poorsgetout edition
poorsgetout edition
>tfw living rent free in roidanons head
Just fight him you pussy.
Listen fat neckbeard I have such a better life than you. That I could waste time doing something like that and if you existed it would have been so fun to punch of your fucking lights out. You were probably scared as fucking real life thinking I was going to find where you lived
wow, that is one trash ar
why have an ar when more than 80% of you larping nerds will never pull the trigger if it came down to it?
This is like that time Tony and Fluffy were gonna fight but never actually met up
History really repeats
Imagine being such a fat no life that for two weeks that I haven't posted I've been on your mind you've been saying my name and talkin about me and wishing you were tough enough to fight me it's like a sad fat sad thing
Wow I wonder where you got that number.
Could it have been your ass?
you are worthless.
an absolute embarrassment.
no, your dad's ass
Someone, please tell me what the upper and rear sight is for this thing. I have a might need.
Your dads ass?
I’m calling CPS
I really wish i had just bought an assembled upper. I dont have the tools or workspace for clamping the upper while torquing the barrel nut or for getting a set pin in the gas block
Rear sight is a KAC drummyboy, c'mon now.
Looking for some input on the next build. Doing a GAU-5A/ Colt 630 commando retro build.
I'm stuck between several different receiver options:
Precision Reflex 100% A1 (their roll mark, not correct markings really at all).
Brownells 100% A1 (no roll mark, so could engrave later down the line, or just leave blank).
Nodak/Precision Reflex 80%
Would engrave with correct markings and make 100%
Not sure which route I want to go.
Some random slick side upper without brass deflector, forward assist, or port door. They're all similar. user who did that build should have gone with a New Frontier Armory side charging though, but was lame and didn't.
>rear sight
KAC micro 600m rear
Harbor freight sell cheap vises and you can make a table from scrap wood. Or find a buddy with a vise.
post pics of m4gery you bought.
Wugwug on suicide watch
This is embarrassing roid user. Just admit some random user outplayed you hard.
Post a single picture of an AR you've bought/built first.
>scrap wood. Or find a buddy with a vise.
and you need some kind of device to help get the pin in, and the tools for the pin. All of this shit adds up a lot. I'll probably see how much a LGS will charge to assemble it for me.
Rent free
can someone tell me who makes the clamp on the buffer tube in OP's picture?
Wtf is that rifle laying on? A body bag?
I’m starting to believe Christian xxx/roidanon does really abuse steroids, who in their right mind would abandon their wife and child to go fight some random person on the internet in a shitty part of town, he’s lucky he was just baited and not robbed or killed. I guess this will go on the books, another unforgettable /arg/ moment.
>help get the pin in
Roll pin punches
Amazon prime
They'll be at your house Monday or Tuesday.
I don't have any good pictures of it since I've been inside all day. It is just a Colt LE6920
Came with a bunch of magpul and an NcStar red dot. Ripped all that off. It is on tacswap right now. Put on M4 Carbine RAS
Put on A2 grip, put on SOPMOD Enhanced stock. PRO is on top currently in Scalarworks mount, but I'm trying to get a Wilcox or a LaRue lower 1/3rd mount.
I supposedly have a KAC 300m rear coming.
>Come meet up
>Doesn't show
Oh yes, truly masterful tactics.
Not a clamp on buffer tube. That is an old "retro" (circa early 2000s I think) Tango Down clamp on QD socket suite. Weird piece.
>trying this fuck hard
Really nothing better to do?
Sure thing roid user. Why don't you get a trip instead of hiding behind anonymous and samefagging like a coward.
>Oh yes, truly masterful tactics.
Meet me in Colorado Springs and we can fight Wuggy.
t. schizophrenic
I'm not roid user but ok. Now post your rifle or fuck off this is an 18+ website.
Also you can't edit html on mobile chrome
Why didn't you fight roidanon Ash. Stop being such a coward and fight him.
Here's a parts list for ya, user. Good luck.
that stock is shit tier
He won't fight me.
Did roidanon die?
and $40 for the torque wrench, and $50 for a vise at least. Might as well just pay someone else to do it unless i would actually use these tools for something else but im fairly certain i wont
That was giddy and someone
Maybe fluffy
give me the quick rundown
No user pussied out fighting him and now user is trying to act hard after he made Christian xxx drive 2 hours to a McDonald's for nothing.
>Oh yes, truly masterful tactics.
Considering some random person managed to convince Christian XXX to drive hours out of his day to a McD in some shitty area with just a few posts, yeah I'd say he did a pretty good job. The real travesty of the whole thing are the people dumb enough to think this person ever actually "existed" or would have shown up to begin with.
no, it was bob dole i think
How about you just go outside and shoot your gun and take some pictures?
>tools for something else
Like building more ARs in the future perhaps?
>good job
I wouldn't call anything involving any of this stupid unrelated bullshit a "good job".
>Like building more ARs in the future perhaps?
I dont plan on building more ARs, at least any time soon. This will already be my second
>barrel for AR pistol build still not in stock
>Geissele most likely won't have blem MK16's on blacked friday
-Chistian XXX bows to user
-In contact with McDonalds
-Possess b8-like abilities
-Control roidanon with an iron but fair fist
-Own roidanon & ash globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities in Ohio (Anonangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of meme editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer b8 will in all likelihood be fight user b8
-user said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-He own b8 R&D labs around the world
-You likely have user b8 inside you right now
-user are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and b8riel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command bo b8 (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent b8 in under a week
-Nation states entrust their b8 reserves with the user. There's no b8 in Ft. Knox, only Ft. user
-user are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and b8 from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know his ultimate plans yet, other than b8 Christian XXX.
>How about you just go outside and shoot your gun and take some pictures?
Fuking pussy. Why don't you put up and show everyone how big and bad that 6ft 200lbs hapa fighting prowess you're always bragging about.
blob dole would crush you under his girth, if he just tipped over on you it would be game over.
• Anons bow to Roidanon
• In contact with stoners
• Possess wgws-like abilities
• Control trailer home with an iron but fair fist
• Own gym machine & basements globally
• Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
• Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (roidngrad will be be the first city)
• Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
• First designer babies will in all likelihood be Roidanon babies
• Said to have 500+ 1rm, such strength on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
• Ancient Indian scriptures tell of one FN15 owner who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
• Owns shatter R&D labs around the world
• You likely have Roidanon roids inside you right now
hahahaha or that time you tried to fight me from like 800 miles away you poor dumb bastard.
>always bragging about
Grow up
was able to get to the range and sight in the irons and Aimpoint at 100 Yards!
>all these anons talking about fighting people but they can't even post AR's
You have to be 18+ to post on Jow Forums.
0 hours until roidanon embarresses himself and wastes hours of his day
You first, cuck.
you are below cucks
you've never touched a woman
Should prob just get a Comp M4 and Wilcox mount and not be such a pussy.
It was so nice not having suchka here. He should really fuck off back to /ard/.
That stocks looks super comfy.
Quiet, Suchka is the only person on /arg/ aside from myself with nice guns.
Should prob post an AR or try to at least be semi productive instead of just talking trash.
>Grow up
You first little guy
>Wanting to touch women
>Not touching traps
Please kys.
Epic maymay xd
I'm digging this paint job, what did you use to get that design?
Hows that optic treating you?
you haven't even touched traps
little happa
fuck off rart
>Hows that optic treating you?
He sold it because it was good.
Elcan is love
Elcan is life
Everyday I wake up and flip from 1 to 4 and enjoy Canadian lovely eyebox. Unlike disgusting M*gnifiers.
Elcans are pretty poor. I sold it at a solid loss.
>That geissele rail
quality post
Why thank you little guy. How's mummy doing lately?
Bummer they certainly look nice, but we can't always get what we want.
How has everyone's Saturday been?
They are legitimately good optics. Ignore wuggy.
Very classy
>lovely eye box
Literally SHIT 1x eyebox that gets BTFO by budget $600 LPVOs
You just like the look. The optic itself is shit for the money, and a poor performer not even taking into account the cost.
Swapped the furniture on the new M4
Put the new furniture on my AK104 inspired build. Put a bunch of stuff up for sale. Fed. Pretty decent.
What irons are those again and why do you insist on them?
Barrel? What rail?
>They are legitimately good
Unless they leak. Until then they're great.
A2, SCC has a message for you.
I always keep it classy. What's better is it's obvious user is getting to you when you respond every time.
Mesh bag
Can you not reply to me anymore. Just filter me or something.
Dense and short, feels lighter than t2 + magnifier.
>Literally SHIT 1x eyebox
>gets BTFO by budget $600 LPVOs
Nah. You want to talk about bad eyebox wait until G33 + anything, worst eyebox outside of a primary arms lpvo.
>The optic itself is shit for the money, and a poor performer not even taking into account the cost.
What is this statement even
>its a bad deal for the price and thats not even taking price into account
Big kek
If only he could buy white skin with money. That is the base of his insecurity. That combined with being a low level asian meaning he has the IQ on the level of giddy.
Maybe he could watch a couple more seal tv shows and cry himself to sleep.
What’s a good ar for a newfag gun owner?
Ah, so Wuggy is a retard?
They are Mid-West Industries irons that I got for 40$
Wilson Barrel and a Troy rail I believe
On Monday I'm going to see how my spare EoTech w/ magnifier looks on it and may replace the irons with Mag-puls
Ah, I figured but thanks!
Lol, I couldn't do it either. Was gonna do a PRO and Wilcox mount, but opted for eotech and 3x.
Slow ass shipping on exps+mag and fuck awful shipping from kac. Just ship my broomhandle already!
>Ah, so Wuggy is a retard?
good to know, is he like this all the time or just on certain subjects?
im actually looking forward to season 3, mr basedboy whiteboi trapfucker supreme.
if only there were a way for you to buy masculinity, repair your reputation and have some class. but alas a trap fucker will always be known as the trap fucker.
His information is extremely hit or miss as he has a tendency to make assumptions and then run wild with them, all while assuming what he thinks is absolutely correct. He Jow Forums persona is much more annoying than he is.
Roidanon > user
the only gun i own is a mossberg bolt action shotgun lol, i just come in here to shitpost
>Ah, so Wuggy is a retard?
He just doesnt understand what he wants. The elcan has an eyebox on 1x because you are looking through a magnified optic, it is a very generous eyebox that is superior to LPVOs but it is not a true red dot 1x. If you get really deep into urban prone and shooting under a vtac you can outrun the eyebox and be forced to superimpose the dot over the target to engage. Its not ideal but neither is deep urban prone. The 4x is on par with an acog, it has a slightly smaller FOV than an acog but thats fine because it is still extremely generous. Glass clarity is nice and ret is fine. The weak points of the elcan are as follows
>1x eyebox
See above
>Illumination battery life being eotech tier
This is just the nature of the rotating prism illum. The good news is that when your battery dies you are still left with both an etched 1x and 4x setup which is unique to the elcan itself.
>QD mount is ARMS
Gen 1 arms mount doesnt hold tension on out of spec rails and the rtz isnt great. HOWEVER, you can upgrade to gen 2 arms mounts with adjustable tension and superior RTZ for like $9 and it is very simple
Elcan is hefty but it is fairly short and thus the best way to describe it is dense. This is because the thing uses a massive external adjustment mount vs a traditional internal erector setup. While at first glance one might assume that the external adjustments are less durable than an internal erector setup it is the opposite. It is much easier to break a small internal erector under recoil, stress or heavy drops than it is to break or bend the heavy ass elcan mount. At 23 oz it is heavier than an acog ecos (acog+irons+rmr) which is 15oz but thats mainly due to the QD nature of it.
If I could improve the elcan I would
>Fiber + Trit illumination like TA31F
>Larue mount
>Delete irons and integrate mount for RMR.
As it stands the elcan is an extremely usable, combat proven and decently priced optic.
Trip on FA
Good to know!
Not an argument
>Lighter than T2 + magnifier
Eotech G33 and Aimpoint T2 come out to like 15oz total
You saying that it feels lighter just goes to show hard far you let your biases affec your perception of the parts and performance.
>worst eye box
Luckily a red dot an magnifer combo isn't meant to primarily be a magnified optic setup, but rather is primarily a 1x CQB optic setup that can do magnified distance. On the other hand an Elcan is clearly an optic that is meant for magnified use primarily, evidenced by how poor (comparatively) the 1x performance is.
Bigger brain than arguing about Elcan vs red dot and mag, is arguing about the tactical validity/relevance of the two different POUs that would motivate a selection one way or the other.
>What is this statement
If you consider the cost, the optic is trash, and if you ignore the cost, it still isn't good.
Yeah I'm confused too by the illogical strawman statement you've falsely attributed to me.
Depends on budget and POU
>a retard
Replace the irons with something that fold down. Replacing the red dot is a good call. Heavy ass red dots on 16" heavy profile ARs is a special kind of retarded.
What mag release is on there? Doesn't look right. Matech rear? What lower?
Eotech and magnifier could be neat, but I'm worried about weight and I don't think it is correct for my build, CQBR Block 1/1.5
>Jow Forums persona
You should get out more.
>elcan has an eyebox on 1x
Barely... More like an eye single slit experiment.
The only person who won that entire shit show is mcdonalds and big oil
>You should get out more.
Stop being such a salty cunt tonight. We both know you act like way more of a keyboard warrior here than anywhere else.
>More like an eye single slit experiment.
>Barely... More like an eye single slit experiment.
Its your slanty gook eyes. Sorry dude, dont know what else to tell you.
Atleast user knows how to take a fucking picture. I swear to god roidanon's gym is lit with oil lanterns.
thanks for the rundown on the Elcan
I love my Larue mount
If I put the Eotech on it ill put plastic Magpul sights on it, but I don't think the current sight is heavy at all, maybe im used to it cause I have used it on other rifles.