How can you break someone else's gun without them noticing?

There is one guy I really dislike on the shooting range.
Is there anything I could do to break his gun without him noticing?

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Sounds like a good way to get shot. I hope you have your affairs in order.

Don’t be an asshole

rub your penis on it

Put a squib load in it so the bullet gets stuck in the barrel. THEN put an overcharged load behind that.

Pissin hot load

>casually steal one of his unfired rounds and replace it with a normal one
>take it home
>pull bullet and overcharge
>switch back into his ammo next time you shoot in minecraft

Yeah, sneak up behind him while he's shooting and jam your fingers into the ejection port


Just fake NDing into him

you buy them a glock and just wait for them to break it over their knee themselves after it jams for the 50th time at the range

Put finger in muzzle
Bonus points for penus in muzzle
Pic related

Attached: 4D8B24A2-B3F5-46FA-8ADB-6B60B55CC898.gif (500x374, 37K)

Put a cork in the shoot hole so it explodes.

Why do you hate this guy?

Based and checkpilled

OP here.
He is tall and have a fit body, and it just pisses me off that he is always with some pretty girl although he drives an old piece of shit car. When my mom called me while I was on the range he gave me a smug smile.

You have to been 18, pls go underage

That was a trap


>buy that shitty brassmaxx ammo or whatever that’s just steel case that’s been washed with brass
>put it in a box from a reputable manufacturer
>give it to him as a gift

It’ll take ages but eventually the steel case will fuck up his gun

Lmao you're a retard if you think having a new car is what will get you women. Dude probably has more money than you too because he didn't waste 5 years of debt for a $30k shitbox that goes from A to B just as well as his old $3k shitbox only it also has some faggot IPAD in the center console and chinese pleather.

Drop a 300 blk into his AR mag

Why are you such a fucking cringelord incel bro

But seriously where does this new cromagnon tier meme come from all of a sudden?

Attached: e9d.jpg (600x600, 18K)