me $10 at a yard sale.
>Nice rifle.
Thanks. Paid $170 for it.