What are the chances of a police trade-in having killed someone?

What are the chances of a police trade-in having killed someone?

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About as high as a glock killing anybody

less than a tenth of a tenth of a percent. probably the same odds it never fired a shot in anger whatsoever, just whatever it needed for qualifications then lived it entire life in a holster.

So what if you wanted to maximize the odds? Which state or department trade ins would be the most likely?

Don't PDs auction off guns in the evidence locker to FFLs all the time?


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I'd imagine most don't, cops don't like arming people, maybe in a few based states.

>That is a single year
>For each death there's probably 4-5 cops making hits on the guy
And that's for the US on the whole, I'd imagine getting a trade in from a big city with a lot of crime would increase the chance of it being used 100 fold. Still unlikely but better odds this single number would imply.

Approaching zero percent but possible

Higher than that, that's per total US population. You'd need the number per police population.

Also depends heavily on which department it comes from. I know a guy from Phoenix PD who shot 4 people before they took him off the road for being such a shit magnet. If it's a big city department the chances are a lot higher than some podunk place with little crime.

>maximize the odds
just shoot somebody, preferably yourself

What is X grade?

Chicago PD for sure, LA and NYPD are the other two big ones that come to mind.

mismatched parts or bad finish

Them PD trade-ins come with night sights and the parts kit has them by default. Something that's sub $350 is pretty okay. Have to buy a new barrel though, that's a must.

How many rounds do you think police guns really go through?
Truth is if you go shooting every other weekend, you're putting significantly more rounds out of it than cops ever did

My spooky police trade in Glock is haunted by Jamal.

I own 4 police trade in handguns. What are my chances?

My CZ75 is an Isreali police trade in, I bet it's taken down a palestinian kid or two

Why would you want a gun with a body on it?

This, also I’m sure most weapons involved in any incident would be kept as evidence like anything else and probably destroyed when not needed any longer. This isn’t the olden days guns are disposable to those with the means.

blood enchantment

LVMP shoot like 4 people a week. Sometimes what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas because it got shot 27 times