How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

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I dont like it and it makes me sick

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Attached: TF-19 Flamethrower Drone.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

I think it looks kinda cool unironically but wouldn't do something like that myself.

The guys who made it were a bunch of fat fucks

HORNY! had a dream last night about a 12g double barreled revolver rifle...when I woke I realized it was kind of dumb, but imagine said dream rifle in a mag fed config

It's the Moe Szyslek special and it's been done many times before

the super shotgun from quake 1

Neat, but it should only have one (1) trigger. Volly fire is best fire.
based and shotpilled.

please stop, I’m on day five of nofap

Attached: hunting rifle.jpg (1632x1224, 346K)

This is not a Canonical FO4 Hunting Rifle. The bullet re-loader should be on the other side.

Attached: (320x180, 846K)

This. Cool range toys. But the Moe Szyslak special is nothing new.

>bullet re-loader
The absolute state of Jow Forums

Like this Borderlands LARPing is getting out of hand

Would have come in handy for the raid on "He Will Not Divide Us" flags.

Needs a freak long trigger finger and bad placement to hit both triggers thru both guards.
>should braze a single trigger and guard across both receivers
Apart from that, same controlability and recoil issues as pulling both barrels on a SxS.
Also if one jams both jam.

>Remington 1740

>Laughs in KSG

they had that idea I heard but they couldn't get it to work
>source: internet historian

That's a bolt action shotgun.

>be fudd
>want to make double barrel pump shotgun
>”if it’s a double barrel it should also be double trigger!”
>nigger rig two shotguns together
>use old wood shop skills and muh blue collar welding skills to piece it together

A retard made this, a retard who didn’t want to try very hard or nearly at all.

They did and its not so much it couldn't work as they dident have enough cash / time to make it work
>source: I was in those threads

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I watched the videos of it on youtube, the call it a remington 1740 because its 2 870s drilled together and it even can fire both barrels at once
I stopped watching because they're all fatties and I hate fatties

makes my arms tired.

>I stopped watching because they're all fatties and I hate fatties
this, but unironically

Attached: atf.png (500x480, 223K)


Attached: HECU.jpg (1024x911, 153K)

Like we can't make anything original anymore

Borderlands had the basic franchise attitude and technology to justify wacky bullshit. Not that it justifies them reducing fire rate in game 2 and moving on from there, but still.

It also had 4 and even 5 barreled shotguns firing simultaneously and reloading all of them at a time . While firing gyroexplosion slugs. So 2 had some redeeming factors.

Its not that we couldn't get it to work, its that it required money and effort to build and test the damn thing. Other options were to shoot the flag with a flaming bow and arrow or tape a knife to a drone and cut it down. In the end we settled on finding Shia in a cabin in a remote area of Finland to fuck with him.