1990 Yugoslavian Pilot Ration:
2019 US Military Beef Goulash MRE:
1990 Yugoslavian Pilot Ration:
2019 US Military Beef Goulash MRE:
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Where's this pic from?
I hate eceleb culture in general but Steve seems like such a bro.
OP here. I took it myself when I met Steve at the MRE Nation open house just outside Louisville. And yeah, he's totally a bro. He doesn't talk about guns on his channel for obvious reasons, but I talked to him a bunch in private and I can assure you, he's totally based and absolutely one of us.
You have girly hands. I also don't like how Steve is looking these days. He looks like he's depressed and has quit lifting.
He looks tired because 1) he’d been up late at a room party, and 2) it was super hot and we’d just come back in from smoking a pack of 65-year-old Lucky Strikes out in the parking lot.
>He's about to hit $2.5k/month on patreon
is the risk of botulism worth it?
PS: Steve needs another one of these.
He really is a fucking bro. God bless that man.
And he just released a third video in two days!
2018 Turkish 24 Hour Civilian Ration:
I think he got rid of it after Christchurch.
He still has it. It’s in his rotation of shelf items. You’ll see it again eventually.
idiots do you even watch his videos? it's plain to see in both videos posted in OP you fucking retards.
pic related is a shitty image and you won't get any better.
you're just as bad as sjws with this shit
>watching and antigun ASMR
No thanks
LOL antigun is the last thing in the world Steve is.
What are you shilling about? Steve even has a blog post about how his 92FS is his favorite camping gun.
Nice! b8 m8.
>I think he got rid of it after Christchurch.
yeah, it's a shame.
He moved it to the top shelf.
this didn't work with Ian so why will it work on Steve?
A thread died for this.
Stop shilling yourself here.
>All these people who think Steve got rid of the Kebab remover
Its been in all his videos, he did just move it. I sent that fucking patch to him almost three years ago. Glad he kept it
who gives a shit about some gay fucking patch?
Steve owns guns and does MRE reviews in an entertaining and educational presentation, he's beyond fucking based
>we’d just come back in from smoking a pack of 65-year-old Lucky Strikes out in the parking lot.
That'll do it. Did he say
At any point?
this, you can see it still
>horrible Roach MRE
Louisville? Damn, didn't know he was in KY recently.
Cute trap. Sauce?
>Beef Goulash MRE
Why do burgers suck at menu selecting?
>he got to smoke ration cigarettes with Steve
I am so fucking jealous Holy shit